Kuno Meyer

Bibliography    Index    Index of words    Initial lines of poems


• 1. Kunonis Meyeri quem vocant τόν Κύνα Musarum Munuscula i. e. carmina sublimia mollia læta tristia festiva querula furiosa maledica &c. &c. Editio prima minime castigata. Hamburgi, ex typographia Ferdinandi Schlotkii, Anno MDCCCLXXIX. pp. vi + 74. 8vo.


• 2. "The Youthful Exploits of Finn", in: Academy XX 122, 1881.

Letter on David Comyn's edition, 1881. Reply of D. Comyn, ibid. 200.


• 3. "Macgnímartha Find", in: RC V 195–204, 508.

Text from Laud 610, fol. 118a. Corrigenda in ACL I 482. 1899. English translation, see 1904. Dated Leipzig, October 1881.


• 4. Eine irische Version der Alexandersage. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctorwürde an der Universität Leipzig, vorgelegt von Kuno Meyer. Leipzig, Druck von Pöschel & Trepte, 1884. pp. 33. 8vo.

From Lebar Breac (205a) with German translation and introduction. Only 239 lines of text (= IT, II, 2, § 1–32, see 1887).

• 5. Peredur ab Efrawc. Edited from the Llyfr Coch o Hergest by Kuno Meyer, Ph. D., Lecturer on Teutonic Languages at University College, Liverpool. Liverpool, Thomas Dobb & Co., General Printers, 1884. pp. 39. 8vo.

A portion only of the text (645 ll. 1–39), privately printed as a class-book for lectures at University College. Complete edition, see 1887.

• 6. "Anecdota from the Stowe MS. No. 992", in: RC VI 173–86.

Text and translation of the following from the MS. now R. I. A. D. IV 2: fol. 47a Compert Conchobuir, 'The Conception of Conchobur, with readings of Egerton 1782 and Yellow Book of Lecan'. [Translation abridged and adapted by Eleanor Hull, The Cuchullin Saga, 1898, p. 1–6, with revised rendering of the poem 'Welcome the stranger', by K. M.]; fol. 50 b Comracc Conchulaind re Senbecc, 'The combat of Cuchulaind with Senbecc'; fol. 84b Aithed Emere le Tuir nGlesta. 'The elopement of Emer with Tuir Glesta'; fol. 66a Oisin mac Find cecinit: Ro loiscit na lama-sa. [Corrigenda RC XVII 319, 1896.] Dated Hamburg, Jan. 1884.

• 7. "Addenda to M. de Jubainville's Catalogue de la Littérature épique de l'Irlande", in: RC VI 187–91.

Includes an edition with translation of Aided Conrói from Laud 610, fol. 117a. Dated Hamburg, December 1883, with Postscript, Leipzig, July 1884 on Irish MSS. in the Advocates Library, Edinburgh. A list of tales in Stowe 992 (R. I. A. D. IV 2). Supplement in: RC XI 435–36, 1890.

• 8. "Varia", in: RC VI 191–92.

The Irish verb íuraim in the sense of 'facio'. On the geographical poem by Mac Cosse, Book of Leinster p. 135.

• 9. "The Irish MSS. at Edinburgh", in: Academy XXVI 344, 1884.

Correspondence. See also 1887.


• 10. The Cath Finntrága, or Battle of Ventry. Edited from MS. Rawl. B. 487, in the Bodleian Library. By Kuno Meyer, Ph. D., M. A., Lecturer on Teutonic Languages, University College, Liverpool. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1885. pp. xxiv + 116. (Anecdota Oxoniensia. Mediaeval and Modern Series. Vol. I, Part IV.) 4to. archive.org

Dedication: "To Ernst Windisch I dedicate with all gratitude and affection the first fruits of my Celtic studies which I began as his pupil and continue with his counsel."

Text and translation, with variants from Egerton 149, Introduction, Notes, Excurses on Old Irish metric, Index verborum, etc. dated Liverpool, May 1885.

• 11. On the study of Celtic languages and literature. By Professor Kuno Meyer, Ph. D., University College, Liverpool, 1885. pp. 19–33. 8vo.

A Lecture delivered before the Welsh National Society, Liverpool. Extract with separate title.

• 12. "The pedigree of Finn mac Cumaill", in: Academy XXVII 135, 1885.

• 13. "The Text of the Ancient Laws of Ireland", in: Academy XXVIII 274, 1885.

Letter, dated University College, Liverpool. October 17, 1885.


• 14. Merugud Uilix maicc Leirtis. The Irish Odyssey. Edited with English translation, notes, and glossary. London, D. Nutt, 1886, pp. xii + 36, sm. 8vo. CELT (translation: The wandering of Ulixes Son of Laertes) archive.org

Critical text based on Stowe 992 (R. I. A. D. IV 2), fol. 595 and Book of Ballymote, 445 a.

• 15. "On some points of Old High German syntax", in: Philological Society Proceedings, 1885–86, pp. xliv–xlvi.

Abstract of paper read on Friday, June 18, 1886, the Rev. Prof. A. H. Sayce, President, in the Chair, with abstract of discussion by Prof. Sayce, Henry Sweet, and Henry Bradley.

• 16. Outlines of a history of the German language. By H. A. Strong, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Latin in the Liverpool University College, Victoria University, and Kuno Meyer, Ph.D., Lecturer on Teutonic Languages in the Liverpool University College, Victoria University.   London, Swan Sonnenschein, Le Bas & Lowrey, 1886. pp. 4 + 140. 8vo. archive.org

Contents: On languagae, On the language of a nation as an expression of its thought, On the Indo-European languages, On the Teutonic languages, The High German language, On popular and forgotten etymologies, Synoptical tables of German accidence (Declension, Conjugation), Index.


• 17. Die Geschichte von Philipp und Alexander von Macedonien aus dem Lebar Breac, mit deutscher Übersetzung und mit Excerpten aus dem Book of Ballymote, von Kuno Meyer. in: IT II, 2, 1887. pp. 1–108.

The Epistil Alaxandir, 61–74, collated with Rawl. B. 512, fol. 99a. Edition and translation of the poem Ceathrar do bhí ar uaigh an fhir, from Egerton 127, p. 90. See 1891.

• 18. Peredur ab Efrawc. Edited with a glossary by Kuno Meyer. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1887. pp. iv + 84. 8vo.

Text based on a collation, made in 1884, of the original MS. with Lady Guest's edition. See 1884.

• 19. "The Edinburgh Gaelic manuscript XL", in: Celtic Magazine XII, 203–18, 1887.

• 20. Parallel Grammar Series. A German Grammar for Schools based on the principles and requirements of the Grammatical Society. By Kuno Meyer, Ph. D., Lecturer on Teutonic Languages in University College, Liverpool. Part I: Accidence. Part II: Syntax. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd., 1887. pp. xii+ 149. archive.org

Accidence 2nd edition, 1888, 3rd ed., 1889, 4th ed., 1891, 5th ed., 1892, 7th ed., 1894, stereotyped ed., 1895. Syntax, 2nd ed., 1889, 3rd. ed., 1890, 4th ed., 1892, stereotyped ed., 1895. The two parts issued separately, and together.

• 21. Festrede zur Feier des neunzigsten Geburtstags Sr. Majestät des Deutschen Kaisers, gehalten in Liverpool am 22sten März 1887. Liverpool, 1887. pp. 10. 8vo.

• 22. "[Anzeige] Ernst Sattler, Y Gomerydd, das ist: Grammatik des Kymraeg oder der kelto-walischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1886" in: Englische Studien II, 152.


• 23. "The Wooing of Emer. An Irish Hero-tale of the 11th Century, translated from the original MS", in: Archaeological Review I, 68–75, 150–55, 231–35, 298–307, 1888.

Translation of Tochmarc Emere, based on the fragment in Lebor na hUidre p. 121 and on the Stowe MS. 992 (R. I. A. D. IV 2). Revised for Eleanor Hull's Cuchullin Saga, London, 1898. See also 1890.

• 24. Deutsche Lesestücke für Anfänger. Herausgegeben von Kuno Meyer. Leipzig, Pöschel & Trepte, 1888. pp. 112. 8vo.


• 25. "The Adventures of Nera", in: RC X 212–28; Corrigenda XVII 319, 1806. CDI

Text of Echtra Nerai from Egerton 1782, fol. 71b, with readings of Yellow Book of Lecan, translation, and notes. See also 1890.

• 26. "Zimmer, Keltische Beiträge, I", in: RC X 360–69.



• 27. "Uath Beinne Etair", in: RC XI 125–34; Corrigenda XVII 319, 1896.

'The Hiding of the Hill of Howth.' Text, with translation, from Harleian 5280, fol. 35 a. Cp. Finn and Grainne, 1897. Corrigenda and variants of Betham 145, P. 13. (R. I. A.) in Four Old-Irish songs of summer and winter. London, 1903, p. 16 f.

• 28. "Addenda to the Echtra Nerai", in: RC XI 209–10.

Extract from Harleian 5280, fol. 54 a.

• 29. "The oldest version of Tochmarc Emire", in: RC XI 433–57.

The Wooing of Emer. Text from Rawl. B. 512, fol. 117 a, with grammatical introduction, translation, and notes. Also list of contents of Stowe MS. 992 (D. IV 2), supplementary to RC VI 190, 1884. Translation reprinted in Eleanor Hull's Cuchullin Saga. London, 1898.

• 30. "Loanwords in early Irish. I. From Old Norse", in: RC XI 493–95.

See also 1891, 1892.

• 31. "A Middle-Irish lyric", in: GJ IV 42–43.

Cumthach labras in lon-sa. From Leabhair Breac p. 186, with translation.

• 32. "Maelisu's Hymn to the archangel Michael", in: GJ IV 56–57; Corrigenda 70, 1890.

A aingil Beir a Michil mórḟertaig. Text from Yellow Book of Lecan, col. 336, (Facs. p. 326) with translation. Cp. Cath Finntrága, 1885, p. 88-89.

• 33. "The Irish MSS. at Cheltenham", in: Academy XXXVII 321, 1890.


• 34. "Loanwords in Early Irish", in: RC XII 460–69.

1. From Old Norse (continued from XI 495). 2. From Anglo-Saxon and Early English. 3. From Latin. 4. From Early French.

• 35. "Nachträge mit Berichtigungen zum Alexander, Irische Texte. Zweite Serie, Zweites Heft, von Kuno Meyer", in: IT III, 1891, 279–81.

• 36. "On the Irish origin and the age of Shelta", in: Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society II, 1891, 257–66.

• 37. "Anecdota from Irish MSS", in: GJ IV, 69–70, 88–90, 106–08.

I. Inmael and Inecen. Book of Lecan 166 b, and Egerton 92, fol. 16 b. [A story of Cormac mac Airt.] II. Sgél ingnadh for Maelosdan. R. I. A. P. IV 2, fol. 50b. III. The mothers' lament at the slaughter of the Innocents. Leabhar Breac 141 a. Poem: Cid ima ndelige mo mac grádach frim? IV. [p. 106] Senadh Saighri. D. IV 2, fol. 51 a. [A story of Donnchad Remur, king of Ossory, including poem: Muinnter Donnchaidh móir mhic Cheallaigh. Text reprinted ZCP XII, 1918, 290–91] Texts and translations.


• 38. "Anecdota from Irish MSS.", in: Gaelic Journ. IV 114–115, 132–134.

V. [Quatrains. Text and translation.] 1. Leabhar Breac p. 6 marg. inf.: Ar gráid Dé, ná dóer th'anmain. 2. ibid. p. 40 marg. sup.: Ní mhair glún don ghenelach. 3. ibid. p. 41 marg. sup.: Do bhí mise gan beith ann. 4. ibid. p. 152 marg. inf.: Is dallbach is díthuiccsi. 5. ibid. p. 172 marg. inf. Harleian 5280, fol. 46 b: In ba maiden, in ba fuin. 6. Leabhar Breac p. 227 marg. sup.: Bóeth da cach duine ar doman. 7. ibid. p. 36 marg. sup.: Ach a luin is buide duit [corrigenda p. 134]. 8. Harleian 5280, fol. 46 b marg. inf.: Fada la nech mar atú. VI. [p. 132] 9. Leabhar Breac p. 255 marg. inf.: Ná bágaid a hecna úag. 10. ibid. p. 40 marg. inf.: A riboit choitchind chráesaigh. 11. ibid. p. 91 marg. inf.: Fouarus-sa luss no íccfad in slúag-sa. 12. ibid. p. 91 marg. inf.: Cid maith mellchai nó rebai. 13. ibid. p. 100 marg. inf.: Crábud cen úaill cen shecdai. 14. ibid. p. 168 marg. inf.: Ach cer thinn a fulachtadh. 15. ibid p. 225 marg. inf.: Fuil trí ní. 16. ibid. p. 236 marg. sup.: Is é techta in iresaig. 17. Stowe 992 (D. IV 2), fol. 64 b: Mairg chuindgius ní for carait. 18. Book of Leinster p. 122 marg. sup.: Ní bia a chland la nech in-nirt.

• 39. Aislinge Meic Conglinne. The Vision of Mac Conglinne, A Middle-Irish wonder tale. Edited with a translation (based on W. M. Hennessy's), notes and a glossary. By Kuno Meyer. With an Introduction by Wilhelm Wollner. London, David Nutt, 1892. pp. liv + 212. 8vo.  CELT (text) CELT (translation) archive.org

Dedication: "To Whitley Stokes."

Text ed. from Leabhar Breac p. 213, also the shorter version from H. 3. 18, p. 732. Corrigenda in Academy XLII (1892) 509.

• 40. "Scél Baili Binnbérlaig", in: RC XIII 220–227. CELT (translation)

From Harl. 5280, fol. 48 a, with translation and notes. Corrigenda in RC XVII (1896) 319. Cp. Hibernica Minora, 1894.

• 41. "Fingal Rónáin", in: RC XIII 368–97.

Aided Maelḟothartaig meic Rónáin from Book of Leinster p. 271, with readings of H. 3. 18, p. 749, translation and notes. Corrigenda RC XVII (1896) 319.

• 42. "Irish Loanwords", in: RC XIII 505–06.

• 43. "'Brut' — Chronicle", in: Academy XLI (1892) 233.

On a passage in Book of Leinster p. 33 b.

• 44. "Some scholastic riddles", in: Mélusine VI 38.

From Brit. Mus. Add. 4783, fol. 3, with translation. Reprinted Gaelic Journ V (1895) 155.


• 45. "Anecdotes of St. Moling", in: RC XIV 188–94.

I. Book of Leinster p. 283 b, Moling and Mæl Doborchon. II. ibid. p. 285 a, Moling and the brigands. Text, translation, and notes. Corrigenda RC XVII (1896) 319–20.

• 46. "Two tales about Finn", in: RC XIV 241–49. CELT (translation)

I. Bruiden Atha. II. Tucait Fhaghbala in fesa do Finn ocus Marbad Cuil Duib: 'How Finn obtained knowledge, and the Slaying of Cul Dub.' From Stowe 992 (D. IV 2), fol. 66 a, with translation and notes. Corrigenda RC 17 (1896) 320.

• 47. "Silva Gadelica. By Standish Hayes O'Grady", in: RC XIV 321–37.

A critical notice, with lists of corrigenda. See also 1894.

• 48. "The Edinburgh version of the Cennach in Rúanado", in: RC XIV 450–91.

'The Bargain of the Strong Man.' An episode in Fled Bricrend (§ 91–102). From Advocates Libr. MS. XL, i. 69, with translation.

• 49. "The Irish MSS. at Brussels", in: Academy XLIV (1893) 298–99; Corrigenda 324.

Contents of Vol. IV 2324–40, Vol. XI 4190–4200, both by Michael O'Clery.

• 50. "Anecdota from Irish MSS.", in: Gaelic Journ. IV 193-94, 216-17.

VIII. [Quatrains with translation.] Irische Texte III 155: Clocán bind. Leabhar Breac p. 77: It finna ferta ḟir féil; ibid. p. 78: Bid diliu sa diliu in biad; ibid. p. 105: Ach ach, as tind ar toirrthimm; ibid. p. 226: Bid, in peccthach suairc sochraid; ibid. p. 284: Cipé bess hi manistir. Stowe 992 (D. IV 2), fol. 47 a: Is é dérghiudh is córu; ibid. fol. 53 b: Dénam lessa do chéili; ibid. fol. 55 b: Dlegaid ríg a riarugud. H. 3. 18, p. 1: Dénat lucht na foghluma. IX. [p. 216] Book of Leinster p. 282 a: 'Bái rí amra do Grécaib, Salemón a ainm.' X. [p. 229] Rawl. B. 512, fol. 141 b: 'Manach craibtech tanic ... re Comgall Benncair'; ibid. fol. 142 a, and Brussels MS. 2324-40, fol. 6. Baithin mac Brenainn [A story of Baithín and Columcille]. Texts and transl.


• 51. Hibernica Minora. Being a fragment of an Old-Irish treatise on the Psalter, with translation, notes and glossary, and an Appendix containing extracts hitherto unpublished from MS. Rawlinson, B. 512 in the Bodleian Library. Edited by Kuno Meyer. With a facsimile. Anecdota Oxoniensia. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press. pp. xvi + 104. 4to.

From Rawl. B. 512, fol. 45 a, with various readings from Harleian 5280, fol. 21 a. Also restored text and translation. Appendix. (p. 39) Supplement to Mr. Whitley Stokes' description of the contents of Rawl. B. 512 in the Rolls Edition of the 'Tripartite Life', pp. xiv-xlv. [Texts and translations.] Fol. 1 a. Kailleoracht: Tonfeid, a Christ, conic muir. Fol. 39 a. 'Teist Choemáin Chlúana.' Fol. 42 a. Mugrón's Invocation of the Trinity. Fol. 51 b. Poem on the Maledictive Psalms: Sreth a salmaib suad slan. Fol. 52 a. Dá Choca's poem: Fil and grian Glindi hÁi. Fol. 64 a. Quatrains on Beltaine, etc.: Atberim frib, lith sane. (p. 51) Fol. 105 b. The story of Mac Dáthó's pig and hound. (p. 65) Fol. 114 b: 'Erchoitmed ingine Gulidi', 'The excuse of Gulide's daughter.' (p. 70) Fol. 115 b. The Death of the three sons of Diarmait mac Cerrbeóil (or Cerbaill) ['Aided trí mac nDiarmata'], with text of Rawl. B. 502, fol. 78b. (p. 76) Fol. 116 a. The story of the death of Maelodrán mac (or húa) Dimma Chróin. With text of Rawl. B. 502, fol. 47 b. (p. 82) Fol. 116 b. The Dialogue between King Cormac and Fithel: M'aiti-si fíal Finngaine. (p. 84) Fol. 112b. Fragment of the story of Baile Binnbérlach. Fol. 143 b. Story of Cúchulinn and Senbec, variant readings.

• 52. "The Irish Mirabilia in the Norse 'Speculum Regale'", in: Folk-Lore V 299-316. See also 1908.

• 53. "Anecdota from Irish MSS.", in: Gaelic Journ. V 40-41, 64, 79-80, 94-95.

XI. Leabhar Breac p. 108 b. Dondchad Mór cecinit: Dréen enaig inmhain cách. XII. [p. 64] Book of Leinster p. 281 a: 'Cethrur macclérech', Story of four clerical students on a pilgrimage to Rome. [p. 93] XII. [Quatrains. Text and translation.] Irische Texte III 38: Scian scothas; ibid. p. 50: Ní ba dúnad cen rígu; ibid. p. 38. Finan cecinit: Fégaid úaib sair fothúaid; ibid. p. 100: Tallad a ulcha de astigh óil; ibid. p. 99: In t-én beg ro lég fed; Leabhar Breac p. 262 marg. sup. The crucifixion: Do gabsat ó gairm in chéteóin MS. 23. D. V (R. I. A.), p. 342. MS. V. Advocates' Libr. Edinburgh fol. 10 a: Robudh mian dom anmain-si. Text and translation.

• 53a. "Corrigenda in the Agallamh na Senórach and other texts in Silva Gadelica", in: RC 15, 1894, 371-82.


• 54. The Voyage of Bran Son of Febal to the Land of the Living. An Old Irish saga now first edited, with translation, notes and glossary, by Kuno Meyer. With an Essay upon the Irish vision of the happy otherworld and the Celtic doctrine of rebirth, by Alfred Nutt. Section I. The Happy Otherworld. London.: Published by David Nutt in the Strand, 1895. pp. xvii + 331. 8vo. (Grimm Library No 4.) archive.org archive.org

The Voyage of Bran with Appendix, etc. by K. M. occupies pp. xvii + 1-99. Contents: Critical text of Imram Brain based on Rawl. B. 512, fol. 119 a, Betham 145 (R. I. A.), p. 57, Harleian 5280, fol. 43a, Egerton 88, fol. 11 b, Lebor na hUidre, 121 a, Yellow Book of Lecan. col. 395, etc. Appendix includes the following texts relating to Mongán, with translations: I. Compert Mongáin 'The Conception of Mongán' from Lebor na hUidre p. 133 a, with readings of Yellow Book of Lecan, col. 911, H. 3. 18, 23. N. 10, Egerton 88. II. Scel asa mberar co mbad hé Find mac Cumaill Mongán ocus aní día fil Aided Fothaid Airgdig 'Story ... that Mongán was Find mac Cumaill, and the Cause of the Death of Fothad Airgdech' from Lebor na hUidre 133 a, with variants of Betham 145, p. 64, Yellow Book of Lecan col. 912, Egerton 88, fol. 15 b. III. Scél Mongáin 'A story of Mongán' from Lebor na hUidre 134 a, with variants of Betham 145, p. 66, Yellow Book of Lecan, fol. 913, H. 3. 18, p. 555 b. IV. Tucait Baile Mongáin 'The Occasion of Mongán's Frenzy' from Lebor na hUidre 134 b, with variants of Yellow Book of Lecan, col. 914, Betham 145, p. 67. V. Compert Mongáin ocus Serc Duibe-Lácha do Mongán. 'The Conception of Mongán and Dub-Lacha's Love for Mongán' from Book of Fermoy p. 131 a. ... X. Poem from Laud 615, p. 18, Mongán cecinit do Colum Cille: Caomh-Coluim cáidh ciuin; ibid. p. 21, Mura cecinit: Coinne Mongain is Coluim caim.

See vol. II (1897).

• 55. "Some Irish etyma", in: RC XVI 89-90.

1. tibre. 2. rith. 3. urgartiugud.

• 56. "Michael O'Clery's Beatha Ceallaigh", in: RC XVI 91-94.

A collation of the Brussels MS. 2324-10, fol. 53 b with Leabhar Breac p. 272 b.

• 57. "Anecdota from Irish MSS", in: Gaelic Journ. V 155-56, 171, 187-88.

XIII. 1. MS. Brit. Mus. 4783, fol. 3. Some scholastic riddles [reprinted from Mélusine VI 38, 1892]. 2. An early attempt at phonetic spelling. Brit. Mus. Harl. 2354. XIV. [p. 171] MS. R. I. A, 23. P. 3, fol. 14 a: Taibret duit a coibsena. [p. 187] Leabhar Breac, p. 261 a Regula Mochuta Rathin [Portion of the rule]. Texts and translations.


• 58. "Anecdota from Irish MSS", in: Gaelic Journ. VII 116-17.

XIV. [Quatrains with translation.] Leabhar Breac p. 177. Against toothache: Ordu Thomais togaide; ibid. p. 14: Is hí oenitche notguidim. Findchu dixit; ibid. p. 164 marg. inf.: Cuilén cait; Brussels 5100-04, fol. 86 a and Edinb. XL p. 28: Fail a trí (Fuil tréide); Brussels 5100-04, fol. 87 b: Is bés do Mac Dé taccu; Brussels 5057-59, p. 49: Maircc beris coinnem i tech.

• 59. "Corrigenda", in: RC XVII 319-20.

To texts ed. by K. M. in RC VI. X. XI. XIII. XIV. XV.

• 60. "Goire Conaill Chernaig i Crúachain ocus Aided Ailella ocus Conaill Chernaig", in: ZCP I 102-111.

'The Cherishing of Conall Cernach and the Deaths of Ailill and of Conall Cernach.' From Edinb. MS. XL p. 3 and H. 2. 17, p. 475 b, with translation and notes. Corrigenda p. 503.

• 61. "Two Middle-Irish Poems", in: ZCP I 112-113.

I. National Parallels, (Egerton 1782, fol. 56 a): Fritha gach da chosmuilius. II. National Characteristics, (Egerton 1782, fol. 56 a): Cumtach na nIudaide n-ard. Text and translation.

• 62. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP I 169-172, 175-176.

Critical notices, including 'The Irish Nennius from L. na Huidre ..., by Edmund Hogan, S. J. (Todd Lect. Ser. VI), 1895.' [List of Corrigenda]; 'Three Poems in Middle-Irish, relating to the Battle of Mucrama, by John MacNeill, 1895.' [List of Corrigenda]; 'Études sur le droit Celtique, par H. D'Arbois de Jubainville, 1895.' [With Corrigenda]; 'Hibernica Minora, by K. M., 1894.' [Corrigenda]; 'The Vogage of Bran, I., 1895.' [Corrigenda]; 'Scottish Land-names, by Sir Herbert Maxwell, 1894.'

• 63. "Irish Quatrains", in: ZCP I 326.

I. (Brussels MS. 5100-104); Cid becc — méd frighed — do lucht. II. A rí rind! Text and translation.

• 64. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP I 357-360.

Notices of 'An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, by Alexander Macbain, 1896.' [With List of Corrigenda.]


• 65. "Irish Quatrains", in: ZCP I 454–457.

[i] Brussels MS. 5057-59, p. 50: Cid glic fri hailchi uara. [ii] Ibid. p. 49: Cros Dé ocus Colmain Ela. [iii] Brussels MS. 5100-104: Macán Maire ingeine. [iv] Ibid.: Corp slemain. [v] Leabhar Breac p. 176 marg. sup.: Boimm is boim. [vi] Ibid. p. 99 marg. inf.; Brussels MS. 5100, fol. 91 a: Marotfia. Texts and translations.

• 66. "Finn and Grainne", in: ZCP I 458–461. CELT (translation)

Text, of a short tale from Book of Lecan, fol. 181 a, with transl.: "Luid Find hina Baiscne do thochmorc Graindi."

• 67.  "The Death of Finn mac Cumaill", in: ZCP I 462–465. CELT (translation).

First Fragment (Laud 610, fol. 122 b). Second Fragment (Egerton 92, fol. 6 a). See also Cath Finntrága, 1885, pp. 73-76.

• 68. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP I, 493–500.

Notices of 'The Yellow Book of Lecan. By Robert Atkinson 1896.' [With List of Addenda to Analysis of Contents]; H. Zimmer, 'Anzeige der Hibernica minora, in den Göttinger Gelehrten Anzeigen, 1896.' [Extracts from poem A Dé dúlig adateoch, Rawl. B. 502, fol. 46 a]; B. Mogk, 'Kelten und Nordgermanen im 9. und 10. Jahrhunderte, 1896'; 'The Place Names of Fife and Kinross by W. J. N. Liddall, 1896.'

• 69. "Anecdota from Irish MSS", in: Gaelic Journ. VII 130; VIII 49.

XVII. A Prayer. MS. Laud 610, fol. 46 a: A Dé dúlig adateoch, with translation. See also "Erschienene Schriften", ZCP I 497, 1897, [vol. VIII 49] MS. Laud 615, p. 55: Colum Cille cecinit. Sgíth mo chrob ón sgíbinn. Texts and translations.

• 70. "Early relations between Gael and Brython", By Professor Kuno Meyer, M. A., Ph. D. (Hon. Society of Cymmrodorion, Transactions 1895-96, p. 55-86, 1897.)

A paper read before the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion on the 29th of May 1896, at. 20, Hanover Square. Chairman, Mr. Alfred Nutt.

• 71. The Celtic Doctrine of Re-birth. By Alfred Nutt. With Appendices: the transformations of Tuan mac Cairill, the Dinnshenchas of Mag Slecht. Edited and Translated by Kuno Meyer. London: Published by David Nutt in the Strand, 1897. pp. xii + 352. 8vo. (The Voyage of Bran, Vol. II. Grimm Library No 6.) archive.org archive.org

"The Begetting of the Two Swineherds", pp. 57-72.

Appendix A. p. 285-301: Scél Túain maic Cairill do Finnén Maige Bile. 'Tuan mac Cairill's Story to Finnen of Moville.' A text based on Lebor na hUidre 15 a, Rawl. B. 512, fol. 97 b, and H. 3. 18, fol. 38 a, together with the text of Laud 610, fol. 102 a.

Appendix B. p. 301-05. The versified dinnshenchas of Mag Slecht: Ed. from Books of Leinster 213 a, Ballymote 393 a, etc.: Sund nobid.

See vol. I (1895).


• 72. "Anecdota from Irish MSS", in: Gaelic Journ. VIII 163; IX 269, 1898.

[Quatrains. Text and translation.] [i] MS. H. 3. 18, p. 867 marg. inf: Aithne dam deirghedh mo leaptha; [ii] ibid. p. 478 marg. inf.: Uch! a lám. [Reprinted ZCP II 225]. [Vol. IX 269] Egerton 146: A ḟir leagtha an leabráin bhig. [Poem by Gilla Brighde Ó Heoghusa (here wrongly Ó Báodhasa) from 'An Teagasg Críosdaidhe, 1611.' Text and translation].

• 73. "Gein Branduib maic Echach ocus Aedáin maic Gabráin inso sís", in: ZCP II 134-137.

'The Birth of Brandub son of Eochu and of Aedán son of Gabrán here below.' From Rawl. B. 502, fol. 47 a, with variants of Rawl. B. 512, fol. 10, and translation.

• 74. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP II 213-216.

Notices of 'Studies in Irish Epigraphy. Part 1. By R. A. S. Macalister, 1897'; 'Mabinogion. Golygwyd gan J. M. Edwards, 1896'; Caniadau Cymru ... golygu gan W. Lewis Jones, 1897'; 'Dain Iain Gobha, The Poems of John Morison. Collected and ed. George Henderson, vol. 1, 1896.'

• 75. "Irish Quatrains", in: ZCP II 225.

[i] H. 3. 18, p. 478 marg. inf.: Uch a lám. [ii] Harl. 5280, fol. 14 a marg. inf.: Ni dlig feronn gan treoir. [iii] Lebor Breac p. 88 marg. inf.; ibid; p. 162 marg. inf. Brussels MS. 5057-59, p. 49: Aiged Ísu 'na croich síar. [iv] Lebor Breac p. 223 marg. inf.: Mór in bét! Text and translation.

• 76. "The Colloquy of Colum Cille and the Youth at Carn Eolairg", in: ZCP II 313–317.  CELT (translation)

Imacallam Choluim Chille ocus ind óclaig i Carn Eolairg. Prose tale ed. from H. 3. 18, p. 555 b, with translation, also analysis by Alfred Nutt, pp. 317–320.

• 77. "Eine irische Version von Beda's Historia", in: ZCP II 320–321.

Text of the Introduction from Laud 610, fol. 87 b.

• 78. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP II 409–412.

Notices of 'A Welsh Grammar for Schools, by E. Anwyl. Part I, 1898'; 'Leabhar nan Gleann, by George Henderson'; 'The Legend of Sir Gawain, by Jessie L. Weston, 1897'; 'The Gaels in Iceland, by W. A. Craigie.'

• 79. "Irische Bardennamen", in: ACL I, 492.

Extract from a fragmentary treatise on metrics H. 3. 18, p. 868.

• 80. "Contributions to Irish Lexicography, A to almont", in: ACL I. Supplement p. 1-80.

See below, and 1906.


• 81. "Macgnímartha Finn", in: RC V 197 ff. (ACL I 482.)


• 82. "Contributions to Irish Lexicography, Alp—arba", in: ACL I. Supplement pp. 81-112.

• 83. "The song of the sword of Cerball", in: RC XX 7-12.

From Book of Leinster p. 47 a, with translation. Begins: Mochen a chlaidib Cherbaill! Reprinted in Gaelic Journ. X 613-16, 1900.

• 84. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP II 597-598.

Notices of 'Teanga Thíoramhuil na hEireann. Le T. O. Ruiséal, 1897'; 'Gypsy Folk-tales, by F. H. Groome, 1899.' Abgeschlossen am 29. Dezember 1898.

• 85. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP III 17–39. CDI

I. Aus Rawlinson B. 502. Fol. 40 b [Poems from the tract 'Sex Aetates Mundi']: Cētna amser bethad bind; Cétaimmser in bethad bind. Fol. 43 b: Babilōin roclos hi cēin. Fol. 46 a: Cethrur doraega, nī dalb [includes Cenn ard Ádaim, ētrocht rād], ascr. to Airbertach Mac Coissedobráin † 1017 [cp. ZCP I 497, 1897]. Fol. 46 b. Die Medianiterschlacht: Rochūala crecha is tīr thair.
II. Aus Rawl. B. 512. Von den Todsünden, fol. 39 a: 'Conæmdetar sruithe Ērenn a rīaglaib'; Regula Choluimb Chille, fol. 40 b; Von heimlichen Sünden, fol. 41 a: 'Imrorāid Grigōir'; Die Verwandlungen des Tuán mac Cairill, fol. 98 b: Tuān mac Cairill roclos; Prophezeiung Sétna's, fol. 121 b: Apair rim, a Sētna;  Mochuta und der Teufel, fol. 142 b: 'Mocuta Rathin dorōine roinn'.

III. Aus Laud 610. Danklied einer erlösten Seele, fol. 9 a: Bennacht for in n-irnai[g]the; König Fedlimids Rache, ibid.: In matra; Wunderthaten des Dúnchad húa Bráin in Armagh, fol. 14 a; Gregor und die Oblatenmacherin, fol. 14 b 2; Gedicht vom Schweine des MacDatho, fol. 58 b: Muc Maic Dāthō, lactmūad torc; Scandlán Mór cecinit, fol. 92 b: Isē mo shāmud re mnāi; Gedicht auf Cúrói mac Dári, fol. 117 a: Atbēr mōn do mathib.

• 86. "Brinna Ferchertne", in: ZCP III 40–46. CELT (translation: Ferchertne's Visions)

Poem on the death of Cúrói mac Dári, from Laud 610, fol. 117 b, Atchīu dā choin ac congail, with English translation and notes.

• 87. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP III 189-191.

Notices of 'The Cuchullin Saga. By Eleanor Hull, 1898.' [With list of Corrigenda]; 'On an ancient settlement in the South-West of the Barony of Corkaguiney. By R. A. S. Macalister, 1899.'

• 88. "Stories and songs from Irish MSS", in: Otia Merseiana I (Liverpool), 1899, 119–128.

I. The Vision of Laisrén. [From Rawl. B. 512, fol. 44 a, with translation]: 'Feachtas luid Laisren for slatrad o muintir Cluana.' II. The song of the old woman of Beare. [From H. 3. 18, p. 42-43 and ibid. 764-65, with translation. Begins: Athbe dam-sae bēs mara.]


• 89. "Totenklage um König Niall Nóigiallach. Ein altirisches Gedicht", in: Festschrift Whitley Stokes zum siebzigsten Geburtstage am 28. Februar 1900 gewidmet von Kuno Meyer, L. Chr. Stern, R. Thurneysen, F. Sommer, W. Foy, A. Leskien, K. Brugmann, E. Windisch.   Otto Harrassowitz, Leipzig 1900, pp. 1–6. archive.org

From Yellow Book of Lecan, col. 785 (Facs. p. 127 b), with translation. Begins: In tan nothēigmis don dāil. Reprinted with English translation in Gaelic Journ. X 578–580, 1900.

• 90. "Le pronostic du premier jour de janvier", in: Mélusine X 113–114, 1900.

I. Old Irish texts, [with English transl.]. (1) from Egerton 1782, fol. 48 a: 'Kaland Enair for domnach', ascr. to Fintan; (2) from Book of Leinster: 'Máthair etha aig'; (3) from Egerton 92: 'Máthair ime gaeth áithe.'

(1) is re-edited and translated in The Instructions of King Cormac mac Airt, p. 55. (Todd Lectures XV, 1909).

• 91. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP III 226–263. CDI

IV. Aus Harleian 5280. [Scribal marginalia]; Wunderbare Heilung Kaiser Konstantins, fol. 26 b; Göttliche Bestrafung der Sonntagsübertretung, fol. 38 a [Extracts from Forus Cána Domnaig]; Tochmarc Emire la Coinculaind, fol. 27 a, with variants from Lebor na hUidre, D. IV 2, Book of Fermoy, Rawl. B. 512, etc.

• 92. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP III 429–432.

Notice of 'Poems from the Dindshenchas. By Edward Gwynn, 1900.'

• 93. "Contributions to Irish Lexicography, arba—bachall", in: ACL I. Supplement pp. 113-160.

• 94. "Problems in early Irish and Welsh literature." An address delivered by Dr. Kuno Meyer, Victoria University, Liverpool, before the Celtic Society, 11th May, 1900. (University College of Wales Magazine. Vol. XXII. No 9, June, 1900. pp. 411-433.)

• 95. "A collation of Rees' Lives of the Cambro-British Saints", in: Y Cymmrodor XIII 76-96.

Does not proceed beyond p. 285 of the edition; though signed "to be continued", no further instalment appeared. Includes (p. 92) a revised text with translation of the verse charm ascr. to St. Moling, ed. by O'Curry (Rees p. 573), beginning A Ísu, ó rofetor ar sáethu.


• 96. King and Hermit. A colloquy between king Guaire of Aidne and his brother Marban. Being an Irish poem of the 10th century, edited and translated by Kuno Meyer. London, David Nutt, 1901. [Printed Halle s. S.] 30 pp. 8vo.

Dedication: "To Damer Harrisson, John Macdonald, Walter Raleigh, John Sampson ..." Liverpool, March 10, 1901.

Text from Harleian 5280, fol. 42 b, re-edited from ZCP III 455-456, 1901, with Glossary. Begins: A Maruáin, a dīthriubaig.

Appendix. I. Colum Cille and Guaire. From Laud 615, p. 23, poem ascr. to Colum Cille, with translation. Begins: Dēna, a Ghūaire maith um niacute;. II. Ornait's Lament for Laidgnen. Cormac's Glossary (Translation, p. 26.) From H. 3. 18, p. 64 c and 633. Quatrain, with translation. Begins: Dethbir dam cē nī antais.

• 97. "The Expulsion of the Dessi", in: Y Cymmrodor XIV 101-135.

Tairired na nDessi from Rawl. B. 502, fol.72 (Facs. 131 b), with variants of Laud 610, fol. 99 b and translation.

• 98. "A survey of Celtic philology", in: The Gael. XX N. S. 297–301, New York, 1901.

A paper read before the Pan-Celtic Congress in Dublin, and revised.

• 98a. "The present state of Celtic studies", in: Celtia, a Pan-Celtic monthly magazine (Dublin), 1st November, No. 11, vol. 1, 1901, 167–169. archive.org

Contribution to the proceedings of the Pan-Celtic Congress. Reprinted from The Gael.

• 99. "Stories and songs from Irish MSS", in: Otia Merseiana II 75–105. archive.org

III. Cormac and Ciarnat. Egerton 1782, fol. 44 b. [Anecdote, with poem. Begins: Ciárnat cumhal Chormaic chóir. Text and transl.] IV. Song of the sea, ascribed to Ruman mac Colmáin. [From Laud 610, fol. 90, with transl. Begins: A[nbthine] mór ar muig Lir.] V. How Niall of the Nine Hostages was slain. [Orcuin Nēill Nōigīallaig. From Rawl. B. 502, fol. 47 a, with readings of Yellow Book of Lecan 126 b, Book of Ballymote 134 b, and transl.] VI. Colcu ua Duinechda's Scúap Chrábaid, or Besom of Devotion. [From Brussels MS. 4190-4200, fol. 212 b, with readings of YBL, Facs. p. 326 b, Rawl. B. 512, fol. 41, and Leabhar Breac p. 74, with translation. Begins: 'Ateoch fritt a Īssu nōebh'.]

• 100. "Contributions to Irish Lexicography, bachall—borr", in: ACL II. Supplement p. 161-240.

• 101. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP III 447–466. CDI

Aus Harleian 5280. (Fortsetzung.) Das Apgitir Crábaid des Colmán maccu Béognae, fol. 39 b, with variants of Rawl. B. 512, Yellow Book of Lecan, and 23. P. 3; (p. 455) Zwiegespräch zwischen König Gúaire von Aidne und seinem Bruder Marbán, dem Einsiedler, fol. 42 b; [poem]: A Maruáin, a dīthriubaig. [See above 'King and Hermit.'] (p. 457); Baile in Scáil, fol. 71 b, a fragment § 1-41, with variants of Rawl. B. 512, fol. 101 a. See also 1918.


• 102. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP IV 31–47, 234–240.

V. Aus Egerton 1782, fol. 82 b: Táin Bó Fráich, with variants of Yellow Book of Lecan, 55 b, Book of Leinster, 248 a, Edinburgh XL 37 b. (p. 234) fol. 45 a: 'Seissir is cóir ind-ecluis.' Geistliche Sprüche: 'Cid is nessa do Dīa?' fol. 49 b. Dūan in chōicat cest innso sīs: Iarfaigid lib cóecait cest. (p. 237) Was ein fili wissen muß, fol. 66 a, [poem ascr. to Dubthach mac húi Lugair]: Nī dhligh cúairt nō cennaighect. (p. 238) VI. Aus dem Stowe MS. D. IV 2, fol. 61 a: Sgél in Mhínaduir.

• 103. "Eine altirische Homilie", in: ZCP IV 241-243.

From 23. P. 3 (R. I. A.), fol. 17 b: 'Atlochumar buidhi do Dhía', etc.

• 104. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP IV 187-188.

Notices of 'Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus. Edited by Whitley Stokes and John Strachan. Vol. I, 1901'; 'The Wife of Bath's Tale. By G. H. Maynadier, 1901'; 'Henri Gaidoz, La Réquisition d'amour et le symbolisme de la pomme, 1901'; 'An Bhoramha Laighean, or the Leinster Tribute, put into Modern Irish by T. O. Russell, 1901.'

• 105. Liadain and Curithir. An Irish love-story of the ninth century. Edited and translated by Kuno Meyer.   D. Nutt, London 1902, [Printed Halle a. S.] 30 + [2] pp. 8vo. CELT (translation) archive.org CDI

Dedication: "To John Macdonald Mackay, M. A., LL. P. Rathbone Professor of History, First Dean of the Faculti of Arts in University College Liverpool, whose Celtic genius has illumined for me many a page of Irish song and story, I dedicate in ancient friendship and love this long-forgotten tale."

Comrac Liadaine ocus Cuirithir. — Text from Harl. 5280, fol. 26 a and H. 3. 18, p. 759, with Glossary.

• 106. "Bas re tóin", in: An Claidheamh Soluis, Aug. 30, 1902.

Letter to the Editor, enclosing a poem in English by his friend Sir Walter Raleigh, in the metre 'Bas re tóin.' Begins: Men and Bards!

• 107. "Contributions to Irish Lexicography, brétach—cen", in: ACL II. Supplement pp. 257-336.


• 108. "Neue Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ACL II 136–146.

R. I. A, 23. P. 3. — Das Buch der Húi Maine (Stowe Collection, R. I. A.). Select list of contents.

• 109. "Contributions to Irish Lexicography, cén co—co", in: ACL II Supplement pp. 337–400.

• 110. "The sagas and songs of the Gael", in: Quarterly Review, CXCVIII 1–27, July, 1903.

Unsigned. A review of recent publications.

• 111. "Stories and songs from Irish MSS", in: Otia Merseiana III 46–54. archive.org

VII. King Eochaid has horse's ears. [The first part of the tale 'Cuslinn Brigde 7 Aided Meic Díchóime', from D. IV 2, fol. 32 b, with translation. Begins: 'Bāi rí amra for Hib Failgi fecht n-aill.']

• 112. Four Old-Irish songs of summer and winter. Edited and translated by Kuno Meyer. London, David Nutt: Longacre, 1903. [Printed Halle a. S.] 28 pp. 8vo.

Dedication: "Meiner lieben Mutter zum 11. Januar 1903."

Title-page designed by John Sampson.

I. Cēttemain cāin rē! From 'Macgnimartha Find', Laud 610. II. Scēl lem dūib. From 'Amra Choluim Chille.' III. Fuitt co brāth! From Rawl. B. 502, fol. 59 b (Facs. p. 106 b). IV. Tānic sam slān sōer, ibid. fol. 60 r (Facs. p. 107 a).

• 113. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP IV 467-469.

[VI] Aus dem Stowe MS. D. IV 2 (Fortsetzuug), fol. 55 b [poem]: Dlegaidh rí a rīarugud; fol. 64 b [Quatrain]: Maircc chuindges ní for carait.

• 113a. "The Necessity for Establishing a School of Irish Literature, Philology, and History", in: Celtia, May-June, 1903.

Address to the Oireachtas of the Gaelic League on Thursday, May 14, 1903, Large Concert Hall of the Rotunda, Dublin.


• 114. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP V 21-25.

Aus dem Buch der Húi Maine. Drei berühmte Bäume Irlands, fol. 112 b [poem]: Trī croind Ēirenn oiregdha. (p. 23) Irische Mirabilia, fol. 115 b [poem]: Inganta Ēirend uili. (p. 24) Die siebzehn Wunder bei Christi Geburt, fol. 116 b [poem]: Inn aidchi geini Crīst cain.

• 115. "Miscellen", in: ZCP V 184.

2. Finguine. 3. Die Lebensalter [H. 3. 18, S. 35]: 'Tregort crand.'

• 116. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP V 411-422, 580.

Notice of 'Place-names of Ross and Cromarty. Ed. by W. J. Watson, 1904.

• 117. "Contributions to Irish Lexicography, co—commor", in: ACL II. Supplement pp. 401-448.

• 118. "Finn and the man in the tree", in: RC XXV 344–349. CELT (translation)

Tale ed. from H. 3. 18, p. 331 b, with translation. Begins: 'Fo chosmailius dorigne Finn hūa Baisce. In tan būi in fian oc Badamair for brū Siūire ...' Dated Pöstyén, Hungary, May 1904. [Currently: Piešťany, Slovakia]

• 119. "Comad Manchín Léith", in: Ériu I 38-40, 1904.

Poem from 23. N. 10, p. 95, with translation. Begins: Dúthracar, a maic Dē bī.

• 120. "Comad Croiche Críst annso sís", in: Ériu I 41-42.

Poem from 23. N. 10, p. 94, with translation. Begins: Creidim-si Críst israeracht.

• 121. "Daniel húa Liathaide's advice to a woman", in: Ériu I 67-71.

Poem from H. 3. 18, p. 731, with translation. Begins: A ben, bennacht fort! má ráid!

• 122. "Cailte cecinit", in: Ériu I 72-73.

Poem from Book of Leinster, 208 a, with translation. Begins: Bec innocht lúth mo dá lúa.

• 123. "The Death of Conla", in: Ériu I 113-121.

Text with translation of 'Aided Ēnḟir Āifi', from Yellow Book of Lecan, col. 955 (Facs. 214 a).

• 124. "The Boyish exploits of Finn", in: Ériu I 180-190.

Translation of the text of 'Macgnimartha Find', ed. from Laud 610, fol. 118 in RC V 195-204, 308, 1882.

• 125. "A collation of Críth Gablach, and a treatise on Cró and Díbad", in: Ériu I 209-215.

Collation of Ancient Laws of Irland IV, p. 298 ff. with H. 3. 18, p. 252. With text of H. 3. 18, p. 25 a: 'The distribution of Cró and Díbad.'


• 126. Cáin Adamnáin. An Old-Irish treatise on the Law of Adamnan. Anecdota Oxoniensia. Edited and translated by Kuno Meyer, Ph. D. Honorary Reader in Celtic in the University of Liverpool. Maccallum Lecturer in Celtic in the University of Glasgow. Todd Professor in the Celtic Languages in the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. Director of the School of Irish Learning, Dublin. "Do Adamnán Iæ | asa tóidlech tóiden | ro ír Ísu úasal | sóirad mbúan ban nGóidel" | Félire Óingusso, Sept. 23. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1905. pp. viii + 56, 4to. archive.org

Dedication: "To the memory of my friend Frederick York Powell the ardent champion of Irish learning I inscribe this little book." "A pháirt dom ní áirmhim ná a aoibhe, | gé fuair mé 'na mhéin tar mhíltibh, | a éagmais ghnáth, a ghrádh 's a dhíoghrais, | a chion 's a chogar, a chomann 's a chaoine." Seathrún Céitinn.

Text based on Rawl. B. 512, fol. 45 a and Brussels MS. 2824-40, p. 76 a. Notes, Glossary, and Indices. Corrigenda in ACL III 108, 1906.

Preface dated "Uj-Tátrafüred, Hungary, August, 1904." [Currently: Nový Smokovec, Slovakia]

• 127. "The song of Créde, daughter of Guaire", in: Ériu II 15-17.

From Harleian 5280, fol. 25 b, with translation. Begins: It ē saigdi goine sūain.

• 128. "The Hermit's song", in: Ériu II 55-57.

From Franciscan Library MS., with translation. Begins: M'aenurān im airiclān.

• 129. "Miscellanea", in: Ériu II 84-88.

I. Some practices of Irish scribes. II. On a passage in Alfred's 'Orosius'. [Reprinted from the Athenaeum, June 24, 1905, p. 784.] III. Human sacrifice among the ancient Irish. IV. o ais. V. Irish al = tar and for.

• 130. "A poem ascribed to Suibne Geilt", in: Ériu II 95.

From H. 3. 18, p. 60 b, with translation. Begins: Fūarus inber soirchi sunt.

• 131. "The duties of a husbandman", in: Ériu II 172.

Poem from 23. N. 10, p. 87, with translation. Begins: Dia mba trebthach, ba trebor.

• 132. "Neue Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ACL III 1–7. CDI

König Guaire und Oennu maccu Laigse. Harleian 5280, fol. 25 b. (p. 2) Die Wiederauffindung der Táin Bó Cúalnge. [a] Egerton 1782, fol. 87 b. [b] D. IV 2, fol. 49 b (Stowe 999, R. I. A). (p. 6) Gebet um Schutz in Gefahr. 23. N. 10 (R. I. A.), p. 19 [poem]: Dia lim fri gech snīm.

Dated: Pöstyén, Ungarn, Juni 1904.

• 133. "Contributions to Irish Lexicography, commor—cutulsa", in: ACL III. Supplement pp. 449-574.

• 134. "Three poems in Bérla na filed", in: ZCP V 482-494.

From H. 3. 18, p. 210, 212, with glossary. 1. Aithne damh homa re hæi. 2. Fē mo ese ol atú. 3. Sliocht sceo mo risi fa rūn.

• 135. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP V 495-504.

Eine Anekdote von Adamnan, H. 2. 15, II 56. (p. 496) Ein Gedicht Columcille's, Brussels MS. 5100-04, p. 34: Mellach lem bith i n-ucht ailiuin. (p. 497) Eine mystische Auslegung der Tonleiter, H. 3. 18, p. 39 b: 'Atā 'na ceist annso dorēir Augustin crēd is cantairecht ann.' (p. 498) Vier Gründe für fleißigen Kreuzesgang, ibid. p. 45: 'Cethri tucaite ara tiaghar do chrois.' Siebenteilung aller geistlichen und weltlichen Rangstufen, Laud 610, fol. 92 b [poem]: Cōictach, descipul, foglaintid. (p. 500) Bitte eines Klostervorstehers um hilfe, Book of Lecan, fol. 369 a [poem]: Ababón, a bāidathair. Feis Tige Becḟoltaig, Stowe [992] D. IV 2, fol. 49 a. (p. 504) Von dem Schleuderstein Táthlum, Egerton 1782, fol. 41 a [poem]: Táthlum tromm thenntide tenn.


• 136. Ancient Gaelic Poetry. 28 pp. 8vo. n. p., n. d. [1906.]

[A Lecture. Read before the Ossianic Society. Glasgow, March 5, 1906.]

• 137. "A religious poem", in: Ériu III 11.

From Leabhar Breac, 262 b, with translation. Begins: Is mebul dom imrādud.

• 138. The Triads of Ireland. Royal Irish Academy, Todd Lecture Series XIII. Dublin, 1906. xvi + 54 pp. 8vo. CELT (text) CELT (translation) archive.org

Critical text based on Yellow Book of Lecan 414 b, Books of Ballymote 65 b, Húi Maine 190 a, Lecan (in H. 2. 17, 183 b), 23. N. 10, p. 98, and H. 1. 15, p. 946, with translation, notes, indices, and glossary.

• 139. The Death-Tales of the Ulster Heroes. Todd Lecture Series XIV. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 1906. viii + 52 pp. 8vo. archive.org

Texts, translations, notes, and glossary of: I. The Death of Conchobar (Aided Conchobuir). Version A from Book of Leinster, pp. 123 b, and Edinb. XL p. 2. Version B from 23. N. 10, p. 1. Version C from the Liber Flavus Feirgusiorum, fol. 105 a. Version P from the Stowe MS. D. IV 2, fol. 54 a. II. The Death of Lóegaire Búadach (Aided Lóegairi Búadaig). Version A from Edinb. MS. XL p. 8. Version B from MSS. 23. B. 21., p. 176, and 23. G. 21, p. 142 (R. I. A.). III. The Death of Celtchair mac Uthechair (Aided Cheltchair maic Uthechair). From Edinb. MS. XL p. 9 and Book of Leinster, p. 118 a. IV. The Death of Fergus mac Róich (Aided Fergusa maic Róith). From Edinb. MS. XL p. 5. V. The Death of Cet mac Mágach (Aided Cheit maic Mágach). Version A from Edinb. MS. XL p. 7. Text and translation. Version B From MSS. 23. G. 21, p. 140, and 28. B. 21, p. 174 (R. I. A.). Text.

• 140. "Notes on the Oxford edition of Cáin Adamnáin", in: ACL III 108.

Addenda et corrigenda.

• 141. "The sources of some Middle-Irish Glossaries", in: ACL III 138–144.

On the glosses in H. 3. 18, Trin. Coll. Dublin. 'To be continued.' No further instalment was published.

• 142. "Contributions to Irish Lexicography. Addenda et Corrigenda", in: ACL III. Supplement pp. i-xxxi.

• 143. "Contributions to Irish Lexicography. D—Di-chorp", in: ACL III. Supplement pp. 575–638.

Title-page included. Issued separately: Contributions to Irish lexicography. Vol. I, part 1, A—C. Halle a. S., Max Niemeyer, 1906. pp. [2] + 32 + 679 pp. 8vo.  archive.org, archive.org

• 144. "Neue Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ACL III 215–246. CDI

Ein Spruch Adamnans. Laud 610, fol. 112 b; Book of Lismore, 143 b 1; 23. G. 25, p. 112; 23. C. 19, p.132. Adamnán cecinit: Trí cémenn cindti do chách. Ein altirischer Spruch. Brit. Mus. Addit. 30, 512, fol. 32 b. Mōr ndrūiss, mōr māis, mōr mbaile. [Thes. II 296] (p. 216) Sieben Seelenmessen befreien aus der Hölle. H. 3. 18, S. 45 [poem]: Secht n-offrinn écnairce áin. Furcht und Ekel vor dem Tode. Brüsseler Hs. 2324, S. 47. Corbmac mac Cuilennain cecinit: Is imdha eccla ar mh' anmain. (p. 217) Cainnech's Hymnus auf Colum Cille. Rawl. B. 505, fol. 60 a: Guidium mac Feidelmid. (p. 219) Colum Cille's Lobgesang auf Cainnech. 23. N. 10, S. 91. Cainnech mo chomarci. (p. 221) Ein Reisesegen. Laud 615, S. 55 [poem]: Rob soraid an sēt-sa. Wehe dem Geizigen! Franciscan Libr. Dubl. Hs. A (9) [poem]: Mairg do duine, mairg do neoch. (p. 222) Segen der Freigebigkeit. Laud 615, S. 101 [poem]: A ḟir ḟéil. Wer einen Priester schmäht, fährt zur Höhle. Laud 615, S. 118. Colum Cille cecinit: Mairg duine cāines clēirech. Bitte um Vergebung der Sünden. Brüsseler Hs. 5100, S. 56 [poem]: Etir min is mōr. (p. 223) Der Sitz geistiger Kräfte und Leidenschaften im menschlichen Körper. Egerton 1782, fol. 56 b [poem]: Intlecht i ndreich sech cech raind. Ein König muß zehn ständige Begleiter haben. Franciscan Libr. Dubl. Hs. A (9) [poem]: Deichnebar cuibrind in rīg. (p. 224, corr. p. 233) Colum Cille's Lieblingsstätten. Laud 615, S. 36 [poem]: Treide as dile lem ro-fagbus. Wunderbare Geschichten von Corpre Cromm mac Feradaig. Buch der Húi Maine, fol. 126 b: 'Rīgfēndidh crōdha aindseirc robói i Connachta diarbo comainm Cairpri mac Feradhaigh.' (p. 226) Das Alphabet des Cuigne mac Emoin. Buch von Lecan, 176 a. Aibidil Cuigni: 'Cach breitheam a baegal.' (p. 230) Zwei Gebete des Máel-Ísu hūa Brolchāin (â 1086). Brüsseler Hs. 2324, S. 56: Būaidh crābuidh n-ailithre. Ibid.: A Choimdhe báidh. (p. 231) Eine Weissagung Colum Cille's. Ibid. S. 41. Colum Cille oc tairngire Adamnáin. Gēbaid a ainm dim anmaim[-se]. (p. 232) Gebet um Thränen. Brit. Mus. Addit. 30, 512, fol. 30 b [poem]: Tucc dam, a Dē muir. Ein Gebet Fursa's. Ibid. fol. 35 b. Fursu cecinit: 'Robe mainrechta Dē forsind ḟormna-sa.' (p. 233, corr. p. 333) Ach und Weh. Ibid. fol. 34 b [poem]: Uch, a Dē! Segenbringender Glockenklang. ibid. fol. 43 a; H. 1. 11, S. 153 b [poem]: A ḟir benas clocc 'no trāth. (p. 234) Das Leben ein Darlehen. Buch der Húi Maine, 114 b. Goffraidh ō Clērig cecinit: Dligid iasacht. (p. 236, corr. p. 333-34) Bringt euer Haus unter Dach! Ibid. S. 57 a. In Gobraith cetna cecinit: Fada go tuigim ma theach. (p. 238, corr. p. 334) Der Mensch ist Kot. ibid. S. 122 b. Māelmuire ō Lennāin cecinit: Pecthach ar sīl 'nar slūnagaib. (p. 240, corr. p. 334) Prophezeiung böser Zeiten. Ibid. S. 118 b. Ocha eges .cc.: Comaillfithir d'Ēirinn. (p. 241, corr. p. 334) Anrufung der Dreieinigkeit. Ibid. S. 123 a [poem]: Dēna mo theagosc, a Thrīnōit. (p. 244, corr. p. 334) Die Heilige Jungfrau. ibid. S. 115 b. Gilla Brigdi cecinit: Fuigeall beandacht brū Muiri. (p. 246) Reich und Arm. 23. G. 25, S. 3 [Quatrain]: Is milis glór gacha fir.


• 145x. La vision de Tondale (Tnudgal), Textes français, anglo-normand et irlandais publiés par V.-H. Friedel & Kuno Meyer, Librairie Honoré Champion, Paris 1907, pp. XX + 160.   CELT, archive.org.

Contents: I. Les versions françaises en prose. — II. Le fragment anglo-normand. — III. The Irish Version (Aisling Tundail). — Glossary.

• 145. "Fingen mac Flainn's Gedicht auf die Fir Arddae", in: ACL III, 291–301. CDI

Ammo Choimdhiu néll cid dogēn fri firu Arddae? From H. 3. 18, p. 35 and Egerton 175, fol. 5 a, with Glossary.

• 146. "A Medley of Irish Texts", in: ACL III, 303–326. CDI

[Poems] I. Pātraic Macha mārtai Gāidil, Stowe B. IV 2, fol. 143b; II. Dún Eogain Bél forsind loch, ibid. fol. 72b. (p. 304) III. Aed Ailig, inmain lim hé, ibid. fol. 72a. (p. 305) IV. [Erard mac Coisse]: Dursan mar tái a Dhúin na scieth, ibid. fol. 31b. (p. 306, corr. p. 334) V. Ūasalepscop Ēirenn Aodh, ibid. fol. 142 b. (p. 308) VI. [Tale] 'Crimthann mac Lughdach diatā Crimthann la Hū Maine is ē cētḟer di Chonnachtaib romarb mnāi iar creidem hé' [The adventures of Ricinn, daughter of Crimthann mac Lugdach], ibid. fol. 145 a. (p. 310) VII. [Poem] Feochoir mo luan rem lesmac, ibid. fol. 135 b. VIII. [Tale] 'Laithe n-aon dia rabhator treis gnía lēighind oc tiactain ina nguib...' ibid. fol. 124 a. (p. 311) IX. Colum Cille cecinit. From Laud 615, p. 108 and 23. N. 3, p. 175: Mithig dam-sa tairerad. (p. 312) X. [Verse] Incipit Regula Mucuta Raithni. From Additional 30 512, fol. 20 a, collated with 23. N. 10, p. 82: His ē ascnam na flatha. (p. 321) XI. [Poem] Alithre idan inmain, Additional 30 512, fol. 22 a. (p. 321) XII. [Tale] King David and the Beggar. 1. From the Book of Fermoy, p. 83 a: 'Aroile duine trūagh bocht...' 2. From 24. P. 25, p. 124 a. (p. 323) XIII. 'Aided Néill Nóigiallaig.' From Stowe C. I 2, fol. 25 a. 'Dia luid Niall dar muir sair co rainic Muir Icht ...' (p. 325) XIV. [Prose] The Dindshenchas of Emain Macha. From 23. N. 10, p. 68.

• 147. "Contributions to Irish Lexicography, díchra—dno", in: ACL III. Supplement pp. 639-670.

End of Contributions. Archiv ceases to appear.

• 148. "Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin". From Yellow Book of Lecan, col. 786, p. 128 a, in: AIM I 1-15. Halle, 1907.

• 149. "The Colloquy between Fintan and the Hawk of Achill". From Egerton 1782, fol. 47 a, collated with Book of Fermoy p. 158, and 23. G. 12, p. 144., in: AIM I 24-39.

Poem beginning Arsidh sin a eoúin Accla.

• 150. "Imram Curaig Máiledúin", in: AIM I 50-74.

Poem from Yellow Book of Lecan fol. 370-99 (Facs. p. 1-15) by R. I. Best, collated by Kuno Meyer with Harleian 5280, fol. 1 ff. Begins:Ardri (uasal) na n-uile. See 1916.

• 151. "Story of the Abbot of Druimenaig who was changed into a woman", From Additional (Brit. Mus.) 30, 512, fol. 10 b and [variants frorm Book of Fermoy p. 113 a., in: AIM I 76-79, 1907.

• 152. "The Expulsion of the Déssi", in: Ériu III 135-142.

Text of De causis Torche na nDéisi from Laud 610, fol. 99 b.

• 153. "Tucait indarba na nDéssi", AIM I 15-24, Halle, 1907.

Text from H. 2. 15, p. 67 a, with variants of H. 3. 17, p. 720 b.

• 154. "Eve's Lament", in: Ériu III 148.

Poem from Stowe MS. B. IV 2, fol. 146 b, with translation. Begins: Mé Eba ben Ádhaimnh uill.

• 155. "Colman's farewell to Colman", in: Ériu III 186-189.

Latin poem edited from Brit. Mus. MS. Reg. 15. B. xix, entitled: 'Colmano versus in Colmanum perheriles Scottigena ficti patriae cupidum et remeantem.' Begins: Dum subito properas dulces invisere terras.

• 156. "John Strachan", in: Ériu III 200-206.

An obituary, with list of his publications.

• 157. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP VI 245-248.

Notice, with list of corrigenda of 'Edward Gwynn, The Metrical Dindshenchas, Part II. (Todd Lecture Ser. vol. IX), 1906.'


• 158. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP VI 257-272.

Colum Cille cantavit hoc canticum, Laud 615, S. 113: For fáesaimh, a Mhuire. (p. 258) Oracio Colum Cille .cc., ibid. S. 115: 'Dumfett Cristt cuntt cumhachta.' Zwölf Arten der Reue, Rawl. B. 512, fol. 143 b. (p. 259) Man soll das Abendmahl nächtern empfangen, H. 1. 11, fol. 151 b [anecdote]: 'Arole senntond.' Māel Īsu cecinit, Egerton 111, S. 15; Add. 30, 512, fol. 44 a; H. 1. 11, fol. 154 b: A Choimdiu, nom-chomēt. (p. 260) Ein Traum Columm Cille's, H. 3. 18, S. 60 a [poem]: Tarfas dam-sa dul for sét. Sprichwörtliches, Additional 30, 512, fol. 33 a: 'Ferr dála inā deabaid'; ibid. fol. 31 b 2: 'Dligid ecna airmitin'; ibid. fol. 31 b 2: Āine anma is chuirp co cert. (p. 262) Lobet den Herrn, 23. N. 10, S. 78: Laudate Dominum de celis. in fū air do doma. Sechzehn Teile der Dichtkunst, Laud 610, fol. 92 b: 'Imgabāil ēmeltusa', etc. (p. 263) Danklied eines Schwerkranken, Franciscan Libr., Dublin, A (9): Atlochar duit, a mo Rí. (p. 264) Ermahnung den Leib zu kasteien, ibid. [poem]: A chuirp, notchaith fri crābud! (p. 266) An Crīnōc, ibid. [poem]: A Chrínōc, cubuidh do cheōl. (p. 267) Verstand geht über Schönheit, 23. N. 10, S. 112 [poem]: Nīmgeib format fri fer find. (p. 268) Die böse Schwiegermutter, Additional 30, 512, fol. 33 a, m. inf. [Quatrain]: Is dobrān re minīascach. Die Tonsur allein tut es nicht, Additional 33, 993, S. 7 b, m. [Quatrain]: Corōin do chur isi cenn. Zeichen des Alters, Brüsseler Handschr. 5100, S. 6 [Quatrain]: Is ē airdhe na críne. Schreiberbitte, ibid. [Quatrain]: For cubhas cāich léghfas lēir. (p. 269) Mac Coissi cecinit, ibid. S. 6: Abair dam-sa re Derbail. (p. 270) Corbmac [mac] Cuilennáin cecinit, YBL, S. 420 b; H. 3. 18, S. 37; 23. G. 3, S. 37; 23. G. 25, S. 13; 23. N. 11, S. 179: Eochair chéille coistecht. (p. 271) Die acht Horen zur Bekämpfung der Todsünden, H. 3. 18, S. 41 [poem]: Ocht n-airich go ngolaige. Hinterlassenschaft eines Mönches, ibid. S. 10 a: 'Iargrinde gach manaig īar n-ēgaib.' Gute Ratschläge, ibid. S. 37 [poem]: Dobēr comairle dom charait.

• 159. "A poem by Dallán mac Móre", in: RC XXIX 210-214.

From Book of Leinster 47 a, with translation. Begins: Cerball Currig cáem-Life.

• 160. "The Irish Mirabilia in the Norse 'Speculum Regale'", in: Ériu IV 1-16.

Reprinted with additions and corrections from Folklore vol. V (1891) pp. 299 ff.

• 161. "Colum Cille cecinit", in: Ériu IV 17.

From Laud 615, p. 101, with translation. Begins: A ḟir féil. Text reprinted from ACL III 222, 1906.

• 162. "Brian Borumha", in: Ériu IV 68-73.

1. The name Brían. 2. Borumha. [With poem from 23. G. 8, p. 53 and 23. Q. 2, p. 70 (R. I. A.). Begins: Bóraimhe baile na ríogh].

• 163. "[Anzeige] Windisch, Die altirische Heldensage Táin bó Cúalnge, Leipzig, 1905", in: Literarisches Centralblatt, 19. Dec. 1908, 1683.


• 164. A primer of Irish metrics. With a glossary, and an appendix containing an alphabetical list of the poets of Ireland. By Kuno Meyer. Dublin, School of Irish Learning, etc., 1909. pp. viii + 64. 8vo. CELT archive.org

• 165. Selections from Early Irish poetry. By Kuno Meyer. Not published. 20 pp. 8vo. (Dublin: printed at the University Press, by Ponsoby and Gibbs.)

Texts only. Originally intended as an appendix to the Primer of Irish metrics, but issued separately for use in the School of Irish Learning classes.

I. Religious poetry. [21 poems]. Poems and Quatrains from the Annals. [34 poems].

• 166. Rawlinson B. 502. A collection of pieces in prose and verse in the Irish language, compiled during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Now published in facsimile from the original manuscript in the Bodleian Library, with an introduction and indexes by Kuno Meyer, Professor of Celtic in the University of Liverpool. xiv + 42 pp. 168 collotype pls. Oxford, At the Clarendon Press, 1909. Fol.

Index of initial lines. Index to the Genealogies. 1. Saints. 2. Tribes and dynasties. 3. Persons. List of corrigenda in ZCP VII 521, 1910.

• 167. The Instructions of King Cormac mac Airt. Todd Lecture Series XV. Dublin, 1909. xii + 62 pp. 8vo.

A critical text of Tecosca Cormaic based on the Books of Leinster, p. 343, Ballymote 62 a, Lecan 420 a (and H. 2. 17, p. 179-80), etc., etc., with translation, notes, and glossary.

• 168. "The secret languages of Ireland", in: Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society New series, II (July 1908—April 1909) 241–246 + 2 plates. archive.org

On Shelta, Béarlagar na Saor, Bérla na filed, and Ogham. Boglatin, Jägerlatein.

Collotype facs. of Dúil Laithne (Book of Latin), H. 2. 15, Trin. Coll. Dublin, pp. 116–117. MS. of Dugald (Dudley) Mac Firbis. — 291 words copied in 1643 from an older manuscript. Edited by Whitley Stokes, Goidelica2, pp. 71–83 ( archive.org).

• 169. "Die Irisch-Gälische Literatur", in: Die Romanischen Literaturen und Sprachen, mit Einschluss des Keltischen von Heinrich Zimmer, Kuno Meyer, Ludwig Christian Stern, Heinrich Morf, Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke. In: Die Kultur der Gegenwart, ihre Entwicklung in ihre Ziele. Herausgegeben von Paul Hinneberg. Teil I. Abteilung XI. 1.   B. G. Teubner, Berlin und Leipzig 1909, pp. 78–97.

Subheadings:   Einleitung. I. Die handschriftlich vor dem 11. Jahrhundert erhaltene Literatur. II. Die epische Literatur. III. Die historische Literatur. IV. Die Rechtsliteratur. V. Die geistliche Literatur. VI. Die gelehrte Literatur. VII. Die gnomische Literatur. VIII. Die weltliche Lyrik. Literatur.

• 170. "Miscellanea Hibernica", in: RC XXX 392-394.

(1) Ten domestic animals. From B. IV 2, fol. 147 b [quatrain]: Bā, muca, eich, caoirigh, gabair. (2) The first division of Ireland. ibid. Begins: 'Cēdroinn Ērenn iter Conn Cētchathach et Eogan Mōr.' (3) [Fingala Clainde Cerbaill]. From Harleian 5280, fol. 45 a [poem]: Aige āgha, āg n-immrinn. (4) Twenty-seven virtues. From H. 3. 18, p. 9 b. Begins: 'Secht rann fichet friasa toet feab 7 ordan do duine.' (5) The graves of the apostles. From Laud 610, fol. 38 a [poem]: Reilgi muintiri maic Dē. Texts only.

• 171. "Altirische Reimsprüche", in: ZCP VII 268-269.

B. IV 2, fol. 130 a [17 Quatrains]: In rannán dogníat-som, etc.

• 172. "Miscellen", in: ZCP VII 270.

Lacus Benacus. Dated: "Sirmione am Gardasee, 1. Sept. 1908.' See also 1910.

• 173. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP VII 292-293, 511.

Notice of 'The Lives of the British Saints. By S. Baring-Gould and John Fisher, vol. 1, 1907.' (A correction VII 511.)


• 174. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP VII 297-312.

Reimsprüche. Aus H. 3. 17, col. 676 [Quatrains]: Is fō lim-sa mu laiget; Collud ocus sādaili; Lepaid ūar; Is bēs do mac Dē, tacu; Imad fesa finnad nech. Cāemgen dixit [Quatrain]: Is maith māin mesrugud. (p. 298) Aus H. 3. 18, S. 564 [Quatrains]: Is ed dlegar don aos gaoth; Tech ōiged la comairgi; Dēde nād carann duine. Franciscan Libr. Dublin A (9) [Quatrain]: Cid maith áine is irnaigthe. Brigid dixit: Bid maith fri foichill brátha; Ní maith gorta, ní maith sáith; Mad comairle duit do ben. Aus D. IV 2, fol. 54 b marg. sup. [Quatrain]: Mairg dianad bēs bithdiultad. Aus B. IV 2, fol. 129 a: Mad bāgach, as mībladach. (p. 299) Duodecim apostoli. Aus 23. N. 10, S. 56: Simōn, Madian is Matha. Fothad dixit hoc, ibid. S. 55: Atdius dāib a n-aicned fīr. Cormac und Emíne Bán. Aus H. 3. 17, col. 678 [Anecdote]. (p. 300) Die reiche Dúanach, ibid. col. 670 [Anecdote]. Buße für unverdiente Schmähung, ibid. col. 563 [Anecdote]: 'Bai rī for Ulltaib. Taissech Cernodon ainm ind rīg.' Gedichte aus Laud 615, S. 5. Colum Cille cecinit: Nā sīr fis do tsāegail shūaill; (p. 302) Colum Cille cecinit: A Brēnaind, abair rium sin; M'aonarān dam isan slīab' (p. 303) ibid. S. 15. Bāithīn mac Cūanach cecinit: Loch Febail Coluim Cille. (p. 304) Bestrafter Pferdediebstahl. Aus H. 3. 18, S. 754: 'Araile fealmac fēigh don Mumhain.' [Anecdote]. (p. 305) Aided Bresail. Aus B. IV 2, fol. 144 a: 'Fledh dirinne Bressal mac Diarmata dia athair.' (p. 30?) Crechán und Cíanóg. Aus C. I 2 (R. I. A.), fol. 24 a [Tale]: 'Brugaid cētach comrumach.' (p. 308) Drei Wünsche. Aus B. IV 2, fol. 150 a and H. 1. ii, fol. 151 a [Poem]: Mo théora ucsi forsin Ríg. (p. 309) Die Welt verschlimmert sich. Aus B. IV 2. fol. 150 a [Poem]: Rogab Día deiliugad. Colum Cille cecinit. Aus B. IV 2, fol. 141 a and 23. N. 10, S. 91: Robad mellach, a mic me Dē. (p. 310) Anmchairdes Manchāin Lēith. Aus 23. N. 10, S. 89 and Stowe B. IV 2, fol. 139 a [Poem]: Nech atcobra dul for nemh.

• 175. "Altirische Reimsprüche", in: ZCP VII 498.

[Quatrains.] Aus H. 3. 18, S. 41: Ainmne fri cech ndaidbre ndaith; Domun dīan; Cid ile latsa na hāghid. Aus Laud 610, fol. 58 b 2: Cia beth i croicnib hūaraib; Mairc dechras don domun dīan; ibid. fol. 12 a: Acht co saothraib ar hseircc Dē. Aus Harleian 8280, fol. 49 b: Dirsan, a Chrīsd rochreidius; ibid. fol. 57 a marg. sup.: Taitnid cach n-aidche fo nim.

• 176. "Miscellen", in: ZCP VII 508-511.

8. Nordisches im Irischen. 9. Irische mit Con- gebildete Eigennamen. 10. Noch einmal Lacus Bēnācus. 11. Ein kymrischer Flußname. 12. Ein nordisches Lehnwort im Kymrischen. 13. A collation of the Harleian version of Tochmarc Emire (Band III, S. 229 ff.). 14. A correction [Band VII, p. 292].

• 177. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP VII 521–525.

List of corrigenda to "Rawlinson B. 502 ... facsimile ... by Kuno Meyer, Oxford 1909." Notice, with list of corrigenda, of "Duanaire Finnn. Part 1 ... by Eoin MacNeill, 1908."

• 178. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP VIII 102–120.

Abenteuer Königs Aed Oirdnide. Aus 23. N. 10, S. 56. [See E. J. Gwynn's English translation, 'The three drinking-horns of Cormac úa Cuinn' from Liber Flavus Fergusiorum and Royal Irish Academy, 23 N 10.] (p. 103) Urteilsspruch wegen entwendeter und beschädigter Pferde. Ibid. S. 54: 'Luidh araile rīg dochum Temrach.' (p. 104) 'Toghuil tsītha Truim.' Aus H. 3. 18, S. 60 a. 'Toghmarc Baisi bandruad.' ibid. and in Harleian 5280, fol. 48 b. 'Tāin Bō Rūanaid.' ibid. (p. 105) 'Cath Sléphe Cāin.' Aus H. 3. 18, S. 60 b. Die ersten Ärzte Irlands. Aus Egerton 1782, fol. 42 a. Die fünfzehn Namen des Boyne. Aus Laud 610, fol. 116 b [poem]: A ēcsiu Fāil, fēgam sein. (p. 106) Wie Sechnall and Patrick Fiac vom Tode retteten. Aus der Hs. des Félire in Cheltenham, S. 46 a. (p. 107)  Randglossen und Reimereien aus H. 3. 18, S. 3-5, Flaind line nachamlūaidh. Die Hölzer am Kreuze Christi. ibid. [2 Quatrains]: Ceithre fedha, fāth gin gheis. Abstammung der zwölf Apostel. Aus Laud 610, fol. 9 b [poem]: Petor co treib Iuda áin. (p. 108) Rangordnung der Könige in Tara. Aus Harleian 5280, fol. 74 a [poem]: Temair, saer in sossadh. Das Haus des Mac ind Óic. ibid. und in B. IV 2, fol. 136 a [poem]: Tomus tighe mec ind Óc. Congal Cinnmagair. Aus B. IV 2, fol. 62 [poem]: Congal Cinnmaghair maith rī. (p. 109) Laitheog ermahnt ihren Sohn Flann. Ibid. fol. 61 b [poem]: Bendacht ort, a Floinn Aidhne. (p. 110) Pātraic cecinit. Aus der Brüsseler Handschrift 5100-04, S. 49: Cumma lem etir. (p. 111) Nekrolog auf Art Buidhe mac Domhnaill Riabhaigh († 25. Nov. 1517). Aus Egerton 1782, fol. 3 u. 4. (p. 112) Die Herkunft der Partraige. Aus B. IV 2, fol. 147 a. Brīathra Floinn Fīona meic Cossa. Aus 23. N. 17, S. 33: 'Maith dán ecna dogní ríg do bocht.' Fíthels Ratschläge an seinem Sohn. Ibid.: 'Cid imma ngabthar trebad.' (p. 113) Hebräische Wörter erklärt. Aus dem Buch von Húi Maine, fol. 182b 2 [poem]: Episcopus in t-Ebra. (p. 114) Der Ursprung des gregorianischen Kirchengesangs. Ibid. fol. 174 b [poem]: Mac atcūala is domain tair. (p. 115)  Der Tribut des Königs von Ess Rúaid. Aus B. IV 2, fol. 60 b [poem]: Atā sunn sennchus nāch sūaill. (p. 117) Do chomramaib Laigen. Aus Rawlinson B. 502, S. 88 a. Fland mac Maelmaedōc .cc.: Eol dam i ndairib drēchta. (p. 119) Wie die zwölf Söhne Cennétigs ihren Tod fanden. Aus dem Buch von Lecan, fol. 220 b und 23. G. 26, S. 244. Mac Líag .cc.: Dā mac dēc Cheinnēidig chāid. (p. 120)  Die Ursache von Noinden Ulad. Aus Harleian 5280, fol. 44 b: 'Luid Cūculaind dorerim inbuis la Bōainn.'

• 179. "Neu aufgefundene altirische Glossen", in: ZCP VIII 173-177.

Codex Bonifatianus 3 der Landesbibliothek zu Fulda.

• 180. "Miscellen", in: ZCP VIII 178-183.

1. Die Autorschaft von Cormacs Glossar. 2. Zur Bezeichnung des Patronyms im Irischen. 3. Die ältesten irischen Gedichte. 4. Ein irischer Barde in Oxford [Tuileagna O Maolchonaire]. 5. Die Zuverlässigkeit des Faksimiles von LL. 6. Die Wortstellung in der altirischen Dichtung.

• 181. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP VIII 189-194.

Notices of Whitley Stokes, A Supplement to Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, 1910, [with list of corrigenda to Thes. Pal. II]; John MacNeill, An Irish Historical Tract dated A. D. 721, 1910; W. M. Lindsay, Early Irish Minuscule Script, 1910; R. Thurneysen, Handbuch des Altirischen, II. Teil, 1909; Julius Pokorny, Der Ursprung der Arthursage, 1909.

• 182. "Stories from the Edinburgh MS. XXVI. [Kilbride Collection No 22.]", in: AIM III 7-10, 1910.

1. The devil Caincuile in Armagh. Begins: "Caincuile .i. demon bāi inn-Ardmacha oc aimsiugud chāich." 2. A ship seen in the air. Begins: "Lā n-āen robātār muintear Clūana a n-oireachtus for urrlār na cille." 3. The burial of a priest's wife. Begins: ."Sgēl annso ar mnāi tsagairt ar fagāil bāis di." 4. Comgall and the foreign monk. Begins: "Manach crāibdech tāinic tairis anoir do chomsinid crābaid re Comgall Bendchair." 5. Gigantic women cast ashore. Begins: "Bean dorala gen ḟās a cīch a trāigh mara a nEoruip."

• 183. "Bríathra Flainn Fína maic Ossu. From MS. 23. N. 10 (R. I. A) p. 5,22 collated with 23 D 2", in: AIM III 10–20.

See Tecosca Cormaic, p. VI.

• 184. "Immathchor Ailello ocus Airt. From Rawl. B. 512, fol. 51 b, with variants of Harleian 5280, fol. 74 b", in: AIM III 27-29.

• 185. "Traigshruth Firchertne. Text from H. 3. 18, p. 311", in: AIM III 43-45.

• 186. "Aided na trí nAed. From Harleian 5280 fol. 49 b, with variants of D. IV 2, fol. 54 b", in: AIM III 47-48.

Poem: Is ēol dam-sa acht mo cel.

• 187. "Síaburcharpat Conculaind. From the British Museum MS. Egerton 88, fol. 14 b, collated with Additional 33,993, fol. 2 b", in: AIM III 48-56.

• 188. "Conall Corc and the Corco Luigde. From Laud 610, fol. 98 a", in: AIM III 57-63.

Begins: "Fedelm ingen Moethaire de chorco Che."

• 189. Fianaigecht. Being a collection of hitherto inedited Irish poems and tales relating to Finn and his Fiana, with an English translation. Royal Irish Academy Todd Lecture Series XVI. Dublin, 1910. pp. xxxii + 114. 8vo. archive.org

Introduction, Glossary and Indices. I. Reicne Fothaid Canainne. Prose introduction from H. 3. 17, col. 856. Poem from B. IV 2, fol. 133 b. Begins: A ben, nāchamaicille! II. The Quarrel between Finn and Oisin. Poem from Harleian 5280, fol. 35 b, 23. N. 10, p. 53, and Edinburgh LXXXIII, p. 251. Begins: Is derb lem-sæ. III.  Ailill Aulom, Mac Con, and Find ua Báiscne. From Laud 610, fol. 94 b: "Incipit do scēlaib Moshauluim 7 Maic Con 7 Luigdech." [ Translation.] IV. [Erard mac Coisse cecinit.] From B. IV 2, fol. 149 b: A Mōr Maigne Moigi Siūil. V. The Finn episode from Gilla in Chomded húa Cormaic's poem "A Rí richid, réidig dam." Book of Leinster, p. 144 b. Begins: I nArd Chaille, cailti clē. VI. The Chase of Síd na mBan Finn amid the Death of Finn. From Egerton 1782, fol. 20 b.

Corrigenda, ZCP VIII (1912) 599.

• 190. "A collection of poems on the O'Donnells", in: Ériu IV 183-190.

Contents of MS. 6131-33 in the Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels, giving the first stanza of the poems, with references to copies elsewhere.

• 191. "Gauls in Ireland", in: Ériu IV 208.

On the tract Tairired na nDéssi, edited and translated in Y Cymmrodor XIV 101 ff.


• 192. "The Bodleian MS. Laud 615", in: Ériu V 7-14.

Initial lines in alphabetical order of 150 poems ascribed chiefly to Colum Cille.

• 193. "Verses from a chapel dedicated to St. Patrick at Péronne", in: Ériu V 110-111.

Distichs from Cod. lat. plut. LXVI 40 in the Bibliotheca Laurenziana at Florence. Begins: Islam Patricius sanctus sibi vindicat aulam and Quid Vermendensis memorem tot milia plebis.

• 194. "The rules of assonance in Irish poetry", in: Ériu VI 103-111.

• 194a. "Four religious poems", in: Ériu VI 112-116.

I. Blessing the road before a journey. From Laud 615, p. 55, with translation. Begins: Rop soraid in sét-sa. II. A prayer for tears. From Brit. Mus. Addl. 30, 512, fol. 30 b, with translation. Begins: Tuc dam, a Dé móir. III. A prayer to Christ for help. From H. 1. 11, p. 155 a and Brit. Mus. Addl. 30, 512, fol. 44 a, with translation. Begins: A Chríst cobra, tair chucum. IV. Three wishes. From Stowe MS. B. IV 2, fol. 150 a and H. 1. 11, fol. 151 a, with translation. Begins: Mo theora usce forsin Ríg.

[I. and II. are re-edited from ACL III 221-222, and IV. from ZCP VII 308-309.]

• 195. "Find mac Umaill", in RC XXXII 391-395.

On the name of Finn's father, with text of an alliterative poem from Rawlinson B. 502, p. 118 b (variants of LL. 190 b and 379 b) with English translation. Begins: In tri Fothaid.

• 196. Selections from Ancient Irish Poetry. Translated by Kuno Meyer. London, Constable & Company Ltd., 1911. pp. xvi + 114. 8vo. archive.org

Dedication: "To Edmund Knowles Muspratt the enlightened and generous patron of Celtic studies in the University of Liverpool, a small token of affectionate regard and gratitude."

A second edition containing several additional poems was issued in 1913.

Contents:   Introduction. — Myth and Saga. The Isles of the Happy. The sea-god's address to Bran. The tryst after death. Deirdre's farewell to Scotland. Deirdre's lament. The hosts of faery. From the vision of Mac Conglinne. — Religious poetry. The deer's cry. An even-song. Patrick's blessing on Munster. The hermit's song. A prayer to the virgin. Eve's lament. On the flightiness of thought. To Crinog. The devil's tribute to Moling. Maelisu's hymn to the archangel Michael. The mothers' lament at the slaughter of the Innocents. The choice of Cormac mac Culennain. — Songs of nature. King and hermit. Song of the sea. Summer has come. Song of summer. Summer is gone. A song of winter. Arran. — Love poetry. The song of Crede, daughter of Gooary. Liadin and Curither. — Bardic poetry. A dirge for Niall of the Nine Hostages († A. D. 405). On Colum of Terryglass. The song of Carroll's sword (A.D. 909). On the defeat of Ragnall by Murrough king of Leinster A.D. 994. Eochy on the death of king Aed mac Donall O'Neill. Erard mac Coisse on the death of king Malachy II. — Miscellaneous. The monk and his pet cat. Colum Cille's greeting to Ireland. On Angus the Culdee († ca. 830). Colum Cille the scribe. The lament of the Old Woman of Beare. The fort of Rathangan. The deserted home. Alexander the Great. — Quatrains. The scribe. On a dead scholar. The crucifixion. The pilgrim at Rome. Hospitality. The blackbird. The church bell in the night. The Viking terror. Moling sang this. — From the Triads of Ireland. — From the Instructions of King Cormac. — Notes.

Reprinted as Ancient Irish Poetry, Constable & Robinson Ltd., London 1994, pp. 114.

• 197. Betha Colmáin maic Lúacháin. Life of Colmán son of Lúachán. Edited from a manuscript in the Library of Rennes, with translation, introduction, notes, and indices. By Kuno Meyer. (Royal Irish Academy Todd Lecture Series XVII.) Dublin, 1911. xviii + 136 pp. 8vo. CELT (text) CELT (translation) archive.org archive.org

Contains also a Glossary.

• 198. "Imram Curaig Maileduin". [Proof. 81 pp. 8vo.]

A critical text, with notes, of the poem Ardrí úsal inna n-uile, first printed in AIM I 50-74, 1907, and read as the concluding Todd Memorial Lecture on Nov. 30, 1910. Intended for a volume of Miscellaneous Texts, vol. XVIII of the Series, which was not published. It was afterwards re-printed by the editor, with a German translation of the notes, in ZCP XI 148 ff.

• 199. "Whitley Stokes, 1830-1900", in: Proceedings of the British Academy IV. 1911.

The substance of this Obituary was delivered at University College, London, on Dec. 9th, 1910, on the occasion of the presentation to the College of the Celtic library of Whitley Stokes by his daughters.

• 200. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP VIII 195-232.

Ein altirisches Gedicht über das Ende der Welt. Aus Laud 615, S. 132-34: Dofil aimser laithe mbratha. (p. 197) Tiughraind Bhécáin meic Luigdech do Cholum Cille. Aus Laud 615, S. 114-15 [poem]: Dofed andes a ndáil Fíadhatt. (p. 198) Colum Cilli dorinne an ochtfoclach an sīs. Aus Laud 615, S. 122-27 [cp. X 37-41]: Dīa mōr dom imdeghail. (p. 217) Die Helden von Emain Macha. Mongān mac Fīachna cecinit do thecosc a athar. Aus Rawl. B. 502, S. 158: A Ḟīachnæ, nā rāid in gæ. (p. 218) Zwiegespräch zwischen Mac Liac und Irard Mac Coisse. Aus B. IV 2, fol. 89 b: Marthain duit, a Ioraird ḟēil. (p. 222) Mac Līac .cc. Aus B. IV 2, fol. 151 a: Samhoin so, sodham go Tadg. (p. 225) Incipit do dūanaib sochair clainne Ceallaig dorinni Mac Līag et alii poete do Thadg catha Brīain. Aus Egerton 90, fol. 19 a: Beannacht, a Bruin, ar Brigit. (p. 227) Mac Liacs Schildlied. Aus Egerton 90, fol. 19 a: Scīath rīgh Gæla, glantar hí! (p. 229) Mac Liacs Totenklage um Tadg úa Cellaig. Aus Egerton 90, fol. 20 a: Leasg amleasg sind gu Āth Clīath. (p. 231) Colum Cille .cc. Aus Laud 615, S. 138: Ceileabram, lēighim, lubrum. Gebet um Fürbitte. Aus 23. N. 10, S. 92: Aitteoch friut a ndechmad.

• 201. "Eine Verbesserung zu dem Gedichte Aed Oll", in: ZCP VIII 260.

• 202. "The Laud Genealogies and Tribal Histories", in: ZCP VIII 291–338. CDI

Edited from Laud 610, fol. 75 a 1, 93 a 1, 102 a 2.

• 203. "The Rennes Dindsenchas", in: ZCP VIII 350.

Note on the geographical sequence.


• 204. Hail Brigit. An Old-Irish poem on the Hill of Alenn. Edited and translated by Kuno Meyer. Halle a. S., Max Niemeyer. Dublin, Hodges, Figgis & Co., Ltd. [Printed Halle a. 1912. 24 pp. sm. 4to. archive.org archive.org CDI

Dedication: "To Richard Irvine and Edith Best in memory of our visit to Knockawlin on June 19th 1910 and of many other happy hours spent in their company. Berlin, Christmas 1911."

From the Book of Leinster, 49 b ff., with Introduction and notes. Begins: Slān seiss, a Brigit co mbūaid.

"Ich bin jetzt zu der überzeugung gekommen, daß unser Gedicht von Orthanach úa Cóilláma verfaßt ist, mit dessen Gedicht Masu de chlaind Echdach aird, LL. 51 a es auffallende Ähnlichkeiten hat..." Also Corrigenda ZCP VIII 600, 1912.

• 205. "Miscellanea", in: RC XXXIII 94-99.

1. Éremón. 2. Macha. 3. Erim. 4. remáin, eráin. 5. On some passages in Tigernach's Annals.

• 206. Sanas Cormaic. An Old-Irish Glossary compiled by Cormac úa Cuilennáin, King-Bishop of Cashel in the tenth century. Edited from the copy in the Yellow Book of Lecan by Kuno Meyer, Professor of Celtic in the University of Berlin. In: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts IV, Max Niemeyer/Hodges, Figgis & Co., Halle a S./Dublin 1912, 8vo, XX + 128 pp. archive.org

Occasional readings from Lebar Breac 263 a, etc., with article prúll from Harleian 5280, fol. 75 b and 23. N. 10, p. 74. — Index of words.

• 207. [Early Irish Poems. Not published.]

A leaflet of 4 pp. 8vo, containing short specimens of early Irish verse, to illustrate a course of lectures on Old and Middle Irish poetry in the School of Irish Learning, Sept. 1912.

• 208. "The march role of the men of Leinster", in: Ériu VI 121-124.

Poem from Rawl. B. 502, fol. 48 r (Facs. 83 b), with translation. Begins: Dia ngaba apgitir Lagen.

• 209. "Quantitative assonance", in: Ériu VI 154-156.

• 210. "An Old-Irish parallel to the motive of the Bleeding Lance", in: Ériu VI 157-158.

Six stanzas, with translation, from the poem Fothairt for clannaib Concorb, Rawl. B. 502, fol. 43 r (Facs. p. 83 b).

• 211. Königlich Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Öffentliche Sitzung zur Feier des Leibnizischen Jahrestages vom 4. Juli [1912]. Antrittsrede des Herrn Kuno Meyer und Erwiderung des Herrn Roethe, Secretärs der phil.-hist. Klasse. SPAW 1912, [589-93], 1-5.

• 212. "Eine mittelirisches Gedicht auf Brendan den Meerfahrer", in: SPAW 1912, 436-443.

From Book of Leinster p. 366, 369, with German translation and commentary. Begins: Mochen, mochen, a Brénaind. Corrigenda, ZCP IX 187.

• 213. "Bérla na filed", in: ZCP VIII 557-558.

On the text 'Abenteuer Königs Aed Oirdnide', ZCP VIII 102, with list of words in bérla na filed.

• 214. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP VIII 559–565.

Elfenbegräbnis. Aus dem Liber Flavus Fergusiorum, fol. 92 b: 'Laa n-aen robāi Mac Coisi for brū Locha Lēbind.' (p. 560) Patricius segnet Irland. Aus dem Buch von Lecan, fol. 191 b: 'Beandacht Dē foraib uili fearaib Ērenn'. Finns Stammbaum und die Fiana. Ibid. fol. 183 b. (p. 561) Cormac cecinit. ibid. fol. 173 b: Mac nach lium līthir form-sa. Sadb ingen Chuinn Chētchathaig cecinit. Aus Additional 30, 812, fol. 55 b: Bec cech tír is gach talam. Aus der Kindheit Jesu. Aus dem Buch von Húi Maine, fol. 115 a [poem]: 'Sa rāith-sea rucadh Muiri. (p. 564) Forfess Fer Falgae. Aus Egerton 1782, fol. 19 a mit den Lesarten von Harleian 5280, fol. 74 a and Egerton 88, fol. 11 a.

• 215. "Ludwig Christian Stern ", in: ZCP VIII 583–587.

• 216. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP VIII 594–600.

Notices of 'Onomasticon Goedelicum', by Edmund Hogan, 1910, with list of addenda; 'Welsh Metrics', by J. Glyn Davies, Vol. I, part 1, 1911; 'Fianaigecht, 1910', and 'Hail Brigit, 1912'; by K. Meyer. Addenda et corrigenda.

• 217. "Zur keltischen Wortkunde, I.—II.", in: SPAW 1912, pp. 790–803, 1144–1157.  parts I.—IX. (archive.org)

I. 1. Dvandvakomposita im Irischen. 2. Ir. ailt 'Held.' 3. aithben f. 'Unweib.' 4. Ir. ampoill f. 'ampulla.' 5. Ir. anféta 'stürmisch.' 6. Ir. ecrae 'Feind.' 7. Ir. -gnad, kymr. -nod. 8. Ir. lunta. 9. Ir. mí- aus miss-. 10. Ir. níab, kymr. nwyf. 11. Ir. dermar, dermár, dermáir, dermáil. 12. Seltene Vogelnamen im Irischen. 13. Irische Namen für Gerätschaften. 14. Ir. glicar, gligar. 15. Og. Mailaguro. 16. celt in irischen Eigennamen. 17. dergnat f. 'Floh.' 18. Ir. fáil 'Wolf.' 19. Ir. ten 'Baum, Strauch.' 20. Ir. menmare f. 21. Ir. acrad, grátae. 22. Ir. uirge f. 'Hode.' 23. Gall. -bios, -bion, ir. -be. 24. Gallische Personennamen bei Virgilius Grammaticus.

II. 25. Gallo-latein. suapte. 26. Weitere gallische Namen bei Virgilius Grammaticus. 27. Ir. aicned n. 'Natur.' 28. Ir. aidircleoc f. 'Kiebitz.' 29. Mir. ailtiu, ailemain. 30. Mir. bruthen f. 'Hitze, Glut.' 31. Altir. epit f. 'Hippe.' 32. Altir. ol ma 'quod si.' 33. Die Koseformen irischer Personennamen. 34. Altir. esarn 'Firnewein.' 35. Altir. ambracht 'Gewaltspruch.' 86. Altir. gíallcherd f. 'Huldigungsakt.' 37. Ir. ath-chned f. 'Schweres Leid.' 38. Altir. dupall 'schwarzgliedrig.' 39. Ir. Cruthen, kymr. Pryden 'Pikte.' 40. Der Name Artur. (Corrigenda ZCP IX 182, 1913.)


• 218. "The Guesting of Athirne", in: Ériu VII 1-9.

Aigidecht Aithirni. From Book of Leinster, 118 a, with variants of Harleian 5280, fol. 77 a, and translation. Includes eight poems, ascribed to Amorgen.

• 219. "On Debide rhyme", in: Ériu VII 10-12.

• 220. Learning in Ireland in the Fifth century and the transmission of letters. A lecture delivered before the School of Irish Learning in Dublin on September 18th, 1912, by Kuno Meyer. School of Irish Learning — Hodges, Figgis & Co., Dublin 1913. pp. 30. 8vo.  archive.org

Portion of this Lecture was printed, with a reproduction of Augustus John's portrait of Kuno Meyer, in The Irish Review II, pp. 449–459, 1912.

Included are several specimens of early Irish verse, with transl.: Admuiniur secht n-ingena trethan [see 1914]; Ní bu cráeb crínḟedo, from Rawl. B. 502, fol. 122 b 26; Ind ráith i comair in dairḟedo, ibid. fol. 122 b 49; Fot chriol bronn bēcestar, from Longes mac nUsnig (Irische Texte I 69), and Notes on the Lecture (pp. 21–29).

• 221. "The correspondence between Alexander and Dindimus. From Rawl. B. 515, fol. 99 a", in: AIM V 1-8.

Begins § 61 (Irische Texte II 69): "Ass ed tra dorimther ind-eipistil Alaxandair."

• 222. "Ferchuitred Medba indso. From Rawlinson B. 512, fol. 1 a", in: AIM V 17-22.

This is the same tale as Cath Boinde, ed. Ériu II 174 ff.

• 223. "Verba Scáthaige fri CoinCulaind. From Rawlinson B. 512, fol. 118b collated with Egerton 88, fol. 11 a and Egerton 1782, fol. 19 b", in: AIM V 28-30.

• 224. "Ags. Berechtwine in Alt-Irland", in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literatur CXXX 155-156.

• 225. "[Anzeige] J. Loth, Contributions à l'étude des romans de la Table Ronde, Paris 1912", in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literatur CXXX 445-446.

• 226. "[Anzeige] Alice Stopford Green, The Old Irish World, Dublin, 1912", in: Deutsche Literaturzeitung Nr. 4, 25. Jan., 1913, col. 241-142.

• 227. "Aus dem Nachlaß Heinrich Zimmers", in: ZCP IX 87-120.

• 228. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP IX 166-177.

Über die Nichtigkeit der Welt. Aus H. 3. 18, S. 563 und H. 4. 22, S. 44 [poem]: Is trūagh in cess i mbīaam. (p. 167) Altirische Reimsprüche. ibid. S. 643 marg. sup.: Da mbeith deceit tarainne. Ibid. S. 564 marg. inf.: Dreisfid in bith, bīa for lassad. Ibid. S. 538 marg. inf.: Noiti gaicles. ibid. S. 41: Ainme fri cech ndaidbre ndaith; Domun dīan. Cid ile lat-sa na hālighid [cp. ZCP VII 498]. Aus B. IV 2, fol. 151 a: Tolcc do tolccaib simenn. Ibid.: Flann gach āir, gach n-arad n-úarteid. (p. 168) Fursa Crāiptech profetauit. Aus Harleian 5280, fol. 41 b, YBL. 410 b, und Add. 30, 512, fol. 19 a 1: 'Mairec taircebai ind-aimsir.' (p. 169) Beg mac Dé profetauit. Ibid.: 'Is mairg thairgeubhai a hairisne a luc tīri na nGāidhel. In mac ndīaid a athar a nArd Mauchai.' (p. 171) Das Wergeld des Klerus und der Laien. Von Muirgius ó Duib-dá-boirenn. Aus der Stowe Handschrift C. I 2, S. 4 a, [poem]: Einecland na trī secht ngrād. (p. 172) Colum Cille cecinit. Aus Laud 615, S. 7: Fersaighecht an tempuil tall. (p. 175) Der Tod der sieben Maine. Aus Egerton 1782, fol. 44 a, [poem]: Eol dam aided, erctha gním. Verschiedenes aus Harleian 5280, fol. 57 b: 'Sencha mac Ailella, is e ba brethim', etc. (p. 176) Verschiedenes aus Egerton 1782, fol. 40 b, 41 a, 44 a: Neidhi mac Onchon; Treo ingin Taidg meic Céin.

• 229. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP IX 178-187.

Notices of 'J. Morris Jones, The Life of Saint David, 1912'; 'Donald Mackinnon, A descriptive Catalogue of Gaelic Manuscripts in the Advocates' Library, 1912'; 'W. M. Lindsay, Early Welsh Script, 1912'; 'Julius Pokorny, Der Gral in Irland, 1912'; 'Kuno Meyer, Zur keltischen Wortkunde I, 1912' [Addenda & Corrigenda]; 'F. N. Robinson, Satirists and Enchanters in Early Irish Literature, 1912'; 'R. Thurneysen, Zu irischen Handschriften und Literaturdenkmälern, 1912'; 'Mario Esposito, On the earliest Latin Life of St. Brigid of Kildare, 1912'; 'Kuno Meyer, Ein mittelirisches Gedicht auf Brendan den Meerfahrer, 1912.' [Corrigenda].

• 230. "Immacallam in druad Brain ocus inna banḟáitho Febuil", in: ZCP IX 339-340.

Text from H. 4. 2, fol. 50 a, [poems]: Im bu mese, im bu mé; Febul fortemen graigech.

• 231. "Baile Bricín", in: ZCP IX 449–457.

From MS. Harleian 5280, fol. 44 b, collated with Egerton 1782, fol. 17 a.

• 232. "Aed Dub mac Colmáin, Bishop-Abbot of Kildare", in: ZCP IX, 458-460.

Includes poem from Book of Leinster 316 a, 388 a, with translation: A bráthair, ma dia seichi for iris.

• 233. "Ein Gedicht aus Additional 30, 512, fol. 34 b 2", in: ZCP IX 470.

Is saoth lem in t-aos lēigind.

• 234. "The Laud Synchronisms. From Laud 610, fol. 121 a 1-116 b 1", in: ZCP IX 471-485.

• 235. "Aus Laud 615", in: ZCP IX 496.

Poem: Eineach ūaisle nā gach dán (S. 85).

• 236. Über die älteste irische Dichtung. I. Rhythmische alliterierende Reimstrophen. Von Kuno Meyer. Aus den Abhandlungen der Königl. Preuß. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrg. 1913. Phil.-hist. Klasse. Nr. 6. Berlin 1913. Verlag der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften. In Kommission bei Georg Reimer. 61 pp. 4to. See vol. II. archive.org CDI

Texts with Introduction, translations, and notes. I. Fursundud Ladcinn maicc Bairchedo. From Rawlinson B. 502, p. 116 c. Begins: Nida dīr dermait. II. In Fursundud aile Ladcinn. From Rawl. B. 502, p. 115 b and Book of Leinster 387 a. Begins: Ēnna, Labraid, lūad cāich. III. In Fursundud Find Ḟiled maicc Rossa Rūaid. From Rawl. B. 502, p. 115. Begins: Nūadu Necht, nī dāmair anflaith. IV. Luccreth mocu Chīara .cc. Rawl. B. 502, p. 148 b, Book of Ballymote 173 b and Book of Lecan 204 b. Begins: Cū cen māthair, maith cland. Anhang. Text of six poems from Rawl. B. 502, p. 149 a, with variants of Books of Ballymote and Lecan. (1) Genelach Eoganacht Locha Lēin: Āed Bennān bruth rīgi rīg; (2) De Eoganacht Raithlind: Dūngal Raithlind rui a chuirn; (3) De Eoganacht Caissil: Faelgus, Nad-Fraech, febda clann; (4) De Eoganacht Aine: Amalgaid, Ēnda, ēn ar gart; (5) De Eoganacht Glennamnach: Ōengus crobderg, cathach rī; (6) De hŪib Cairpri: Eoganān eo cautma caem.

See also Miscellanea Hibernica, Illinois, 1917 § VII.

• 237. "Zur keltischen Wortkunde, III.-IV.", in: SPAW 1913, pp. 445–455; 950–959.

III. 41. Ἐπίδιον   Ἄκρον. 42. Namen für Irland auf schottischem Boden. 43. Altir. ar-cridiur 'ich herze.' 44. Altir. Catháir n. pr. m. 45. Kymr. Diwrnach n. pr. m. 46. Altir. esclae. 47. Die Wurzel suel im Irischen. 48. Mittelir. ménne. 49. Ir. etráin, etránaim, etraigim. 50. Mittelir. all f. 'Halle.' 51. Altir. cennmar. 52. Ir. bruinnim 'ich drücke an die Brust.' 53. Altir. aiste n. 54. Ir. cnatur-bāirc. 55. Ir. facht, kymr. gwaeth. 56. Altir. inellgim. 57. Ir. Ūanaind n. pr. f. 58. Nachträge. IV. 59. Altir. nomina agentis auf -em. 60. Ir. accrīch f. 'Grenzgebiet.' 61. Ir. accal f. 'hoher Mut.' 62. Gall. Corobilium n. l. 63. Ir. cadla 'Sell, Tau.' 64. Gäl, long-phort in Ortsnamen. 65. Ir. fāenic f. 'Phönix.' 66. Ir. Benn-chor, kymr. Ban-gor. 67. Altir. Alpe 'Großbritanien.' 68. Dialektisches im älteren Irisch. 69. Ir. -irne in Personennamen. 70. Grammatische Terminologie im Altirischen. 71. Ir. crēdem f. 'Zernagen.' 72. Gall. Conginnā F. 73. Gall. Viro-cantus n. pr. m. 74. Altir. rīched n. 75. Irische Unnamen [in R. I. A. Dict. of Irish Lang. ed. C. J. S. Marstrander]. 76. Altir. rētaire 'Vorleser.'

• 237a. Selections from Ancient Irish Poetry. Translated by Kuno Meyer. Second edition. London, Constable & Company Ltd., 1913. pp. xvi + 114 + (2). 8vo. archive.org

A first edition was issued in 1911.


• 238. "Zur keltischen Wortkunde, V.-VI.", in: SPAW 1914, pp. 630-642; 939-958.

V. 77. Ir. reccaire. 78. Ir. gib-gab. 79. Ir. sperōc f. 'Sperber.' 80. Kymr. hobihors. 81. Kymr. osai. 82. Altir. ros 'Pferd.' 83. Altir. grefel m. 'Keller.' 84. Ir. Īrgalach n. pr. m. 85 Ir. Rechtabra n. pr. m. 86. Altir. Fomoire. 87. Succet. 88. Altir. diam. 89. Ir. cubail f. 90. Svarabhakti im Irischen. 91. Gallische und altbritische Personennamen. 92. Irische Kosenamen. 93. Altir. ar-folnur 'ich beherrsche.' 94. Altir. as-imm-gaib 'weist aus.' 95. Altir. ind-ad-saig. 96. Mtir. Mag-dūn n. 97. Altir. Sen-māl n. pr. m. 98. Eine altirische Glosse. 99. Epenthetisches s im Irischen. 100. Beispiele von Metathese im Irischen. 101. Zur Wz. sueizd-. VI. 102. Altir. cet 'es ist erlaubt.' 103. Eine irische vox nihili. 104. Altir. Bauber n. pr. m. 105. Altir. con-grād m. 'Ranggenosse.' 106. Mittelir. dīascach 'untadelig.' 107. Ir. abān f. 'Gebärde.' 108. Altir. gelit f. 'Blutigel.' 109. Altir. genit f. 'Lachgeist.' 110. Altir. Condligān n. pr. m. 111. Altir. bruigred n. 112. Ir. 'tī = intī. 113. Komposita mit ir. secht-. 114. Altir. tre-mūr m. 'dreifache Mauer.' 115. Ir. dein, din. 116. Ir. bodbamlacht f. 'kriegerische Wut.' 117. Altir. sina(i)p f. 'Senf.' 118. Altir. scolōc. 119. Altir. fātal. 120. to-for-ad-cī 'überragen.' 121. Ir. buile = bile. 122. Altnordische Personennamen im Irischen. 123. Altir. ōmothā 'von an.' 124. Altir. aue, ūe f. 'Enkelin.' 125. Kymr. moelrhon 'Seehund.' 126. Falsche Rückbildungen im Irischen. 127. Altir. airne m. 'Wache.' 128. Altir. mīas-chūad. 129. Zum Wortschatz des Saltair na Rann. 130. Berichtigungen und Nachträge. Wörterverzeichnis.

• 239. Über die älteste irische Dichtung. II. Rhythmische alliterierende reimlose Strophen. Von Kuno Meyer. Aus den Abhandlungen der Königl. Preuß. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrg. 1913. Phil-hist. Klasse. Nr. 10. Berlin 1914. Verlag der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften. In Kommission bei Georg Reimer. 40 pp. 4to. See vol. I. archive.org  CDI

Texts with Introduction, translations, notes, and Indices. Fragments ascribed to (1) Briccīne macc Brīgni. (2) Ferchertne fili. (3) Find Fili macc Rossa Rūaid. (4) Lugair lānfili. (5) Senchān Torpēist. (6) Torna Ēces. Strophes illustrating natha metres.

• 240. "An Old Irish prayer for long life", in: A Miscellany. Presented to John Macdonald Mackay, LL. D. 1914. Liverpool, pp. 226-232. archive.org

Poem, with translation, from Laud 610, and Book of Ballymote, 304 a. Begins: Admuiniur secht n-ingena trethan. 'I invoke the seven daughters of the Sea.'

• 241. "Eine verschollene Artursage", in: Festschrift Ernst Windisch zum 70. Geburtstag. Leipzig 1914, pp. 63-67.

On Aígidecht Artúir.

• 242. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP X 37-54.

Ochtḟoclach Coluim Chille. [Collation of Book of Lecan 170 b, with text ed. ZCP VIII 198-217, cp. X 444.] (p. 41) Patricius an seinen ausgefallenen Zahn. Aus Laud 610, fol. 74 a, [poem]: A fir há! (p. 42) Aus Laud 610 [Quatrains], fol. 75 b: A fir tōgbas na taise; fol. 121 a: Acht co saothraib ar hseircc Dé [cp. ZCP VII 478]; fol. 32 a: Cuma lium cidh toll mo lend; fol. 30 b: Dia ndernta óeine cech lái; fol. 74 a. Tadc mac Céin: Cōica traiged tolaib tlacht; Die Söhne Ercs: Cethri meic i nAiliuch; Die Söhne des Fergus mac Conaill: Fedlimid, Fīachra febhda; Die Söhne Conail Gulbains: Fergus, Ōengus, Echaig, Nathí. (p. 43) Mochutta .cc. Aus der Brüsseler Hs. 2324-2340, foi. 263 b. Ind ecclas naemh nemda. (p. 44) König Fedlimid und der junge Priester. Aus 23. N. 10, S. 18, [poem]: A ḟir uird na harāide. (p. 45) Uga Corbmaic meic Cuilendāin. Aus 23. N. 10, S. 17, [poem]: In roghso, a Rī na rūn. (p. 48) Memento mori. Aus Laud 615, S. 138, [poem]: Ēirigh cumm na hīarmērghe. Colum Cillu .cc. Ibid. S. 78: Benaidh bhar cluig ar Conall. Colum Cille .cc. Ibid.: Gabh mo thegasc, a Aodh na n-ech. (p. 49) Colaim Cille .cc. Ibid. S. 79: Tiucfa aimser dubach. (p. 50) ibid. S. 82: Gebē benus a dhubhthaig. (p. 51) Colum Cille .cc. Ibid. S. 101: A Dhē dhil! Colum Cille .cc. ibid. S. 77: Trūag lem, a Bāithīn dil bīas. (p. 53) Ibid. S. 103: Rānag i Rachrainn na rīgh.

• 243. "Über eine Handschrift von Laon", in: SPAW 1914, p. 480-481.

On Codex LV of the Stadtbibliothek, sæc. ix, establishing its Irish origin.


• 244. "Ein altirisches Gedicht auf König Bran Find", in: SPAW 1915, pp. 905-908.

From Book of Leinster 327 g-h, with translation. Begins: Bran Find Femin. Dated, San Francisco, den 16. November 1915.

• 245. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP X 338-348.

Aus Laud 615. S. 36. Colum Cille cecinit: Trīar as mesa tic a clī. Colum Cille cecinit. S. 104: Dorala for me menmuin. (p. 340) Mughrón cecinit. S. 105: Colum Cille cend. Alban. S. 37. Pādraic cecinit: Inmain āidhe ilbūadhach. (p. 341) S. 97: A chlēirigh an churraig cain. Colum Cille cecinit. S. 96: Torach, aitreab nemnech naom. (p. 343) Bāithīn mac Cūanach cecinit. S. 19: Cethrar sagart, sūirc in dām. Colum Cille cecinit. S. 130: Longas Inbir Domnann. (p. 344) Colum Cille cecinit. S. 102: An echtrach-sa scīath mo sgol. (p. 345) Colum Cille cecinit. S. 48 [coll. Rawl. B. 502, S. 106 b 39]: Dia ard airleathar. (p. 346) S. 27 [coll. L. Breac 262 b]: Scīath Dē do nim umam. (p. 347) Colum Cille cecinit. S. 116: Dīa na ndūl dom dhīdin.

• 246. "Erläuterungen und Besserungen zu irischen Texten", in: ZCP X 349-357.

1. Zu Stokes' Ausgabe von O'Davorens Glossar. 2. Zu Stokes' Ausgabe von O'Mulconry's Glossar.

• 247. "Über einige Quellenangaben der Togail Trói", in: ZCP X 350-360.

• 248. "Das Wörterbuch der Kgl. irischen Akademie", in: ZCP X 36 1-83.

A critical notice of Fasc. 1. D—degóir. Ed. by Carl J. S. Marstrander.

• 249. "Miscellen", in: ZCP X 398-402.

1. Quantitierender Gleichklang in den dritten Strophenzelie irischer Gedichte. 2. Tätowierung bei den Iren. 3. Die Leibeslänge Christi. Rawl. B. 512, fol. 52 b 2, with translation.

• 250. "Nachtrag zu Ochtfoclach Coluim Cille", in: ZCP X 444.

Corrigendum to ZCP X 39.

• 251. "Register zu Band VI-X", in: ZCP X 456-471.

• 252. "Register zu den Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften von K. Meyer in Band III-X", in: ZCP X 472-474.


• 253. "Orthanach ūa Cōillāma cecinit", in: ZCP XI 107-113.

From Book of Leinster 51 a with German translation: 'Masu de chlaind Echdach aird.'

• 254. "Maeldūins Meerfahrt, ein altirisches Gedicht", in: ZCP XI 148-165.

A critical restoration of the text 'Imram Churaig Māile Dūin': Ardrī ūasal inna n-uile, ed. from Yellow Book of Lecan, col. 370-99 (Facs. p. 1-15), and Harleian 5280, fol. 1 in 'Anecdota from Irish MSS.', I, 1907. Originally delivered as a Royal Irish Academy Todd Lecture in 1910, and here reprinted from the unpublished proofs, the Notes translated into German. It was intended to add a Glossary. See 1911.

• 255. "Ein altirischer Heilsegen", in: SPAW 1916, p. 420-422.

Text, with restoration and translation from Leabhar Breac, p. 99. Begins: 'Treḟuili trebēoil: a neim hi naithir.'


• 256. "Über die Anordnung des Ogamalphabets", in: SPAW 1917, pp. 376-378.

• 257. "Ein altirisches Bittgedicht an die Jungfrau Maria", in: SPAW 1917, pp. 442-444; Corrigenda 1918, p. 374.

From Laud 615. Ascribed to Colum Cille. Re-edited from ZCP VI 257, with translation. Begins: Fort ḟóisain, a Muire.

• 258. "Zur keltischen Wortkunde, VII.", in: SPAW 1917, p. 624-653.

131. Ir. Adomnān n. pr. m. 182. Altir. ossad m. 'Aussetzen.' 133. *Oirc 'die Orkaden.' 134. ēitim m. 'unvorhergesehene Gefahr.' 135. Altir. soirb, doirb. 136. Mittelkymr. mackwyf, altir. maccōim. 137. Altir. ælscud m. 'innere Glut.' 138. Altir. medam m. 'Richter.' 139. Altir. lūadam m. 'Fahrer.' 140. Altir. Lī ban n. pr. f. 141. Altir. cāirchaire m. 'Schafhirte.' 142. Mittelir. madrogair 'Alraune.' 143. Altir. dam-rai 'Hirschfeld,' 144. Fernassimilation im Irischen. 145. Altir. ētched, ētged. 146. Altir. Bō-guine n. pr. m. 147. Ir. facht. 148. Mittelir. scacaim 'ich seihe.' 149. Altir. Dīmma n. pr. m. 150. Fremdnamen im Irischen. 151. Ir. astarceist 'exorcista.' 152. Altir. ar-āilim 'auferlegen.' 153. Kymr. giff gaff. 154. Besserungen und Erläuterungen zu Saltair na Rann.

• 259. Miscellanea Hibernica. By Kuno Meyer. University of Illinois, 1917. pp. 55. 8vo. (University of Illinois Studies in Language and Literature. Vol. II, November, 1916, No 4. Published by the University of Illinois. Under the Auspices of the Graduate School, Urbana, Illinois.) archive.org

I. Sualtaim. II. Fer Diad the Nibelung. III. Notes on Irish Metrics. IV. An Old-Irish poem ascribed to St. Moling. [Edited with translation from Book of Leinster p. 149 a: Rochūala la nech lēgas libru.] V. Ancient Irish poems with sporadic rhyme. [Edited with translation (1) Admuiniur secht n-ingena trethan; (2) A Amorgein ānmoltaig; (3) Āiliu tech midchūarta; (4) Ind rāith i comair in dairḟeda; (5) Dīa Dīa dorrogus re tīas inna gnūis.] VI. Philological Notes. 1. Old-Ir. f. 'earth, ground, place.' 2. Old-Ir. comram m. 'contest.' 3. Old-ir. mōr-ḟairgge f. 'great ocean.' 4. Old-Ir. fīrinne f. 'truth, righteousness' 5. Old-Ir. cūach m. 'a cup.' 6. Old-Ir. su-astir. 7. Old-Ir. ēl-ap 'divine ruler.' 8. Old-Ir. rīg-dūn 'royal fort.' 9. Old-Ir. cet 'it is permitted, permission.' 10. Old-Irish nouns in *ntī 11. Old-Ir. fonnam m. 'palpitation' 12. Old-Ir. rodbo 'or.' 13. Ir. mac samla, macsamail 'one's like, fellow.' 14. A genitive construction in Irish poetry. 15. Old-Ir. legam m. 'moth.' 16. Old-Ir. lētiu f. 'act of daring.' 17. Old-Ir. bordgal 'a famous resort.' 18. Old-Ir. anamthach n. 'soul-flight.' 19. Impersonal constructions in Irish. 20. Old-Ir. nau, nō 'nine times.' 21. Middle-Ir. franc-amus 'a Gaulish mercenary.' VII. Notes on Irish texts. 1. K. Meyer, Über die älteste irische Dichtung (Berlin, 1913). 2. Stokes' edition of Félire Oengusso (Henry Bradshaw Society). 3. Saltair na Rann, ll. 8389 ff. 4. Lucius Gwynn's edition of O'Hartagan's poem on Brugh na Bóinne (Ériu VII 219 ff.). 5. E. J. Gwynn's edition of 'An Irish Penitential' (Ériu VIII 121 ff.). 6. Miscellaneous texts [various quatrains from Ir. Texte III. and elsewhere]. VIII. Notes on Thurneysen's 'Handbuch des Alt-irischen.' Index of Words and Names.


• 260. "An Crīnōg. Ein altirisches Gedicht an eine Syneisakte". Mit Übersetzung herausgegeben von Kuno Meyer. SPAW 1918, pp. 362-374.

From Franciscan Convent Dublin MS. A (9) and H. 4. 22, p. 185 a. Re-edited from ZCP VI 266, with translation. Begins: A Chrīniōc, cubaid do cheōl. English translation in Selections from Ancient Irish Poetry, London, 1911, p. 37-38.

Anhang. Danklied eines Schwerkranken. Begins: Atlochar duit, a mo Rī, with translation. From Franciscan MS. A. (9), restored text, re-edited from ZCP VI 268, with translation.

• 261. "Zur Metrik von Saltair na Rann", in: SPAW 1918, pp. 874-887.

• 262. "Zur keltischen Wortkunde, VIII.", in: SPAW 1918, pp. 618-633.

155. Altir. Dīarmait, Dermait n. pr. m. 156. Altir. glēse 'glänzend.' 157. Altir. dēbol, dīabul 'doppelt', trebul 'dreifach.' 158. Der Name Ulaid. 159. Ir. maoilaide. 160. Altir. Tīr Īath. 161. Altir. aicce 'Pflegevaterschaft' 162. Altir. suilgind 'wohlbelesen.' 163. Zu Cormac § 523. 164. Ir. patta. 165. Mittelir. atass 'man ist.' 166. Altir. co nōmad nāu (nō). 167. Alter Konjunktiv zu ir. ser-n-. 168. Altir. ad-guidim 'ich erbitte.' 169. Altir. ess-āin f. 'Austreiben.' 170. Altir. escraimm n. 'Ausrüstung.' 171. Altir. blār 'grau.' 172. Ir. cáil f. 'Qualität.' 173. Ir. derb in Frauennamen. 174. Altir. danaden. 175. Altir. aurrad, deorad. 176. Altir. derōil 'winzig, schwach, armselig.' 177. Ir. sirim, sīrim, sīraim. 178. Ir. tūar, tūare, tūaraim. 179. rolamur, lāmaim. 180. Evernia. 181. Altir. aire n. 'Zaun.' 182. Altir. bath 'Sterben.' 183. Ir. com-ud lu- 'sich erheben.' 184. Ir. for-tuig- 'überdecken, verdecken.' 185. Konjunktivformen zu ir. āg-. 186. Altir. echall. 187. Altir. tōiden (ā) f. 188. Altir. ocbāl (a) f. 189. Nachträge.

• 263. "Nordisch-Irisches", in: SPAW 1918, pp. 1030-1047.

On a paper by C. Marstrander, entitled "Tor i Irland."

• 264. "Das Ende von Baile in Scail aus Rawl. B. 512, fol. 103 b", in: ZCP XII 232-238.

§§ 41-65. See ZCP III (1901) 466. Corrigenda ZCP XIII 150.

• 265. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP XII 290-297.

Senadh Saighri. Aus D. IV 2 (R. I. A), fol. 51 a. Text und Übersetzung im Gaelic Journ. IV 106 ff., 1889. Kollationiert. (p. 292) Macht keine Räuberhöhle aus den Kirche! ibid. fol. 49 b marg. sup. [Quatrain]: Nocha ceald, acht ainm cidlle. Wirtshausreime. Aus B. IV 2 (R. I. A.) ... 'Mac righ Hua mBairrche dixit': A fir, nā mannoir an cēs. Eogan Mór und Conn. Aus dem Buch von Lecan, fol. 337 a: 'Luid Eogan Mōr iar sin do gabāl rīgi na Muman', etc. (p. 293) Sancta Brigita. ibid. fol. 166 c. Vgl. Lismore Lives, 1689 ff.: 'Gach nī thra nochuinged Brigit forsin Coimdig', etc. (p. 294) Vom Buchstaben. Ibid. fol. 166 a: 'Trāchtad annso arna thairring a leabraib laidianda 7 a proiceapt Presiēn 7 a diamraib brēithrib Donaide.' (p. 295) Aus H. 3. 18, S. 564, [poem]: Nena filed fēghthar linn. Pflichten und Gebühren des ollam: Ibid. [poem]: Is dliged don ollamain. (p. 296) Menschenkind und Gotteskind. ibid. [poem]: Mac duine. Mael Īsu cecinit. Aus H. 1. 11, fol. 140 a: Dia hāne nī longud. [Corrigenda XII 454, XIII 150]. (p. 297) Ibid. [poem]: Mo labradh. [Corr. p. 454]. Heliodorus der Gascogner ... aus Rawl. B. 477 a: 'Ardrigh uasal creadha' ... [opening lines only] [corr. p. 454].

• 266. "Eine Auseinandersetzung", in: ZCP XII 307.

On a criticism of 'Keltische Wortkunde', by C. J. S. Marstrander, RC XXXVI.

• 267. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP XII 358-397.

Schreibernotizen aus Rawl. B. 506. Cināed hūa Artagāin .cc. Buch von Fermoy 38 b: Doluidh Ailill isin caillid. (p. 359) Cenēla airechta. Aus H. 3. 18, S. 57 b. (p. 361) Ein Gedicht in bérla na filed. Aus H. 3. 18, S. 52: Feochair mo luän rem lesmac. (p. 361) Allerlei Rechtssprüche. Aus H. 3. 18, S. 8 b: 'Fir elgnais ogcinaith cen comoirb i cein'; 'Gaeth cach co fonadmaim', etc. (p. 365) Der Schluß von Críth Gablach. H. 3. 18, S. 7 a: 'Mad bé ríg rofessir recht flatha.' (p. 366) Der sündige Leib. Aus H. 3. 18, S. 859, [poem]: Meisde an corp a thúar go trom. (p 367) Von Gregor dem Größen. Aus dem Gelben Buch von Lecan 164 a: 'Proigept Grigoir Rōma.' (p. 374) Ailelb und Glangrēssach. YBL 330 a: 'Āille dōenib delb Gódha.' (p. 375) Fēn dar Crīnach. Fergus macc Rōig. YBL 330 a. (p. 376) Silvius, Stammvater der Britten. YBL 330 b: 'Ainiccis mac Caipein meic Essairg dorinne mac re Ueinir.' (p. 377) Die Nachkommen Ailill Ōlomms. Aus Laud 610, fol. 73 b, kollationiert mit Rawlinson B. 502, S. 147 b and LL 145 b [poem]: Clann Ailella Ōluim uill. (p. 378) Senchan Torpēist cecinit. Aus Laud 610, fol. 73 b, kollationiert mit LL 146 a: Abbair fri sīl nEōgain mōir. (p. 379) Marienlied. Aus 23. N. 27, fol. 23 b: Gabh ar h'ionchaibh mē, a Mhuire. (p. 383) Philip Bocht cecinit. Aus 23. N. 27, fol. 25 a und YBL 372 b: Becc nār dhermadas mo dhūthaigh. (p. 384) Ein Reimspruch. 23. N. 27, fol. 23 a: Ca nī is robhūaine na crē? (p. 385) Gelehrsamkeit schützt nicht vor der Hölle. Aus Additional 30, 512, fol. 34 b und H. 1. 11, fol. 143 a, [poem]: Is saoth lem int aos lēigind. Jeder muß einen Herrn haben. Aus Additional 30, 512, fol. 45 a, [poem]: Tigerna mairg ar nach trēn. Pseudokolumbische Gedichte aus Laud 615. Colum Cille .cc. S. 10: A gilla, glac do leabhar. (p. 386) S. 36: Cluig tolla. (p. 387) An crosradhach Colum Chille. S. 55: Cros Crīst tarsin gnūis-si. S. 67: Forlethan mo chádhus. (p. 389) S. 103: Sechnaidh ifern, a dhāine. (p. 390) Colum Cille cecinit in úair tāinic Cormac hūa Līathāin cuige. S. 107: Cormac húa Líathán, lí nglan. (p. 392) S. 118: A Ēire, is duit is doraidh. S. 88: Marbh anocht mo cholann-sa. (p. 395) S. 120: Do cluin Ísa guth an chluicc. S. 121.: Mairg doní peta dā cholainn. (p. 396) S. 129: Cughaire dochūalammar. Eachtra Ridire na leomhan. Aus H. 2. 6: 'Ridire rathmhar roconáigh.' (p. 397) Die Gräber der Apostel. Aus Laud 610, fol. 38 a, [poem]: Reilgi muintiri meic Dē. See also RC XXX (1909) 393.

• 268. "Altir. imb-ad-ci-. Altir. tinás", in: ZCP XII 414.

• 269. "Mittelir. tic = tuc", in: ZCP XII 426.

• 270. "Mac toimten", in: ZCP XII 431.

• 271. "Miszellen", in: ZCP XII 432-441.

1. Zur Datierung des Gelben Buchs von Lecan. 2. Altir. Gennaith. 3. Drei Menschenalter. 4. Cú Chorb and Echu Find Fúath nAirt. [Poem edited with translation from Rawl. B. 502, p. 83 b and LL 35 b: Fedeilmid athair Echach.] 5. Kymr. tincerdd. 6. Kymr. nolff. 7. Altir. suirse. 8. Delbnae Nódot. 9. Altir. mūi 'mein.' 10. Altir. daithfenn. 11. Zu O'Davorens Glossar. 12. Bisher unbelegte altirische Formen. 13. Altir. to-fāisc-.

• 272. "Erschienene Schriften", in: ZCP XII 444-453.

Revue Celtique XXXVI. Nos. 3-4, 1915-16. (p. 452) K. Meyer, An Crinóg, 1918.

• 273. "Noch ein Kriegskuriosum", in: ZCP XII 453-455.


• 274. "Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften", in: ZCP XIII 3-30.

Fīngin macc Flaind .cc. Aus Egerton 1782, fol. 50 b: A ḟir thall trīallus in scél. (p. 7) Der Tod König Conchobars. Aus Laud 610, fol. 42 b: 'Cet mac Māgach roteilc in cloich.' Colum Cille cecinit. Aus Laud 615, S. 138: Donāl chon cendaid co cert. (p. 8) ibid. S. 55. Colum Cille .c.: Sgīth mo chrob ōn scrībinn. [See Gaelic Journ. VIII 49, 1897.] Ibid. S. 49. 'Roinn deismireachta na hAmhra Coluim Chille': Aod mac Ainmerech na n-all. (p. 9) Tara's Untergang. ibid. S. 128. Colum Cille .cc.: Temair Bregh. (p. 10) Die sieben Bußpsalmen. Ibid. S. 120. Colum Cille .cc.: Secht sailm sunn re haithrighe. Die Abenteuer Cūrōi mac Dāri's. Aus Additional 30, 512 (Brit. Mus.), fol. 55 b, [poem]: Coimētor lip cend an rígh. (p. 13) Cīarān Saigre cecinit. Aus dem Codex Franciscanus des Félire Oingusso: Deich ndoirsi ar būaile mo būair. Die Schöpfung. Aus H. 3. 18, S. 859, [poem]: Ūasal chēadobair in Choimdeadh. (p. 14) Cománus .cc. Aus 23. N. 10, S. 93: Clanda āille Indrechtaigh. (p. 15) Heidnischer Götzendienst und die Sendung der Apostel. Aus 23. N. 10, S. 90, mit B. IV 2, S. 140 kollationiert, [poem]: Idaíl ō rohairgid-som. (p. 17) Der Schluß von Altram Tige Dá Medar. Buch von Fermoy, 191 b, [poem]: Claittir lib fert fīail-Ethne. (p. 18) Liebeseinsamkeit. Aus der Franziskaner Hs. A (9) 1, [poem]: Och is fada atāim amuigh. Bansenchus sunn. Aus B. IV 2, fol. 52 a, [poem]: Cīanōcc inghen Chīocharāin. (p. 19) Bretha airechta. Aus H. 3. 18, S. 19 a: 'Atait dano ruidlesa tuaithe la Fene.' (p. 24) Slán aitiri cairddi. ibid. S. 10 a. (p. 25) Baile Fīndachta rīg Condacht. Aus YBL 191 a, kollationiert mit BB 266 b: 'Codlud rochotail Fīndachta mac Tomaltaich.' (p. 27) Ord prainni 7 prainntighi. Aus 23. N. 10, S. 86, LB 261 b, and YBL 409 a, [poem]: Rīaguil proinntige īan sin.

• 275. "Nachträge zu Pedersens Verbalverzeichnis", in: ZCP XIII 46.

• 276. "Altirisch ind-mid-", in: ZCP XIII 54.

• 277. "Altirisch grácad", in: ZCP XIII 100.

• 278. "Altirisch Erulb n. pr. m.", in: ZCP XIII 108.

• 279. "Altirisch Suathair n. pr. m.", in: ZCP XIII 136.

• 280. "Altirisch Dēloch n. l.", in: ZCP XIII 140.

• 281. "Partholón mac Sera", in: ZCP XIII 141.

• 282. "König Aed Allán als Dichter", in: ZCP XIII 143-144.

Includes [poem]: Samthann fri soillsi sainmann, from LL 305 marg. with translation.

• 283. "Miszellen", in: ZCP XIII 145-147.

1. Ein unbeasichtigtes Jeu d'esprit O'Currys. 2. Altir. Laithlinn. 3. Mittelir. glaedhe. 4. Mittel- und neuir. ailt.

• 284. "Ernst Windisch ", in: ZCP XIII 148-150.

• 285. "Ein mittelirisches Lobgedicht auf die Ui Echach von Ulster." Mit Übersetzung herausgegeben von Kuno Meyer. in: SPAW 1919, p. 89-100.

From Stowe MS. B. IV 2 (R. I. A), fol. 155 b. Begins: Teallach fēile Ūi Echach.

• 286. "Cormacs Glossar nach der Handschrift des Buches der Ui Maine". Herausgegeben von Kuno Meyer. in: SPAW 1919, p. 290-319.

A diplomatic line for line transcript, with omission of the articles Mug eme and Prull.

• 287. "Zur keltischen Wortkunde, IX.", in: SPAW 1919, pp. 374-401.

190. Gall. are- in Ortsnamen. 191. Gall. duros, altir. dor. 192. Altbret. doodl. 193. Altir. Airgīalla. 194. Engl. to let on = gäl. leigean air. 195. Ir. dem- 'binden.' 196. Ir. beth. 197. Altir. soglus. 198. Altir. lethet, mittelir. lethēit. 199. Altir. aithem 'Rächer.' 200. Altir. fidot 'Knittel.' 201. Ir. ar son. 202. Altir. dronei 'turpitudo.' 203. Altir. to-ad-sech-, fo-ad-sech-. 204. Altir. boimm 'Bissen.' 205. Altir. erc 'Himmel.' 206. Altir. coibdil. 207. Mittelir. delta 'eundum.' 208. Altir. ad-canim 'trage vor.' 209. Altir. to-in-gair-, di-in-gair-. 210. Altir. denn (ā) f. 'Farbe.' 211. Altir. uss-bond-, 'weise ab, verweigere.' 212. Altir. eclais dalta. 213. Altir. Fīngein n. pr. m. 214. Altir. forfess, forbas (ā) f. 215. Altir. samit. 216. Kymr. Guriat im Irischen. 217. Altir. at at! 218. Altir. Ernaide n. l. 219. Altir. immarbe n. 220. Altir. Fōmuin (i) n. l. 221. Altir. debrū. 222. Altir. nōinendach 'neunspitzig.' 223. Altir. do-snī-. 224. Altir. echtach (ā) f. 'Kauz.' 225. Frühirisch ess 'hinaus.' 226. Altir. opunn 'plötzlich.' 227. Altir. co fescor. 228. Mittelir. sine = sin. 229. Altir. scele. 230. Altir. esnad. 231. Altir. cano m. 232. Altir. fo-in-oss-melg-. 233. Kymr. Pentyrch n. l. 234. Altir. imb-ro-la-. 235. Nachträge und Berichtigungen.

• 288. "Der irische Totengott und die Toteninsel", in: SPAW 1919, p. 537-546.

• 289. Bruchstücke der älteren Lyrik Irlands. Gesammelt und mit Übersetzung herausgegeben von Kuno Meyer. Aus den Abhandlungen der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrgang 1919. Phil.-hist. Klasse. Nr. 7. Erster Teil. Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften. In Kommission bei Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin 1919, 4to, 72 pp. CDI

Contains 167 fragments. I. Aus Gedichten auf Personen: A. Loblieder 1–58; B. Spott- und Schmählieder 59–88; C. Totenklagen 89–131. II. Aus Gedichten auf Örtlichkeiten 132–147 a. III. Vermischtes: A. Aus Naturgedichten 148–159; B. Aus Liebesgedichten 160–162; C. Aus Liedern der Freundschaft 163–167.

• 290. "Miscellanea Celtica", Von Kuno Meyer . in: Festschrift für Wilhelm Braune, 1919. p. 1-10.

1. Altirische Flußnamen. [BB 310 b 14.] 2. Nordisches im Irischen. [īarnn 'Eisen', nord. iörd.] 3. König Find von Leinster [mac Māel Morda]. 4. Der Name den schottischen Insel Arran. 5. Wie englische Historiker Geschichte fälschen. 6. Altir. dor m. 'Tor.' 7. Lachtnān ūa Gadra. 8. Yscolan yscolheic. [Ir. Scolān scolach. With extract from poem in LL 204 a 31 ff.] 9. Altir. dorar (ā) f.

This paper appeared after the writer's death; the final proof was corrected by him on 22 Aug. 1919.

• 291. Der Ententebund der Wissenschaft von Kuno Meyer, Professor an der Universität Berlin, Mitglied der preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Verlag von Karl Curtius in Berlin W. [1919.] 12 pp. 8vo.


• 292. "Nachlaß Kuno Meyer", herausgegeben von Julius Pokorny. in: ZCP XIII 166-194.

Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften.

Tochmarc Treblainne. Aus dem Buch von Fermoy, S. 67 a, [cp. 296.] (p.175) David und Goliath. Aus dem Gelben Buch von Lecan, S. 121 a: 'Dauīd mac hĪsse, rī is ferr tarraid talam intī Dauīd.' (p. 177) David und Absalon. Ibid. 121 b: 'Dā mac amra la Dauīd .i. Solam 7 Abisilōn.' (p. 178) Absalons Tod. ibid. 122 a: 'Dober Abisilōn idna catha dia athair.' (p. 179) David und Salomon. ibid. 123 a: 'Nabīd Dauīd fut ind shamlāi oc breith na hēnbrethi.' Sdair na Lumbardach ann so. Aus dem Buch von Lismore, fol. 70 a.

Zur keltischen Wortkunde, X. Fortgesetzt aus den Sitzungs-Berichte der preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften 1919, S. 401.

(p. 184) 235. Voces nihili. 236. Ir. Osbern n. pr. m. 237. Altir. cuindbech 'leer.' 238. Altir. comalt. 239. Altir. déinmech. 240. Ir. la-. 241. Altir. acen. 242. Ir. dam 'Ochse, Hirsch.' 243. Ir. t < thd. 244. Mittelir. ding dang. 215. Gälische Namen bei Wynton (14. Jh.). 246. Ir. sceanach. 247. Ir. rop. 248. Altir. es-ro-so-. 249. Ir. gast. 250. Altir. Beollān n. pr. m. 251. Altir. tortha.

Erläuterungen und Besserungen zu irischen Texten. (RC XIII 5 ff.)

(p. 191) 4. Finn und die Gespenster.


• 293. "Nachlaß Kuno Meyer", herausgegeben von Julius Pokorny, in: ZCP XIII 370-382.

Erläuterungen and Besserungen zu irischen Texten.

4. Zu Stokes' Ausgabe von O'Davorens Glossar. (Vgl. Band X, S. 349 ff.) 5. Zu einzelnen Texten.

Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften.

(p. 371) Der Anfang von Baile in Scáil (nach Rawl. B. 512 [with readings of Harleian 5280]).


• 294. "Nachlaß Kuno Meyer", herausgegeben von Julius Pokorny, in: ZCP XIV 43.

Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften.

Dindshenchas von Druim Fīngin. Aus LL 198 b 2: Unde Druim Fīngin [poem]: Rop hé seo Druim nElgga n-oll.

Periodical publications edited by Kuno Meyer

Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, herausgegeben von Kuno Meyer und L. Chr. Stern. I[—XIII/1]. 8vo. Halle a. S., Max Niemeyer, 1896—1919.

From Vol. VIII—XIII/1 ed. by Kuno Meyer.

vol. I, 1897 (archive.org)

vol. II, 1899 (archive.org)

vol. III, 1901 (archive.org)

vol. IV, 1903 (archive.org)

vol. V, 1905 (archive.org)

vol. VI, 1908 (archive.org)

vol. VII, 1910 (archive.org)

vol. VIII, 1912 (archive.org)

vol. IX, 1913 (archive.org)

vol. X, 1915 (archive.org)

vol. XI—XII, 1921—1923 (archive.org)

vol. XIII—XIV, 1916—1918 (archive.org)

Archiv für celtische Lexikographie, herausgegeben von Whitley Stokes und Kuno Meyer. I—III. 8vo. Halle a. S., Max Niemeyer, 1898—1907.

vol. I (archive.org)

vol. II—III (archive.org)

Ériu: The Journal of the School of Irish Learning. Edited by Kuno Meyer and John Strachan. I[—VII]. 8vo. Dublin, 1904—1914.

Vol. IV ed. by Kuno Meyer and Osborn Bergin; V—VI ed. by Kuno Meyer and Carl Marstrander; VII ed. by Kuno Meyer and H. I. Best.

Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Edited by O. J. Bergin, R. I. Best, Kuno Meyer, J. G. O'Keeffe. Halle a. S., Max Niemeyer; Dublin, Hodges, Figgis & Co., Ltd. [printed Halle a. S.]. sm. 4to. Vol. I—V, 1907—1913.

Texts only, with variant readings.

vol. I—V, 1907—1913 (archive.org)

vol. III. 1910 (archive.org)

vol. III—V, 1910—1913 (archive.org)

Irische Korrespondenz. Herausgegeben von der Deutsch-Irischen Gesellschaft, Berlin. Redaktion: Kuno Meyer. 2. Jahrg. Nr. 7—8. Aug.-Sept. 1919.

Bibliography    Index    Index of words    Initial lines of poems


(M = Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften)

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Apgitir Crábaid of Colmán maccu Béognae, 1901 M
Absalon (Abisilōn), 1920 M
Adamnán, Anecdote of, 1905 M
   — Law of, An Old-Irish treatise, 1905, Corr., 1906
   — Saying of, 1906
   — poem by, 1906
Aed Allán, King, poem by, 1919
Aed Dub mac Colmáin, 1913
Aed Oll, Eine Verbesserung zu dem Gedichte, 1911
Aed Oirdnide, 1910 M, 1912
Aeds, the three, Death of, 1910
Aedán mac Gabráin, Birth of, 1898
Age, limit of, 1904
Aided Ailella ocus Conaill Chernaig, 1896
Aided Bresail, 1910 M
Aided Cheit maic Mágach, 1906
Aided Cheltchair maic Uthechair, 1906
Aided Conchobuir, 1906, 1919 M
Aided Conrói, 1884
Aided Énḟir Áifi, 1904
Aided Fergusa maic Róith, 1906
Aided Find, 1910
Aided Fothaid Airgdig, 1895
Aided Lóegairi Búadaig, 1906
Aided Maelḟothartaig meic Rónáin, 1892, corr. 1896
Aided Maelodráin maic Dimma Chróin, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Aided Meic Díchóime, 1903
Aided na trí nAed, 1910
Aided Niail Nóigialiaig, 1901, 1907
Aided trí mac nDiarmata, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Aigidecht Aithirni, 1913
Aígidecht Artúir, 1914
Ailelb and Glangréssach, 1918 M
Ailill Aulom, 1910, 1918 M
Ailill, Death of, 1896
Ainiccis mac Caipein, 1918 M
Aislinge Meic Conglinne, 1892
Aithed Emere le Tuir nGlesta, 1884
Alenn, Hill of, 1911
Alexander, Epistle of, to Dindimus, 1887, 1913
Alexander saga, 1884, 1887, 1891, 1913
Altram Tige Dá Medar, 1919 M
Amorgen, poems ascr. to, 1913, 1917
Amra Coluim Chille, 1903, 1919 M
Ancient Gaelic poetry. A lecture, 1906
Anecdota from Irish MSS. (GJ), 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898
Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts, ed. by O. J. Bergin, H. I. Best, Kuno Meyer, J. G. O'Keeffe, Halle, p. 47
Anecdota Oxoniensia:
   — Cáin Adamnáin, 1905
   — Cath Finntrága, 1885
   — Hibernica Minora, 1894
Animals, domestic, 1909
Apostles, graves of, 1909, 1918 M
Apostles, the twelve, 1910 M, 1910
d'Arbois de Jubainville's Catalogue de la littérature épique, Addenda to, 1884
Archiv für celtische Lexikographie, hrsg. Whitley Stokes und Kuno Meyer, p. 47
Arran Island, Scotland, 1919
Arthurian Legend:
   — Eine verschollene Artursage, 1914
   — Bleeding Lance motive, 1912
Athirne, Guesting of, 1913

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Baile Binnbérlach, Story of, 1892, 1894 (Hib. Min.), Corr. 1896
Baile Bricín, 1913
Baile Findachta ríg Condacht, 1919 M
Baile in Scáil, 1901 M, 1918, 1921 M
Bais, bandruad, Courtship of, 1910 M
Baithín and Columcille, story of, 1893
Báithín mac Cúanach, poem 1910 M, 1915 M
Banshenchus, 1919 M
Beare, Old woman of, 1899
Beatha Ceallaigh, 1895
Bécán mac Luigdech, 1911 M
Becc mac Dé, prophecy of, 1913 M
Béarlagar na Saor, 1909
Bede: Irish version of Beda's Historia, 1898
Beltaine, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Bérla na filed, 1905, 1912, 1918 M
Bleeding Lance motive, Old-Irish parallel, 1912
• Book of Húi Maine, Contents of, 1903 M
• Book of Leinster, 1910
Boyne, Battle of, 1913
Boyne, names of, 1910 M
Bran, son of Febal, Voyage of 1895, 1913
Brandub mac Echach, Birth of, 1898
Bran Find, poem on, 1915
Brendan the Voyager, poem on, 1912
Bresal mac Diarmata, Death of, 1910
Bretha airechta, 1919 M
Bríathra Flainn Fína maic Ossu, 1910
Brīathra Floinn Fīona meic Cossa, 1910 M
Bricin, Frenzy of, 1913
Briccíne mac Brígni, poem by, 1914
Brigit, St., poem ascr. to, 1910 M, poem to, 1911
   — Story of, 1918
Brinna Ferchertne, 1899
Brugh na Bóinne, 1917
Bruiden Atha, 1893, corr. 1896
"Brut" = Chronicle, 1892
Brython and Gael, Early relations between, 1897

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Cáemgen, poem ascr. to, 1910
Cáilte, poem ascr. to, 1904
Cáin Adamnáin, 1905
Caincuile, 1910
Cainnech, Hymn to Colum Cille, 1906
   — hymn to, by Colum Cille, 1906
Cano mac Gartnáin, Story of, 1907
Carn Eolairg, 1898
Cath Boinde, 1913
Cath Finntrága, 1885
Cath Slébe Cáin, 1910
Cellach, Saint, Life of, 1895
Celtchar mac Uthechair, Death of, 1906
Celtic languages and literature, Study of, 1885
Celtic philology, Survey of, 1901
Cennach ind Rúanado, 1893
Cennétig, Death of the sons of, 1910
Cerball, Song of the sword of, 1899
Cernodon, king of Ulster, 1910
Cet mac Mágach, 1919
   — Death of, 1906
Charms, 1896 (Anecd.)
   — Ein altirischer Heilsegen, 1916
Christ, age of, 1915
   — birth of, 1904 M
Cíanóg, 1910 M
Cíarán Saigre, poem ascr. to, 1919 M
Ciarnat and Cormac, 1901
Cináed úa hArtacáin, Corrigenda to Lucius Gwynn's ed. of poem on Brugh na Bóinne, ascr. to, 1917
   — poem by, 1918 M
Clann Cerbaill, 1909
Colcu ua Duinechda: Scúap Crábaid, 1901
Colman's farewell to Colman, Latin poem, 1907
Colman Ela, 1897
Colman mac Lúacháin, Life of, 1911
Colmán moccu Béognae: Apgitir Crábaid, 1901 M
Colum Cille, Saint:
   — and Baithín, 1893
   — Colloquy with the Youth at Carn Eolairg, 1898
   — Hymn to, by Cainnech, 1906
   — Hymn to Cainnech, 1906
   — Oracio, 1908 M
   — Poems ascr. to, 1897, 1901, 1905 M, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1908 M, 1910 M, 1911 M, 1913 M, 1914 M, 1915 M, 1917, 1918 M, 1919 M, List of, 1911
   — Poem on, ascr. to Mongán, 1895
   — Prophecy of Adamnán, 1906
   — Rule of, 1899 M
Comad Croiche Críst, 1904
Comad Manchín Léith, 1904
Cománus, poem ascr. to, 1919 M
Comgall of Bangor, 1893, 1910
Communion, the (das Abendmahl), 1908 M
Compert Conchobuir, 1884
Compert Conculaind, see Feis Tige Becḟoltaig
Compert Mongáin,
Comracc Conculaind re Senbecc, 1884 (Anecd.), 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Conall Corc, 1910
Conall Cernach, Cherishing and Death of, 1896
Conall Gulbain, Sons of, 1914 M
Conchobar, Conception of, 1884
   — Death of, 1906, 1919 M
Congal Cinnmagair, 1910 M
Conla, Death of, 1904
Constantine, Emperor, story of, 1900 M
Cophur in dá muccida, 1897 (VB 57-72)
Cormac, poem by, 1912 M
Cormac mac Airt, Instructions of, 1909
   — story of, 1891, 1901
   — Dialogue between Cormac and Fithel, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Cormac mac Cuilennáin, poems by, 1906, 1908 M, 1914 M
   — Glossary of, 1910, 1912, 1919
   — and Emíne Bán, 1910 M
Corpre Cromm mac Feradaig, tales of, 1906
Crechán and Cíanóg, 1910 M
Créde, daughter of Guaire, poem, 1905
Crimthann mac Lugdach, story of, 1907
Crínóc, 1908 M, 1918
Críth Gablach, 1904, 1918 M
Cró and Díbad, treatise on, 1904
Cross, the, 1905 M
   — poems on, 1904, 1910 M
Cú Chorb 1918
Cú Chulaind and Scáthach, 1913
   — and Senbec, 1884, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
   — Conception of, 1905
   — Courtship of Emer, 1900 M
Cuigne mac Emoin, Aibidil or Alphabet of, 1906
Cul Dub, Slaying of, 1893, corr. 1896
Curithir, 1902
Cúrói mac Dári, Death of, 1884
   — poems on, 1899, 1899 M
   — story of, 1919 M
Cuslinn Brigde, 1903

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Dá Choca's poem, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
David (Dauīd), King, stories of, 1907, 1920 M
Dallán mac Móre, poem by, 1908
Daniel húa Liathaide's advice to a woman, poem, 1904
Death-Tales of the Ulster heroes, 1906
Déssi, Expulsion of the, 1901, 1907
'Deutsche Lesestücke', 1888
Diarmait mac Cerrbeóil, Death of the three sons of, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Dindimus, 1913
Dindshenchas, the Rennes, 1911
Donatus (Donaide), 1918
Dondchad Mór, poem by, 1894 (Anecd.)
Donnchad Remur, king of Ossory, 1891, 1918?
Druim Fingin, Dindshenchus of, 1923 M
Druimenaig, Abbot of, 1907
Dúanach, 1910 M
Dub-Lacha's love for Mongán, 1895
Dubthach mac húi Lugair, poem ascr. to, 1902
Dúil Laithne, 1909
Dúnchad húi Bráin, 1899 M

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Echtra Nerai, 1889, 1890
Eachtra Ridire na leomhan, 1918 M
Echu Find Fúath nAirt, 1918
Emain Macha, Dindshenchus of, 1907
   — Heroes of, 1911 M
Emer, The Wooing of, 1888, 1890, 1898?, 1900 M, 1910
   — Elopement of, 1884
Emíne Bán, 1910 M
Énna, Labraid, 1913
'Ententebund der Wissenschaft, Der', 1919
Eochaid, King, story of, 1903
Eoganachts, the, genealogical poems, 1913
Eogan Mór, 1909, 1918
Epistil Alaxandir, 1887
Erard/Irard mac Coisse, poem ascr. to, 1907 M, 1908 M, 1910, 1911 M
Erc, sons of, 1914 M
Erchoitmed ingine Gulidi, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Ériu, Journal of the School of Irish Learning, joint editor Kuno Meyer, p. 47
Ess Rúaid, kings of, 1910 M
   — Irish etyma, 1895
   — Loanwords, 1890, 1891, 1892
   — Zur keltischen Wortkunde, I, II (1912), III, IV (1913), V, VI (1914), VII (1917), VIII (1918), IX (1919), X (1920)
   — Philological notes, 1917 (Misc.Hib.).
Eve's lament, 1907

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Fedlimid, King, 1899 M
   — and the young priest, 1914 M
Feis Tige Becḟoltaig (or Compert Conculaind), 1905 M
Fén dar Crínach, 1918 M
Fercertne, poems ascr. to, 1899, 1914
   — Traigshruth, 1910
Ferchuitred Medba, 1913
Fer Diad the Nibelung, 1917
Fergus mac Conaill, sons of, 1914 M
Fergus mac Róich, Death of, 1906
   — Story of, 1918 M
Festrede zur Feier des 90sten Geburtstags des Deutschen Kaisers, 1887
Fiac, 1910 M
Fianaigecht, 1910
Finan, poem by, 1894 (Anecd.)
Find Fili, poems by, 1913, 1914
Find mac Máel Morda, king of Leinster, 1919
Find mac Umail, 1911
   — and Grainne, tale of, 1897
   — and Oisin, 1910
   — and the man in the tree, 1904
   — and Mongán 1895
   — Death of, 1897, 1910
   — Genealogy of, 1885, 1912 M
   — Two tales about, 1893, corr. 1896
   — Youthful exploits of, 1881, 1882, 1899, 1904
Findachta, king of Connacht, Frenzy of, 1919 M
Findchu, poem by, 1896 (Anecd.)
Fingal Rónáin, 1892
Fingala Clainde Cerbaill, 1909
Fingen mac Flainn, poems by, 1907, 1919 M
Finnen of Moville and Túan mac Cairell, Story of, 1897
Fintan and the Hawk of Achill, 1907
Fintan, Weather prognostication, ascr. to, 1900, 1909?
Fir Arddae, poem on, by Fingen mac Flainn, 1907
Fir Falgae, 1912 M
Fithel: Senbriathra, 1910 M, 1912?
   — and Cormac, Dialogue, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Fland mac Maelmaedóc, poem by, 1910 M
Flann Fína mac Ossu: Bríathra, 1910 M, 1910
Fled Bricrend, episode of Cennach ind Rúianado, 1893
Flußnamen, Altirische, 1919
Forfess Fer Falgae, 1912 M
Forus cána Domnaig, extracts from, 1900
Fothad Airgdech, Death of, 1895
Fothad Canainne, poem ascr. to 1910 M
Four clerical students, Story of, 1894 (Anecd.)
Four old Irish songs of summer and winter, 1903
Fráech, Cattle spoil of, 1902 M
Fursa Cráibtech, prophecy of, 1913 M
   — prayer of, 1906

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Gael and Brython, Early relations between, 1897
Gauls in Ireland, 1910
Gein Branduib maic Echach ocus Aedáin maic Gabrcáin, 1898
   — Laud, 1911
German Language:
   — German Grammar (Parallel Grammar Series), 1887
   — Old-High German syntax, 1886
   — Outlines of a history of the German language, 1886
German Literature:
   — 'Deutsche Lesestücke', 1888
Giant women, 1910
Gilla in Chomded húa Cormaic, poem by, 1910
Glangréssach, 1918 M
   — Sources of some glossaries, 1906
   — Cormac, q. v.
   — O'Davoren, q. v.
   — O'Mulconry q. v.
Glosses, Old-Irish, 1910, 1914 W 98
   — Fulda, 1910
   — MS H. 3. 18, 1906
Goire Conaill Chernaig, 1896
Grainne and Finn, tale of, 1897
Gregorian chant, 1910 M
Gregory, Saint: Proigept Grigoir 1918 M
   — Story of, 1899 M
Guaire of Aidne, Colloquy of, 1901
   — and Colum Cille, 1901
   — and Oennu maccu Laigse, 1905
Gulide's daugther, The excuse of, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Gypsy Language, Irish, 1891, 1909

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Hebrew words, 1910 M
Heliodorus, 1918
Hennessy, W. M., transl. of Aislinge Meic Conglinne, 1892
Hermit's song, the, 1905
'Hibernica Minora', 1894
Historians, English, 1919
Homily, Old Irish, 1902
Horse-stealing (Pferdediebstahl), tale of, 1910 M
Host, the, story of, 1908?
Howth, Hiding of the Hill of, 1890
Husbandman, duties of a, 1905

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Imacallam Coluim Cille ocus ind óclaig i Carn Eolairy, 1898
Imgabáil emeltusa, 1908 M
Immacallam in druad Brain 7 inna banfáitho Febuil, 1913
Immathchor Ailello ocus Airt, 1910
Imram Brain, 1895, 1896 (corr.), 1913
Imram Curaig Máiledúin, 1907, 1911, 1916
Inécen, story of, 1891
Inmael, story of, 1891
Innocents, slaughter of, 1891
Irard mac Coisse → Erard
Ireland, division of, 1909
Irische Bardennamen, 1898
Irische Korrespondenz, p. 47
Irische Verslehren, ed. H. Thurneysen: (IT III). Restorations, 1917 (Misc. Hib.), 1919 (Bruchstücke)
Irish Language:
   — Bisher unbelegte altirische Formen, 1918
   — Genitive construction in Irish poetry, 1917
   — Impersonal construction in Irish, 1917
   — Old-Irish nouns -*ntī, 1917
   — Grammatische Terminologie im Altirischen, 1913 W 90, 100, 126
   — Konjunktivformen zu ir. āg-, 1918, W 185
Irish Literature:
   — Early Irish Literature, 1900
   — Irisch-Gälische Literatur, Die, 1909
   — Sagas and songs of the Gael, 1903
   — Ältesten irischen Gedichte, Die, 1910
   — Ancient Gaelic poetry, 1906
   — Bruchstücke den älteren Lyrik Irlands, 1919
   — Early Irish poems, 1912
   — Selections from ancient Irish poetry, 1911
   — Selections from Early Irish poetry, 1909
   — Über die älteste irische Dichtung, 1913, 1914
   — Wortstellung in der altirischen Dichtung, 1910
Irisch Manuscripts
   — Brussels, 2324-40, 4190-4200: 1893, 6131-33: 1910
   — Cheltenham, 1890
   — Edinburgh, 1884, 1887
   — Laon, 1914
   — Laud 615, 1911
   — Rawlinson B. 502, 1909
   —    — B. 512, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
   — R. I. A. 23. P. 3, 1902
   —    — D. IV 2 (Stowe 992), 1884, 1890
   — See also Book of Leinster, Book of Huí Maine, Yellow Book of Lecan
Irish Metrics:
   — Excursus on Old Irish metrics, 1885 (Cath Finntrága)
   — Irische Bardennamen, 1898
   — On Debide rhyme, 1913
   — Primer of Irish metrics, 1909
   — Quantitative assonance, 1912
   — Quantitierender Gleichklang in den dritten Strophenzeile irischer Gedichte, 1915
   — Poems with sporadic rhyme, 1917
   — Rules of assonance in Irish poetry, 1911
   — Tract on metrics, 1908 M?
   — Zu Metrik von Saltair na Rann, 1918
Irish Penitential, ed. E. J. Gwynn. Corrigenda, 1917
Irish Texts, Miscellaneous: Corrigenda, 1917
   — Erläuterungen und Besserungen, 1920, 1921

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Kailleoracht, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
King and Hermit, 1901
Kriegskuriosum, Noch ein, 1918

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Lachtnán úa Gadra, 1919
Ladcenn mac Bairchedo, poems by, 1913
Laidgnen, Ornait's Lament for, 1901
Laisrén, Vision of, 1899
Laitheóg, poem by, 1910 M
Latin poems, by Kuno Meyer, 1879
Latin verses from a chapel dedicated to St. Patrick at Péronne, 1911
   — Críth Gablach, 1904, 1918 M
   — Cró and Díbad, 1904
   — Maxims, 1918 M
   — On the text of the Ancient Laws of Ireland, 1885
Learning in Ireland, 1913
Leinstermen, March roll of, 1912
   — Contributions to Irish Lexicography: a–almont (1898), Alp–arba (1899), arba–bachall (1900), bachall–borr (1901), brétach–cen (1902), cén co–co (1903), co–commor (1904), commor–cutulsa (1905), Addenda & corrigenda (1906), D–Di-chorp (1906), díchra–dno (1907)
   — Zur keltischen Wortkunde, I, II (1912), III, IV (1913), V, VI (1914), VII (1917), VIII (1918), IX (1919), X (1920)
Líadain and Curithir, 1902
Lóegaire Búadach, Death of, 1906
Lombards, 1920 M
Luccreth mocu Chiara, poem by, 1913
Lugair, poems by, 1914

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Mac Coisi, Story of, 1912 M
Mac Coisse-dobráin, Airbertach, poem by, 1899 M
Mac Coisse, Erard, poems by, 1907 M, 1908 M, 1910, 1911 M
Mac Cosse, of Ross Ailithir, On the geographical poem by, 1884
Mac Conmidhe, Giolla Brighde, poem ascr. to, 1906
Mac Con, 1910
Mac Conglinne, Vision of, 1892
Mac Dá Thó's pig and hound, Story of, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
   — poem on, 1899 M
Mac Díchóime, Death of, 1903
Mac ind Oc, 1910 M
Mac Líag, poems by, 1910 M, 1911 M
Mac Murchadha, Art Buidhe, king of Leinster, 1910 M
Macgnímartha Find, 1881, 1882, 1899, 1903, 1904
Mael Doborchon, 1893
Mael Fothartach son of Rónán, Tragic death of, 1892
Máel Ísu húa Brolcháin, see Úa Brolcháin
Maelodrán mac (or húa) Dimma Chróin, Death of, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Maelosdan, story of, 1891
Mag Slecht, Dinnshenchas of, 1897
Maines, the seven, 1913 M
Manchín (Manchán) Léith, poems by, 1904, 1910 M
Marbad Cuil Duib, 1893, corr. 1896
Marbán, Colloquy of, with Guaire, 1901
Mary, the Virgin, poem to, 1917, 1918 M
Masses for the dead, poem on, 1906
Medb, 1913
Merugud Uilix maicc Leirtis, 1886
Michael, Archangel, Hymn to, 1890
Minotaur, Story of, 1902 M
Mirabilia, Irish, 1894, 1904 M, 1908
Miscellanea Hibernica, 1909, 1917
Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1908, 1910a, 1910b, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1918a, 1918b, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1923,
Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften, Neue, 1903, 1905, 1906,
Mochuta (or Carthach) of Rahen, Rule of, 1895 (Anecd.), 1907
   — poem ascr. to, 1914 M
   — Story of, 1899 M
Moling, St., Anecdotes of, 1893, corr. 1896
   — charm ascr. to, 1900
   — poem ascr. to, 1917
Mongán mac Fíachna, stories of, 1895
   — poems ascr. to, 1895, 1911 M
Monk, estate of a, 1908 M
Mucrama, poems relating to Battle of, ed. John MacNeill, Corrigenda, 1896
Mugrón: Invocation of the Trinity, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
   — poem ascr. to, 1915 M

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

National characteristics, a poem, 1896
National parallels, a poem, 1896
Néidhi mac Onchon, 1913 M
Nennius: Historia Brittonum, ed. E. Hogan, Corrigenda to, 1896
Nera, Adventures of, 1889, 1890
Neue Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften, 1903, 1905, 1906
Niall of the Nine Hostages, Death of, 1901, 1904?, 1907
   — Lament for, 1900
Noinden Ulad, 1910 M
Nordisch-Irisches, 1918
Norse loan-words, 1910, 1919
Nutt Alfred, 1895, 1897

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Ocha éges, prophetic poem, ascr. to, 1906
Ó Clérigh, Goffraidh, poems by, 1906
O'Clery, Michael: Beatha Ceallaig, Collation of, 1895
   — MSS, 1895
O'Curry, Eugene, 1900, 1919
O'Davoren's Glossary, 1915, 1918, 1921
O'Donnels, the, Poems on, 1910
O Duib-dá-Boirenn, Muirgius, poem by, 1913
Odyssey, The Irish, 1886
Oengus, Félire of, ed. Stokes, Corr., 1917
Oennu maccu Laigse and King Guaire, 1905
Ogam alphabet, 1917
Ogham dialect, 1909
O'Hartagan, see Cináed úa hArtacáin
Oisin, poems by, 1884
Old woman of Beare, song of, 1899
Ó Lennáin, Máelmuire, poem by, 1906
O Maolchonaire, Tuileagna (Ein irischer Barde in Oxford), 1910
O'Mulconry's Glossary, ed. Stokes. Erläuterungen und Besserungen, 1915
Ord prainni 7 prainntighi, 1919 M
Orguin/Orcuin Néill Nóigíallaig, 1901, 1904?, 1907
Ornait's, Lament for Laidgnen, 1901
Orosius, Alfred's, 1905
Orthanach úa Cóilláma, poems by, 1911, 1916

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Parallel Grammar Series: German Grammar, 1887
Partholón mac Sera, 1919
Partraige, Origin of the, 1910 M
Patrick, Saint, Blessing of, 1912 M
   — and his tooth, 1914 M
   — and Fiac, 1910 M
   — poems ascr. to, 1910 M, 1915 M
Pedersen, Holger, Nachträge zu Pedersens Verbalverzeichnis, 1919
Penance (die Reue), twelve kinds of, 1908 M
Peredur ab Efrawc, 1884, 1887
Péronne, Chapel to St. Patrick, 1911
Personal names:
   — Altnordische Personennamen im Irischen, 1914 W
   — Fremdnamen im Irischen, 1917 W
   — Gallische und altbritische Personennamen, 1914 W
   — Gallische Personennamen bei Virgilius Grammaticus, 1912 W 24, 26
   — Gälische Namen bei Wynton (14 Jh.), 1920, W 245
   — Irische mit Con- gebildete Eigennamen, 1910
   — Koseformen irischer Personennamen 1912 W, 1914 W
   — Patronyms im Irischen, 1910
Philipp and Alexander of Macedon, 1887
Phonetic spelling, 1895 (Anecd.)
Physicians of Ireland, 1910 M
Place names:
   — Gall. are- in Ortsnamen, 1919, W 190
   — Gall. duros, altir. dor, 1919, W 191
Poets of Ireland, List of, 1909
   — Irische Bardennamen, 1898
Priest's wife, burial of a, 1910
Priscian (Presiēn), 1918
Problems in early Irish and Welsh literature, 1900
Prognostications, 1900
Proverbs, 1902, 1908 M, 1909, 1910 M, 1910, 1913 M
Psalms, penitential, 1919 M
   — maledictive, 1894 (Hib. Min.)

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Rawlinson B. 502. Facsimile of, 1909; corrigenda 1910
Rawlinson B. 506, 1918 M
Rawlinson B. 512, 1894
Rees: Lives of the Cambro-British Saints, Collation of, 1900
Reicne Fothaid Canainne, 1910
Reviews (Erschienene Schriften):
   — Anwyl, Sir Edward: A Welsh grammar, Pt. 1, 1898
   — Arbois de Jubainville, H. d': Études sur le droit celtique, 1896
   — Baring-Gould, S., and John Fisher: Lives of the British saints, 1909, 1910
   — Bórama, The, ed. T. O' N. Russell, 1902
   — Craigie, W. A.: The Gaels in Iceland, 1898
   — Davies, J. Glyn: Welsh metrics, I., 1912
   — Edwards, J. M.: Mabinogion, 1898
   — Esposito, Mario: On the earliest Latin life of St. Brigid, 1913
   — Gaidoz, Henri: La réquisition d'amour et le symbolisme de la pomme, 1902
   — Green, Alice Stopford: The Old Irish world, 1913
   — Groome, F. H.: Gypsy Folk-tales, 1899
   — Gwynn, Edward: Poems from the Dindshenchas, 1900
   —    — Metrical Dindshenchas, 1907
   — Henderson, George: Leabhar nan Gleann, 1898
   — Hogan, Edmund, S.J.: Irish Nennius, 1896
   —    — Onomasticon Goedelicum, 1912
   — Hull, Eleanor: The Cuchullin saga, 1899
   — Jones, J. Morris: The life of St. David, 1913
   — Jones, W. Lewis: Caniadau Cymru, 1898
   — Liddall, W. J. N.: Place names of Fife and Kinross, 1897
   — Lindsay, W. M., Early Irish Minuscule Script, 1910
   —    — Early Welsh script, 1913
   — Loth, J.: Contributions à l'étude des romans de la Table Ronde, 1913
   — Macalister, R. A. S.: Studies in Irish epigrapby, Pt. 4., 1898
   —    — Ancient settlement in Barony of Corkaguiney, 1899
   — Macbain, Alexander: Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic language, 1896.
   — Mac Neill, John: Poems relating to the Battle of Mucrama, 1896
   —    — Duanaire Finn, 1910
   —    — An Irish historical tract A. D. 721, 1910
   — Mackinnon, Donald: A descriptive Catalogue of Gaelic MSS., 1913
   — Marstrander, Carl: Tor i Irland, 1918
   — Maynadier, G. H.: The Wife of Bath's tale, 1902
   — Maxwell, Sir Herbert: Scottish Land-names, 1896
   — Mogk, E.: Kelten und Nordgermaneu, 1897
   — Morison, John: Dain Iain Gobha, ed. George Henderson, I., 1898
   — O'Grady, Standish H.: Silva Gadelica 1893, 1894
   — Pokorny, Julius: Der Ursprung der Arthursage, 1910
   —    — Der Gral in Irland, 1913
   — Revue Celtique XXXVI, 1918
   — Robinson, F. N.: Satirists and enchanters in early Irish literature, 1913
   — Royal Irish Academy Dictionary, ed. Carl J. S. Marstrander, 1913 W, 1915
   — Russell, T. O' N.: Teanga thíoramhuil na hÉireanu, 1899
   — Sattler's 'Y Gomerydd', 1886
   — Stokes and Strachan: Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, vol. I., 1902
   — Stokes, Whitley: Supplement to Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, 1910
   — Thurneysen, R.: Handbuch des Altirischen, II, 1910
   —    — Zu irischen Handschriften und Literaturdenkmälern, 1913
   — Watson W. J.: Place-names of Ross and Cromarty, 1904
   — Weston, Jessie L.: The legend of Sir Gawain, 1898
   — Windisch, Ernst: Die altirische Heldensage Táin bó Cúalnge, 1908
   — Yellow Book of Lecan, Facsimile, 1897
   — Zimmer's 'Keltische Beiträge', Corrigenda to, 1889
Riddles, 1892, 1895 (Anecd.)
Ridire na Leomhan, Eachtra, 1918 M
Rónán, Fingal Rónáin, 1892
Royal Prussian Academy, Antrittsrede des Herrn Kuno Meyer, 1912
Rúanaid, Cattle-spoil of, 1910 M
Ruman mac Colmáin: Song of the Sea, 1901

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Sacrifice, human, among the ancient Irish, 1905
Sadb, daughter of Conn Cétchathach, poem ascr. to, 1912 M
Sagas and songs of the Gael, 1903
Saltair na Rann, Metric of, 1918
   — Wortschatz, 1914 W
   — Besserungen uud Erläuterungen, 1917 W
Sampson, John, 1903
Scale (die Tonleiter), mystic interpretation of, 1905 M
Scandlán Mór, poem by, 1899 M
Scáthach and Cúchulaind, 1913
Scél Baili Binnbérlaig, 1892
Scél/Sgél ingnadh for Maelosdan, 1891
Scél/Sgél in Minadúir, 1902
Scél Mongáin, 1895
Scél mucci Maic Dá Thó, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Scél Túain maic Cairill, 1897
Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin, 1907
Scribal notes, Rawl. B. 506, 1918 M
Scribes, Irish, 1905
Scúap Chrábaid of Colcu ua Duinechda, 1901
Sdair na Lumbardach, 1920 M
Seasons, the, quatrains on, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Sechnall, 1910 M
Secret languages of Ireland, 1891, 1909
Senadh Saighri, 1891, 1918
Sencha mac Ailella, 1913 M
Senchán Torpéist, poems ascr. to, 1914, 1918 M
Serc Duibe-Lacha do Mongán, 1895
Setna, prophecy of, 1899 M
Seven orders, the, poem on, 1905
Shelta, 1891, 1909
Ship in the air, tale, 1910
Siaburcharpat Conculaind, 1910
Síd na mBan Finn, 1910
Silvius, 1918
Sins, the deadly (heimlichen Sünden/Todsünden), 1899, 1908 M
Sith Truim, 1910 M
Slán aitiri cairddi, 1919 M
Slíabh Cáin, Battle of, 1910 M
Solomon (Salemón, Solam), stories of, 1893, 1920 M
Song of the sea (Anbthine mór ar muig Lir), 1901
Stern, Ludwig Christian, Obituary of, 1912
Stokes, Whitley, Obituary of, 1911
Stories and Songs from Irish MSS., 1899, 1900?, 1901, 1903
Strachan, John, Obituary of, 1907
   — Verbal system of Saltair na Rann, Corrigendum, 1917
Sualtaim, 1917 (Misc. Hib.)
Suibne Geilt, poem ascr. to, 1905
Sunday, Law of, 1900 M
Swineherds, the two, 1897 (V. of B. p. 57)

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Tadc mac Céin, poem by, 1914 M
Táin Bó Cúalnge, Finding of, 1905
Táin bó Fráich, 1902 M
Táin Bó Rúanaid, 1910 M
Tairired na nDéssi, 1901, 1910
Taissech Cernodon, king of Ulster, 1910 M
Tara, precedence of kings, 1910 M
Táthlum, poem on the, 1905 M
Tatooing, 1915
Tecosca Cormaic, 1909
Teist Choemáin Chlúana, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Thurneysen, R., Handbuch des Alt-Irischen, Notes on, 1917
Tigernach, Annals of, 1912
Tochmarc/Toghmarc Baisi bandruad, 1910 M
Tochmarc Emire, 1888, 1890, 1898?, 1900 M, 1910
Tochmarc Treblainne, 1920 M
Todd Lectures, 1906, 1907, 1909
Togail Trói, Über einige Quellenangaben, 1915
Toghuil, tsītha Truim, 1910 M
Toothache, Charm against, 1896 (Anecd.)
Torna éces, poems ascr. to, 1914
Totengott, Der irische, und die Toteninsel, 1919
Traigshruth Firchertne, 1910
Treblann, Courtship of, 1920 M
Trees of Ireland, Three celebrated, poem, 1904 M
Tregort crand, 1904
Treo daughter of Tadg m. Céin, 1913 M
Triads of Ireland, The, 1906
Trinity, Invocation of, by Mugrón, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Tuan mac Cairill, Story of, 1897, 1899 M
Tucait Baile Mongáin, 1895
Tucait Fhaghbala in fesa do Finn, 1893, corr. 1896
Tucait indarba na nDéssi, 1907

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V /W / X / Y / Z

Úa hArtagáin, Cináed, see Cináed úa hArtagáin
Úa Brolcháin, Máel Ísu, poems by, 1890, 1906, 1908 M, 1918 M
Úa Cellaig, Tadg, 1911 M
Ua Huiginn, Pilip Bocht, poem by, 1918 M
Uath Beinne Etair, 1890
Úi Echach, Lobgedicht auf die, 1919
Ultonians, Debility of the, 1910 M
Ulysses, Wanderings of, 1886
Umall, father of Find, 1911

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Ventry, Battle of, 1885
Verba Scáthaige fri Coin Culaind, 1913
Virtues, twenty-seven, 1909
Vision of Mac Conglinne, The 1892
Vision de Tondale (Tnudgal), La 1907

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Welsh Language:
   — Ein kymrischer Flußname, 1910
Welsh Literature:
   — Early, 1900
   — Peredur ab Efrawc, 1884, 1887
Wilhelm I., German Emperor, Festrede zur, 1887
Windisch, Ernst, Obituary of, 1919
Wollner, Wilhelm, Introduction to Aislinge Meic Conglinne, 1892

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Yellow Book of Lecan. Zur Datierung des Gelben Buchs von Lecan, 1918
   — Facsimile (R. I. A), Notice of, 1918

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Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, see Periodicals
Zimmer, Heinrich: Aus dem Nachlaß H. Z., 1913

Bibliography    Index    Index of words    Initial lines of poems


(M = Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften)

A aingil beir a Michil mórḟertaig, 1885 (Cath Finntrága)?, 1890
A Amorgein ánmoltaig, 1917
Ababón a báidathair, 1905 M
Abair dam-sa re Derbail, 1908 M
Abbair fri síl nEogain móir, 1918 M
A ben, bennacht fort! 1904
A ben, náchamaicille! 1910
A bráthair, ma dia seichi for iris, 1913
A Brénaind, abair rium sin, 1910 M
Ach ach, as tind ar toirrthimm, 1893
Ach a luin is buide duit, 1892
Ach cer thinn a fulachtadh, 1892
Acht co saothraib ar hseircc Dé, 1910, 1914 M
A chléirig an churraig cain, 1915 M
A Choimdhe báidh, 1906
A Choimdiu nomchomét, 1908 M
A Chrinóc, cubaid do cheól, 1908 M, 1918
A Chríst cobra, tair chucum, 1911
A chuirp notchaith fri crábud, 1908 M
A Dhé dhil, 1914 M
A Dé dúlig adateoch, 1897, 1897
Admuiniur secht n-ingena trethan, 1913, 1914, 1917
A écsiu Fáil, fégam sein, 1910 M
Aed Ailig, inmain lim hé, 1907
Áed Bennán bruth rígi ríg, 1913
Aed mac Ainmerech na n-all, 1919 M
A Éire, is duit is doraidh, 1918 M
A Ḟíachnae, ná ráid in gae, 1911 M
A ḟir benas clocc 'na tráth, 1906
A ḟir ḟéil, 1906, 1908
A fir há, 1914 M
A ḟir leagtha an leabráin bhig, 1898 (Anecd.)
A fir, ná mannoir an cés, 1918 M
A ḟir thall tríallus in scél, 1919 M
A fir tógbas na taise, 1914 M
A ḟir uird na haraide, 1914 M
A gilla, glac do leabhar, 1918 M
Aige ágha, ág n-immrinn, 1909
Aiged Ísu 'na croich síar, 1898
Áiliu tech midchúarta, 1917
Áine anma is chuirp co cert, 1908 M
Ainmne fri cech ndaidbre ndaith, 1910, 1913 M
A Ísu, ó rofetor ar sáethu, 1900
Aithne dam deirghedh mo leaptha, 1898 (Anecd.)
Aithne damh homa re haei, 1905
Aitteoch friut a ndechmad, 1911 M
Alithre idan inmain, 1907
Amalgaid, Énda, én ar gart, 1913
A Maruáin, a díthriubaig, 1901, 1901 M
Ammo Choimdhiu néll cid dogén, 1907
A Mór Maigne Moigi Siúil, 1910
Amra gein gignither, 1911 (Betha C.)
Anbthine mór ar muig Lir, 1901
An echtrach-sa scíath mo sgol, 1915 M
Apair rim a Sétna, 1899 M
Ardrí úasal na n-uile, 1907, 1916 •
Ardrigh uasal creadha,
Ar grád Dé, ná dóer th'anmain, 1892
A riboit choitchind chráesaigh, 1892
A Rí richid, réidig dam, 1910
A rí rind! 1896
Arsaidh sin a eoúin Accla, 1907
Atá sunn senchus nách súaill, 1910 M
Atberim frib, lith saine, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Atbér mór do mathib, 1899 M
Atchíu dá choin ac congail, 1899
Atchíu-sa, ar an cuimrechtaig, 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Atdius dáib a n-aicned fír, 1910 M
Athbe dam-sae bés mara, 1899
Atlaigmitt do Ríg na rend, 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Atlochar duit, a mo Rí, 1908 M; 1918

Babilóin roclos hi céin, 1899 M
Báeth buide, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Ba mol Midend midlaige, 1911 (Laud Geneal.)
Bá, muca, eich, caoirigh, gabair, 1909
Baettán Breatan, bél co mbrethaib 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Bec cech tír is gach talam, 1912 M
Bec innocht lúth mo dá lúa, 1904
Becc nár dhermadas mo dhúthaigh, 1918 M
Beannacht, a Bruin, ar Brigit, 1911 M
Benaidh bhar cluig ar Conall, 1914 M
Bendacht ort, a Floinn Aidhne, 1910 M
Bennacht for in n-irnaigthe, 1899 M
Bid diliu sa diliu in biad, 1893
Bid in pecthach suaire sochraid, 1893
Bid maith fri foichill brátha, 1910 M
Bóeth da cach duine ar doman, 1892
Boimm is boim, 1897
Bóraimhe baile na ríogh, 1908
Bran Find Femin, 1915
Búaidh crábuidh, búaidh n-ailithre, 1906

Cainnech mo chomarci, 1906
Caomh-Colum cáidh ciuin, 1895
Ceathrar do bhí ar uaigh an fhír, 1887
Ceileabram, léighim, lubrum, 1911 M
Ceithre fedha, fáth gin gheis, 1910 M
Cenn ard Ádaim, étrocht rád, 1899 M
Cerbail Currig cáem-Life, 1908
Cet mac Māgach roteilc in cloich, 1919
Cétaimmser in bethad bind, 1899 M
Cétna amser bethad bind, 1899 M
Cethrar sagart, súairc in dám, 1915 M
Cethri meic i nAiliuch, 1914 M
Cethri tucaite ara tiaghar do chrois, 1905 M
Cethrur doraega, ní dalb, 1899 M
Céttemain cáin ré, 1903, 1904?
Cia beth i croicnib húaraib, 1910
Cíanócc inghen Chíocharáin, 1919 M
Cíarnat cumhal Chormaic chóir, 1901
Cid becc — méd frighed — do lucht, 1896
Cid glic fri hailchi uara, 651897
Cid ile latsa na háighid, 1910, 1913 M
Cid ima ndelige mo mac grádach frim? 1891
Cid maith áine is irnaigthe, 1910 M
Cid maith meilchai nó rebai, 1892
Cipé bess hi manistir, 1893
Claittir lib fert fíail-Ethne, 1919 M
Clanda áille Indrechtaigh, 1919 M
Clann Ailella Óluim uill, 1918 M
Clocán bind, 1893
Cluig tolla, 1918 M
Cóic adnaicthi, ni mod mend, 1909 (Selections)
Cóica traiged tolaib tlacht, 1914 M
Cóictach, descipul, foglaintid, 1905 M
Coimétor lip cend an rígh, 1919 M
Coinne Mongáin is Coluim cain, 1895 (V. of B.)
Collud ocus sádaili, 1910 M
Colmán Lainde, flatha fine, 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Colmán Lámglan, lór a gile, 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Colum Cille cend Alban, 1915 M
Comaillfithir d'Éirinn, 1906
Conailla medb míchura, 1911 (Laud Gen.)
Congal Cinn maghair maith rí, 1910 M
Cormac húa Liathán, lí nglan, 1918 M
Coróin do chur isi cenn, 1908 M
Corp slemain, 1897
Crábud cen úaill cen shecdai, 1892
Creidim-si Críst israeracht, 1904
Cróib dind abaill a hEmain, 1895 (V. of B.)
Cros Críst tarsin gnúis-si, 1918 M
Cros Dé ocus Colmain Ela, 1897
Cú cen máthair, maith cland, 1913
Cúghaire dochúalammar, 1918 M
Cuilén caitt, 1896 (Anecd.)
Cuma lium cidh toll mo lend, 1914 M
Cumma lem etir, 1910 M
Cumthach labras in lon-sa, 1890
Cumtach na nIudaide n-ard, 1896

Dá mac déc Cheinnéidig cháid, 1910 M
Da mbeith decelt tarainne, 1913
Déde nád carann duine, 1910 M
Deich ndoirsi an búaile mo búair, 1919 M
Deichnebar cuibrind in ríg, 1906
Déna a Ghúaire maith um ní 1901
Dénam lessa do chéili, 1893
Déna mo theagosc, a Thrínóit, 1906
Dénat lucht na foghluma, 1893
Dethbir dam cé ní antais, 1901
Deus meus ... tuc dam do sheirc, 1909 (Selections)
Dín háine ni longud, 1918 M
Dia ard airleathar, 1915 M
Dí Día dorrogus re tías inna gnúis, 1917
Dia comalltis réimm ndligid, 1909 (Selections)
Día lim fri gech sním, 1905
Dia mba trebthach, ba trebor, 1905
Día mór dom imdegail, 1911 M, 1914 M?; 1915?
Día na ndúl dom dhídin, 1915 M
Dia ndernta óeine cech lái, 1914 M
Dia ngaba apgitir Lagen, 1912
Dind Ríg, rúad túaim tenbai, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Dirsan, a Chrísd rochreidius, 1910
Dlegaid ríg a ríarugud, 1893, 1903 M
Dligid íasacht, 1906
Dobér comairle dom charait, 1908 M
Do bhí mise gan beith ann, 1892
Do Chríst atlochar-sa, 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Do cluin Ísa guth an chluicc, 1918 M
Dofed andes a ndáil Fiadbatt, 1911 M
Dofil aimser laithe mbrátha, 1911 M
Do gabsat ó gairmm in chétéoin, 1894 (Anecd.)
Doluid Ailill isin caillid, 1918 M
Domun dían, 1910, 1913 M
Donál chon cendaid co cert, 1919 M
Dorala for mo menmuin, 1915 M
Doss dáile, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Dréen enaig inmhain cách, 1894 (Anecd.)
Dreisfid in bith, bía for lassad, 1913 M
Dún Eogain Bél forsind loch, 1907
Dúngal Raithlind rui a chuirn, 1913
Dursan mar tái, a Dhúin na scíeth, 1907
Dúthracar a maic Dé bí, 1904

Eíneach úaisle ná gach dán, 1913
Einecland na tri secht ngrád, 1913 M
Ēirigh cumm na híarmérghe, 1914 M
Eochair chéille coistecht, 1908 M
Eochu art arachridethar cathrai, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Eochu, Ferngen, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Eoganán eo cautma caem, 1913
Éol dam aided, erctha gním, 1913 M
Éol dam i ndairib dréchta, 1910 M
Episcopus in tEbra, 1910 M
Etir min is mór, 1906

Fada go tuigim mo theach, 1906
Fada la nech mar atú, 1892
Faelgus, Nad-Fraech, febda clann, 1913
Fail a trí (Fuil tréide), 1896 (Anecd.)
Febul fortemen graigech, 1913
Fedeilmid athair Echach, 1918
Fedlimid, Fíachra febhda, 1914 M
Fégaid úaib sair fothúaid, 1894 (Anecd.)
Fé me ese ol atú, 1905
Feochair mo luän rem lesmac, 1907, 1918 M
Fergus, Óengus, Echaig, Nathí, 1914 M
Ferr fer andát fir, 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Fersaighecht an tempuil tall, 1913 M
Fer tri fune, fer trí scó, 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Fil and grian Glindi hAi, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Find, Taulcha, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Fir timna céin bett abus, 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Flaind line nachamlúaidh, 1910 M
Fland mac Onchon, 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Flann gach &aacuet;ir, gach n-arad n-úarteid, 1913 M
For cubhas cáich léghfas léir, 1908
Forlethan mo chádhus, 1918 M
Fort ḟóisam, a Muire, 1908 M; 1917
Fot chriol bronn bécestar, 1913
Fothairt for clannaib Concorb, 1912
Fritha gach da chosmuilius, 1896
Fúarus inber soirchi sunt, 1905
Fuarus-sa luss no iacute;ccfad in slúag-sa, 1892
Fuigeall beandacht brú Muiri, 1906
Fuil trí ní, 1892
Fuitt co bráth! 1908

Gabh ar h'ionchaibh mé, a Mhuire, 1918 M
Gabh mo thegasc, a Aodh na nech, 1914 M
Gébaid a ainm dim anmaim-se, 1906
Gebé benus a dhubhthaig, 1914 M
Guidium mac Feidelmid, 1906

Iarfaigid lib cóecait cest, 1902 M
Ídail ó rohairgid-som, 1919 M
Idpraiacute;m duit, a Athaír, 1909 (Selections)
Imad fesa finnad nech, 1910 M
Im bu mese, im bu mé, 1918
Immaredind-sea márgraige, 1910 (Siabarcharpat)
In ba maiden, in ba fuin, 1892
Ind ecclas naemh nemda, 1914 M
Ind ráith i comair in dairḟedo, 1913, 1916?, 1917 (Misc. Hib.)
Inganta Éirend uili, 1904 M
Inmain áidhe ilbúadach, 1915 M
In matra, 1899 M
Inmuin triar taet and, 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Inn-aidchi geini Críst cain, 1904 M
In rannán dogníat-som, 1909
In roghso, a Rí na rún, 1914 M
In tan nothéigmis don dáil, 1900
In t-én beg ro lég fed, 1894 (Anecd.)
Intlecht i ndreich sech cech raind, 1906
In trí Fothaid, 1911, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
'Sa ráith-sea rucadh Muiri, 1912 M
Is bés do Mac Dé taccu, 1896 (Anecd.), 1910 M
Is dallbach is díthuiccsi, 1892
Is derb lem-sæ, 1910 (Fianaigecht)
Is dliged don ollomain, 1918 M
Is dobrán re miníascach, 1908 M
Is é airdhe na críne, 1908 M
Is é ascnam an flatha, 1907
Is é dérghiudh is córu, 1893
Is é mo shámud re mnái, 1899 M
Is é techta in iresaig, 1892
Is ed dlegar don aos gaoth, 1910 M
Is eacute;ol damsa acht mo chel, 1910
Is fó lim-sa mu laiget, 1910 M
Is hí oenitche notguidim, 1896 (Anecd.)
Is imdha eccla ar mh'anmain, 1906 M
Is maith máin mesrugud, 1910 M
Is mebul dom imrádud, 1906
Is milis glór gacha fir, 1906
Is saoth lem int aos léigind, 1913, 1918 M
Is trúagh in cess i mbíaam, 1913 M
Islam Patricius sanctus sibi vindicat aulam, 1911
It é saigdi goine súain, 1905
It finna ferta ḟir féil, 1893

Laudate Dominum de celis, 1908 M
Leasg amleasg sind gu Áth Clíath, 1911 M
Lepaid úar, 1910 M
Lia láime drúth, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Loch Febail Coluim Cille, 1910 M
Longas Inbir Domnann, 1915 M
Lug scéith, 1914 (A. ir. D.)

Macán Maire ingeine, 1897
Mac atcúala is domain tair, 1910 M
Mac duine, 1918 M
Mac nach lium líthir formsa, 1912 M
Mad bágach, as míbladach, 1910 M
Mad comairle duit do ben, 1910 M
M'aonarán dam isan slíab, 1910 M
M'aenurán im airiclán, 1905
Maircc beris coinnem i tech, 1896 (Anecd.)
Mairc chuindges ní for carait, 1892, 1903 M
Mairc dechras don domun dían, 1910
Mairg dianad bés bithdiultad, 1910 M
Mairg do duine, mairg do neoch, 1906
Mairg doní peta dá cholainn, 1918 M
Mairg duine cáines cléirech, 1906
M'aiti-si fíal Finngaine, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Mál adrúalaid íatha marb, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Mára galgata, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Mara mairb, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Marbh anocht mo cholann-sa, 1918 M
Marb frimm andess, marb antúaid, 1919 (Br. 96)
Marotfia, 1897
Marthain duit a Ioraird ḟéil, 1911 M
Masu de chlaind Echdach aird, 1916
Máthair etha aig, 1900, 1909
Máthair ime gaeth áithe, 1900
Mé Eba ben &Aaacute;dhaimh uill, 1907
Meisde an corp a thúar go trom, 1918 M
Mellach lem bith i n-ucht ailiuin, 1905 M
Mithig dam-sa tairerad, 1907
Mochen a chlaidib Cherbaill! 1899, 1900?
Mochen, mochen a Brénaind! 1912
Mochin gustánig an tech, 1911 (Betha Coilmáin)
Mo ḟlaith do Chonall Chét celg, 1911 (Laud Gen.)
Móin óin, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Mo labradh, 1918 M
Mór in bét! 1898
Mór ndrúiss, mór mbáis, mór mbaile, 1906
Mo théona ucsi forsin Ríg, 1910 M, 1911
Muc Maic Dáthó, lactmúad torc, 1899 M
Muinnter Donnchaidh móir meic Cheallaigh, 1891, 1918 M 291

Ná bágaid a hecna úag, 1892
Ná sír fis do tsáegail shúaill, 1910 M
Nech atcobra dul for nemh, 1910 M
Nena filed fegthar linn, 1918 M
Nia Corbb, Corbmacc. Cairpre, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Ní ba dúnad cen rígu, 1894 (Anecd.)
Ní bia a chlaind la nech in-nirt, 1892
Ní bu cráeb crinḟedo, 1913
Ní celt céis, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Nida dír dermait, 1913 (A. ir. D.)
Ní dlig cúairt nó cennaigecht, 1902 M
Ní dlig feronn gan treoir, 1898
Ní mair glún don genelach, 1892
Ní maith gorta, ní maith sáith, 1910 M
Nímgeib format fri fer find, 1908 M
Nocha ceald, acht ainm cidlle, 1918 M
Noiti gaicles, 1913 M
Núadu Necht, 1913

Och is fada atáim amuigh, 1919 M
Ocht n-airich go ngolaige, 1908 M
Óengus crobderg, cathach rí, 1913
Onchú tócaib do chend, 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Ordu Thomais togaide, 1896 (Anecd.)

Pátraicc Macha mártai Gáidil, 1907
Pecthach ar síl 'nar slúagaib, 1906
Petor co treib Iuda áin, 1910 M

Quid Vermendensis memorem tot milia plebis, 1911

Ránag i Rachrainn na rígh, 1914 M
Reilgi muintiri meic Dé, 1909, 1918 M
Ríaguil proinntige iar sin, 1919 M
Robad mellach, a mic mo Dé, 1910 M
Robudh mian dom anmain-si, 1894 (Anecd.)
Rop hé seo Druim nElgga n-oll, 1923 M
Rop soraid in sét-sa, 1906, 1911
Rochúala crecha is tír thair, 1899 M
Rochúala la nech légas libru, 1917
Rogab Día deiliugad, 1910 M
Ro loiscit na lama-sa, 1884
Rombe lathe rordu rind, 1911 (Laud Gen.)

Samhoin so sodham go Tadg, 1911 M
Samthann fri soillsi sainmann, 1919
Scél lem dúib, 1903
Scian scothas, 1894 (Anecd.)
Scíath Dé do nim úmam, 1915 M
Scíath rígh Gaela, glantar hí! 1911 M
Scíth mo chrob ón scríbinn, 1897, 1919 M
Searc tugc ben ríg Taillten trell, 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Secht n-aiffrinn écnairce áin, 1906
Sechnaidh ifern, a dháine, 1918 M
Secht sailm sunn re haithrighe, 1919 M
Sele Colmáin meic Lúacháin, 1911 (Betha Colmáin)
Simón, Madian is Matha, 1910 M
Slán seiss, a Brigit co mbúaid, 1911
Sliocht sceo mo risi fa rún, 1905
Sreth a salmaib suad slan, 1894 (Hib. Min.)

Taibret duit a coibsena, 1895 (Anecd.)
Taitnid cach n-aidche fo nim, 1910
Tallad a ullcha de astigh óil, 1894 (Anecd.)
Tánic sam slán sóer, 1903
Tarfas dam-sn dul for sét, 1908
Táthlum tromm thenn tide tenn, 1905 M
Teallach féile Úi Echach, 1919
Tech óiged la comairgi, 1910 M
Temair Bregh, 1919 M
Temair, saer in sossadh, 1910 M
Tigerna mairg ar nach trén, 1918 M
Tiucfa aimser dubach, 1914 M
Tnudgal (Tondale) 1907
Tolcc do tolccaib símenn, 1913 M
Tomus tighe mec ind Ócc, 1910 M
Tondale (Tnudgal) 1907
Tonfeid, a Christ, conic muir, 1894 (Hib. Min.)
Torach, aitreab nemnech naom, 1915
Torromat do nóib-aingil, 1909 (Sel. Early Ir. Poetry)
Tréide as dile lem ro-fagbus, 1906
Tríar as mesa tic a clí, 1915 M
Trí cémenn cindti do chách, 1906
Trí croind Éirenn oiregda, 1904 M
Trí fotáin nach sechainter, 1909 (Sel. Early Ir. Poetry)
Trí maicc Rúaid, 1914 (A. ir. D.)
Trúag lem, a Báithín dil bías, 1914 M
Túan mac Cairill roclos, 1899 M
Tucc dam, a Dé móir, 1906, 1911

Úasal chéadobair in Choimdeadh, 1919 M
Úasalepscop Éirenn Aodh, 1907
Uch, a Dé! 1906
Uch a lám! 1898a, 1898b

Bibliography    Index    Index of words    Initial lines of poems


(W = Zur keltischen Wortkunde I–IX)

abairt, 1914, W 107
abān, 1914, W 107
accal, 1913, W 61
accrad, 1912, W 22
accrīch, 1913, W 60
acen, 1920, W 241
achmuire, 1914, W 100
achmusān, 1914, W 100, 1914, W 130
achuinge, 1912, W 36
adaig, 1912, W 12
adargopwe (Kymr.), 1914, W 80
ad-canim, 1949, W 208
ad-guidim, 1918, W 168
Adomnān, 1917, W 131
Āeducān, 1914, W 130
āg-, 1918, W 185
Aemerius (Gall.), 1912, W 26
Aerthirn (Kymr.), 1913, W 44
Affinus (Gall.), 1914, W 92
Agaldemathach, 1914, W 98, 1914, W 130
aicce, 1918, W 161
aicned, 1912, W 27
aidircleōc, 1912, W 12, 1912, W 28
ailemnach, 1912, W 29
ailernnōir, 1912, W 29
ailt, 1912, W 2
ailt, 1919
ailtiu, 1912, W 29
aire, 1914, W 129, 1918, W 181
airgalach, 1914, W 84
Airgīalia, 1919, W 193
airne, 1914, W 127
airsclaige, 1914, W 99
o ais, 1905
aiste, 1913, W 53
aithben, 1912, W 3
aithem, 1919, W 199
al = tar and for, 1905
alchur, 1914, W 129
Alfinus (Gall.), 1914, W 91
all, 1913, W 50, 1914, W 130
Alpe, 1913, W 67, 1914, W 130
altrom, 1912, W 29
amān, 1914, W 129
ambracht, 1912, W 35
ampoill, 1912, W 4
-ān, -āne, 1912, W 33
Anachis, 1914, W 90
anamain, 1912, W 29
anamthach, 1917 (Misc. Hib.)
ancr (Kymr.), 1914, W 80
ancre (Engl.), 1914, W 80
Andrianus (Gall.), 1912, W 24
anfēta, 1912, W 5
annlacad, 1914, W 100
anstrō, 1914, W 99
ar-āilim, 1917, W 152
Arca (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Ard Echde, 1914, W 41
arcridiur, 1913, W 43
arfolnur, 1914, W 93
armgaisced, 1912, W 1
art, 1913, W 43
Artbe, 1912, W 23
Arthur (Kymr.), 1912, W 40
Artūir, Artur, 1912, W 40, 1914, W 130
asimgaib, 1914, W 94
Asporius (Gall.), 1912, W 24
aspul, 1914, W 100, 1914, W 130
Assianus (Gall.), 1912, W 26
astarceist, 1917, W 151
asuchān, 1914, W 130
atass, 1918, W 165
at at! 1919, W 217
athben, 1912, W 3
athchned, 1912, W 37
Athensis (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Athfōtla, 1913, W 42
Athirne, 1913, W 69
attercobwebbe (Engl.), 1914, W 80
Auisle (Altnord.), 1914, W 122
aurrad, deorad, 1918, W 175
Babrinius (Gall.), 1919, W 204
bāing, 1913, W 68
Banba, 1913, W 42
bargain (Engl.), 1914, W 80
Barra, Barri, 1912, W 33
bath, 1918, W 182
Bauber, 1914, W 104
-be, 1912, W 23
bēarlagar, 1909, 1914, W 100
becht, 1914, W 129
bennacān, 1912, W 33
Bennchor, 1913, W 66, 1914, W 130
Benn Echlabra, 1914, W 83
Beollān, 1920, W 250
Berechtwine (Ags.), 1913
Bernuc, 1912, W 33, 1914, W 91
besān, 1912, W 12
bētgnad, 1912, W 7
beth, 1919, W 196
Bethbe, 1912, W 23
bethir, 1913, W 42
Betuvios (Gall.), 1912, W 23
Biblu, 1912, W 33
Bicliu, 1912, W 33
Bientius (Gall.), 1912, W 24
-bios, -bion (Gall.), 1912, W 23
birit, 1912, W 30
blār, 1918, W 171
blūire, 1914, W 130
bodbamlacht, 1914, W 116
Bō-guine, 1917, W 146
boladmar, 1914, W 129
boimm, 1919, W 204
bordgal, 1917 (Misc. Hib.)
bratgaisced, 1912, W 1
Bregand, 1912, W 26
Bregandus (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Brēndēn, 1912, W 33
Brian Borumha, 1908
Bricriu, 1912, W 33
brigaim, 1912, W 35
Brigi, 1912, W 33
Brigit, 1912, W 30
bruigred, 1914, W 111
brūille, 1914, W 130
bruinnim, 1913, W 52
bruthen, 1912, W 30
bruthenda, 1912, W 30
buile, 1914, W 121
Bunni, 1912, W 33
'bus (Engl.), 1914, W 102
cadair (Kymr.), 1913, W 44
cadla, 1913, W 63
caethnod (Kymr.), 1914, W 130
Cāichthangen, 1912, W 19, 1912, W 33
Cāichtuthbil, 1912, W 33
cáil, 1918, W 172
cain (Kymr.), 1913, W 44
cāirchaire, 1917, W 141
cāirthenn, 1912, W 19
Caitill Find, 1914, W 78
Calpornus (Gall.), 1914, W 91
camgorin, 1912, W 1
Camulacus (Gall.), 1914, W 91
canamain, 1912, W 29
Cancen (Gall.), 1914, W 91
cannac, 1913, W 58
cano, 1919, W 231
Carginiensis (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Cataceus (Gall.), 1914, W 91
Cathāir, 1913, W 44
cathgaibim, 1914, W 129
Cathucān, 1914, W 92
Catnea (Gall.), 1914, W 91
Catneus (Gall.), 1914, W 91
Caturus (Gall.), 1914, W 91
celt, 1912, W 16
celtar, 1912, W 16
Celtchar, 1912, W 16
cennanim, 1914, W 130
cennchosach, 1914, W 130
cennchucān, 1912, W 33
Cenn Tīre, 1914, W 41
cerddin (Kymr.), 1912, W 19
cersi (Kymr.), 1914, W 80
cēstach, 1913, W 70
cet, 1914, W 102
cet 'permission', 1917 (Misc. Hib.)
'chum, 1914, W 102
cia, 1914, W 103
cīamail, 1912, W 11
cinnemain, 1912, W 29
cinnim, 1914, W 130
cint', 1914, W 129
Cīrbe, 1912, W 23
clāechlōd, 1914, W 100
Clethi, 1912, W 33
cloice, 1914, W 100
clōichmōd, 1914, W 100
cnaplong, 1913, W 54
cnaturbāre, 1913, W 54
cned, 1912, W 37
cnedaigim, 1912, W 37
Cobormong, 1913, W 57
cocad, 1918, W 159
cocrich, cocrīch, 1913, W 60
cōd, 1914, W 129
coibdil, 1919, W 206
coirēal, 1914, W 100
Coirpre, 1914, W 90
coisreacaim, 1914, W 100
Columbōn, 1914, W 130
comalt, 1920, W 238
comchomairt, 1914, W 99
comram, 1917 (Misc. Hib.)
Comri, 1912, W 33
com-ud-lu-, 1918, W 183
Conān, 1914, W 130
Conand, 1914, W 130
concanaim, 1914, W 129
Concessa (Gall.), 1914, W 91
Condbae, 1912, W 23
Condligān, 1914, W 110
Congenn, 1913, W 72
Conginna (Gall.), 1913, W 72
congrād, 1914, W 105
conimchlōim, 1914, W 100
Conna, 1912, W 33
Conne, 1912, W 33
Connicān, 1912, W 33
Conōe, 1912, W 33
CORIBIRI, 1914, W 90
Corobilion (Gall.), 1913, W 62
corpanim, 1912, W 1
Corrbile, 1913, W 62
Cottutslemon, 1912, W 1
couverlet (Engl.), 1914, W 80
crēdem, 1913, W 71
Crita, 1912, W 33
Crithir, 1912, W 33
Crōnbecān, 1912, W 1
Crothu, 1912, W 33
cruindbecc, 1912, W 1
cruindiuc, 1913, W 58
Cruthen, 1912, W 39
Cuac, 1912, W 33
cúad, 1917 (Misc. Hib.)
cūairtfel, 1913, W 47
cubail, 1914, W 89
Cucuc, 1912, W 33
cuidhbius, 1914, W 100
cuindbech, 1920, W 237
cumand, 1913, W 68
Cumen, 1913, W 75
cummatu, 1914, W 95
cumtach, 1913, W 70
Cunnu, 1912, W 33
cwrlid (Kymr.), 1914, W 80
Cynddylan (Kymr.), 1914, W 110
Dachorm, 1913, W 75
daiger, 1913, W 69
Daigerne, 1913, W 69
daithfenn, 1918
Dalaise, 1912, W 33
dallbodar, 1914, W 130
dam 'Ochse', 1920, W 242
dam-rai, 1917, W 143
danaden, 1918, W 174
Dassōn, 1913, W 75
dēbol, dīabul, 1918, W 157
debrū, 1919, W 221
dechelt, 1912, W 16
degmāin, 1913, W 75
dein, 1914, W 115
dēinmech, 1920, W 239
Delbnae Nódot, 1918
Déloch, 1919
dem-, 1919, W 195
denn, 1919, W 210
deorad, 1918, W 175
derb, 1918, W 173
Derdriu, 1912, W 33
dergnat, 1912, W 17
Dergthenn, 1912, W 19
dermāil, 1912, W 11
dermar, 1912, W 11, 1914, W 130
derōil, 1918, W 176
dethfa, 1914, W 100
diam, 1914, W 88, 1914, W 130
Dīarmait, Dermait, 1918, W 155
dīascach, 1914, W 106
Dīmma, 1912, W 33, 1917, W 149
din, 1914, W 115
ding, dang, 1920, W 244
dīntoirt, 1914, W 129
dīsle, 1914, W 100
'diu, 1914, W 102
Diugurnach, 1913, W 45
Diwrnach (Kymr.), 1913, W 45
doāisiu, 1914, W 126
dobrān, 1912, W 27
Dochatti, 1912, W 33
Dōerōn, 1913, W 75
doindarbetbach, 1914, W 130
dolta, 1919, W 207
Domnuall, 1912, W 34
Don (Gall.), 1912, W 24
doodl (Altbret.), 1919, W 192
dor, 'Ton', 1919
dorar, 1919
dorblus, 1914, W 100
do-snī-, 1919, W 223
drisbard, 1912, W 33
drisiuc, 1912, W 33
Dronbec, 1912, W 1
dronei, 1919, W 202
dú 'earth', 1917
Dubucān, 1912, W 33
dui, 1914, W 129
Duibne, 1913, W 69
dūithe, 1914, W 129
dupall, 1912, W 38
duros (Gall.), dor (altir.), 1919, W 191 •
Dusegu, 1912,
W 33
dvergr (Altnord.), 1912, W 17
ebrwydd (Kymr.), 1914, W 83
Eburnios (Gall.), 1913, W 69
Echainech, 1914, W 83
echall, 1918, W 186
Echcenn, 1914, W 83
echcullach, 1914, W 41
echde, 1914, W 41
Echlabra, 1914, W 83, 1914, W 91
Echmīl, 1914, W 83
echrēid, 1914, W 83
Echrī, 1914, W 83
Echthigern, 1914, W 83
ech sīla, 1914, W 83
echtach, 1919, W 224
eclais dalta, 1919, W 212
ecrae, 1912, W 6
ēitim, 1917, W 134
él-ap, 1917
Elg, 1913, W 42
Elgīn, 1913, W 42
ellach, 1913, W 56
-ēn, -ēne, 1912, W 33
Ēnnacān, 1912, W 33
Eochu, 1912, W 33
Eochucān, 1912, W 33
Ἐπίδιον   Ἄκρον (Gall.), 1914, W 41
epil (Kymr.), 1914, W 83
epit, 1912, W 13, 1912, W 31
erc, 1919, W 205
Éremón, 1912
Erim, 1912
Erling, 1914, W 122
Erlingr (Altnord.), 1914, W 122
Ernaide, 1919, W 218
erslatu, 1914, W 99
Erulb a. pr. m., 1919
esarn, 1912, W 34
escara, 1912, W 6
esclae, 1913, W 46, 1914, W 130
escraimm, 1918, W 170
esgwier (Kymr.), 1914, W 80
esnad, 1919, W 230
esquier (Engl.), 1914, W 80
es-ro-so-, 1920, W 248
ess 'hinaus', 1919, W 225
ess-āin, 1918, W 169
est, 1914, W 82
Etarbae, 1912, W 23
ētched, ētged, 1917, W 145
etraigim, 1913, W 49
etrāin, 1913, W 49
etrānaim, 1913, W 49
Evernia, 1918, W 180
facht, 1913, W 55, 1917, W 147
Fachtna, 1913, W 55
fadāil, 1919, W 220
Fāeliu, 1912, W 33
fāenie, 1913, W 65
fāil, 1912, W 18, 1914, W 129
Fāilbe, 1912, W 18, 1912, W 23, 1914, W 130
Fāilinis, 1913, W 42
fairsind, 1913, W 68
faithircleōg, 1914, W 130
Fāl, 1913, W 42
fālaide, 1914, W 129
Fassica (Gall.), 1912, W 24
fātal, 1914, W 119
feidm, 1914, W 129
Femmi, 1912, W 33
Ferchēte, 1913, W 73
fescor, 1919, W 227
Fīacc, 1912, W 33
Fīachu, 1912, W 33
Fīarbae, 1912, W 23
ficomna, 1914, W 129
fidbae, 1912, W 23
fidot, 1919, W 200
Findbec, 1912, W 1
Findchōel, 1912, W 1
Fīngein, 1919, W 213
Finguine, 1904
Finni, 1912, W 33
Finnicān, 1912, W 33
fīntan, 1912, W 19
Finten, 1912, W 1
fírinne, 1917
Flaithem, 1913, W 59
Flannucān, 1912, W 33
fodesta, 1914, W 100
fōidiam, 1913, W 59
fo-in-oss-melg-, 1919, W 232
Fomoire, 1914, W 86
Fōmuin, 1919, W 220
fonnam, 1917
forfess, forbas, 1919, W 214
for-tuig-, 1918, W 184
franc-amus, 1917
fotlethet, 1914, W 130
Fuibne, 1913, W 69
fuilfeōil, 1912, W 1
Fullōn, 1912, W 33
furāil, 1914, W 100
Gabritius (Gall.), 1912, W 24
gaillsech, 1912, W 33
Galbarius (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Galbuingus (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Galirius (Gall.), 1912, W 24
gallcherd, 1912, W 36
Gallgōidil, 1914, W 78
Gallienus (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Gallunus (Gall.), 1912, W 33
gartglangeltaid, 1914, W 129
gast, 1920, W 249
Gelbē, 1914, W 130
Gelbidius (Gall.), 1912, W 24
gelit, 1914, W 108
genit, 1914, W 109
Gergesus (Gall.), 1912, W 24
gerrgel, 1912, W 1
gīallcherd, 1912, W 36, 1914, W 130
gib-gab, 1914, W 78
gicgoc, 1914, W 78
giff gaff (Kymr.), 1917, W 153
giff-gaff (Engl.), 1914, W 78
gillgugān, 1912, W 33
gillic, 1912, W 33
glaedhe, 1919
glain, 1914, W 115
glēamra, 1914, W 129
Glengus (Gall.), 1912, W 24
glēse, 1918, W 156
glegrach, 1912, W 14
glērath, 1914, W 129
glērdin, 1914, W 115
glicar, 1912, W 14
glicarda, 1913, W 58
gliogaire, 1913, W 58
gliogarsnach, 1914, W 99
gliogram, 1913, W 58
-gnad, 1912, W 7
gnēthech, 1913, W 70
Gormucān, 1912, W 33
grácad, 1919
grafaing, 1913, W 68, 1914, W 130
grafand, 1914, W 83
grātae, 1912, W 20
grefel, 1914, W 83
greimm, 1919, W 229
Gubbi, 1912, W 33
Gurgilius (Gall.), 1912, W 26
Guriat (Kymr.), 1919, W 216 •
gwart (Kymr.), 1914,
W 80
heintnod (Kymr.), 1912, W 7
heraud (Engl.), 1914, W 80
Hernicius (Gall.), 1914, W 91
hestr (Altnord.), 1914, W 82
hobby-horse (Engl.), 1914, W 80
hobihors (Kymr.), 1914, W 80
höll (Altnord.), 1913, W 50
Höðbroddr (Altnord.), 1914, W 122
Hrafn (Altnord.), 1914, W 122
hros (Altnord.), 1914, W 82
hrosvalr (Altnord.), 1914, W 82
hy- (Kymr.), 1912, W 25
hygad (Kymr.), 1914, W 87
ian, 1912, W 34
íarnn 'Eisen', nord. iörd, 1919
Ibuirne, 1913, W 69
-icnī (Gall.), 1912, W 33
Īfit, 1914, W 122
Ihitr (Altnord.), 1914, W 122
illait, 1912, W 22
imb-ro-la-, 1919, W 234
immarbe, 1919, W 219
Inaepius (Gall.), 1914, W 91
-īn, -īne, 1912, W 33, 1914, W 130
inarbratt, 1912, W 1
ind-ad-saig, 1914, W 95, 1914, W 130
ind-mid-, 1919
indsaigid, 1914, W 130
inellgim, 1913, W 56
inloingim, 1913, W 56
intē, 1914, W 112
irdiuid, 1914, W 129
Īrgalach, 1914, W 84
-irne, 1913, W 69
istad, 1914, W 100
itrāsta, 1914, W 100
íuraim 'facio', 1884
Iuvarus (Gall.), 1912, W 26
kersey (Engl.), 1914, W 80
Ketill (Altnord.), 1914, W 78
knappr (Altnord.), 1913, W 54
knapptjald (Altnord.), 1913, W 54
knǫttr (Altnord.), 1913, W 50
la-, 1920, W 240
Lacus Bēnācus, 1909, 1910
Laithbe, 1912, W 23
Laithlinn, 1919
Langport (Engl.), 1914, W 130
Lapidus (Gall.), 1912, W 24
lārgud, 1914, W 129
lassir, 1913, W 69
Lassirne, 1913, W 69
Lassius (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Latobius (Gall.), 1912, W 23, 1912, W 24
legam, 1917
Lerthan, 1912, W 19
lethet, 1919, W 198
létiu, 1917
let on (Engl.) = leigean air (gäl.), W 194
Lī ban, 1917, W 140
līadam, 1917, W 139
lingeamhain, 1914, W 130
liossach, 1913, W 64
Lleyn (Kymr.), 1912, W 39
locaimser, 1914, W 130
lōir, 1914, W 115
longphort, 1913, W 64, 1914, W 130
luchrapān, 1914, W 130
lug, 1912, W 23
Lugba, 1912, W 23
Lugenicus (Gall.), 1912, W 24
lunta, 1912, W 8
maccōim, 1917, W 136
Maceleus (Gall.), 1914, W 91
Macha, 1912
machad, 1912, W 13
Machynlleth (Kymr.), 1912, W 39
mackwyf (Mitt.-Kymr.), 1917, W 136
mac samla, macsamail 1917
Mac toimten, 1918
madrogair, 1917, W 142
Móð (Altnord.), 1914, W 122
māelān, 1912, W 17
Māel Celtair, 1912, W 16
Māel Chinn tīre, 1914, W 41
Māel Dofinnu, 1912, W 33
Māel Sechlainn, 1914, W 100
Māel Sechnaill, 1914, W 129
Magdūn, 1914, W 96, 1914, W 130
Magodunum (Gall.), 1914, W 96, 1914, W 130
MAILAGURO, 1912, W 15
Mallaen (Kymr.), 1912, W 39
Malleōn, 1912, W 33
Malucnus (Gall.), 1912, W 33
Maniu, 1912, W 33
map (Kymr.), 1912, W 33
Martulis (Gall.), 1912, W 24
math, 1913, W 43
Mathafarn (Kymr.), 1912, W 39
Mathgamain, 1914, W 91
Mathgen, 1914, W 91
Mathona (Gall.), 1914, W 91
manuc, 1912, W 33
maoilaide, 1918, W 159
medam, 1917, W 138
Mella, 1912, W 33
Melus (Gall.), 1914, W 91
Menatus (Gall.), 1914, W 91
menmaigim, 1914, W 129
menmarc, 1912, W 20, 1914, W 130
mēnne, 1913, W 48
Mercōn, 1912, W 33
merfal, 1913, W 47
methlad, 1914, W 129
mīschūad, 1914, W 128
Mida, 1912, W 33
Midabair, 1912, W 33
Midseng, 1912, W 33
milide, 1914, W 129
Miliuc, 1912, W 33
minscomart, 1914, W 99
missimbert, 1912, W 9
Mitterius (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Mobī, 1914, W 92
Mobriccu, 1912, W 33
Mochōemi, 1912, W 33
Mochūa, 1914, W 92
Mochūe, 1914, W 130
Mochulli, 1912, W 33
Mochumma, 1912, W 33
Mōd, 1914, W 122
Modīchu, 1912, W 33
Modimmōc, 1912, W 33
Moēca, 1914, W 92
moelrhon (Kymr.), 1914, W 125
Mōethchelt, 1912, W 16
Mogopōc, 1914, W 92
Molaisse, 1912, W 33
Moluōc, 1912, W 33
Mongu, 1912, W 33
Moninni, 1912, W 33
Mordaf (Kymr.), 1912, W 39
mór-ḟairgge, 1917
Mosaimōc, 1914, W 91
Mugain, 1913, W 69
Mugrān, 1913, W 69
múi 'mein,' 1918
Muireōc, 1914, W 130
Munnu, 1912, W 33
murrai (Engl.), 1914, W 80
Muru, 1914, W 92
mwrai (Kymr.), 1914, W 80
-nat, -natān, 1912, W 33
Nāre, 1914, W 130
Nemnuall, 1912, W 34
Nessi, 1912, W 33
nīab, 1912, W 10
nīabaim, 1912, W 10
nīabthach, 1912, W 10
Niniōn, 1912, W 33
Ninus (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Nitria (Gall.), 1914, W 91
-nod (Kymr.), 1912, W 7, 1914, W 130
nōinendach, 1919, W 222
nolff (Kymr.), 1918
nōmad nāu (nō), 1917, 1918, W 166
ocbāl, 1918, W 188
ochrach, 1914, W 129
Ocmus (Gall.), 1914, W 91
odharōg, 1912, W 12
Odissus (Gall.), 1914, W 91
odoroscrach, 1912, W 12
Ōenu, 1912, W 33
œlscud, 1917, W 137
Oiriu, 1912, W 33
Oisle, 1914, W 122
ol ma, 1912, W 33
ōmothā, 1914, W 123
omungnath, 1912, W 7
-ōn, 1912, W 33, 1914, W 130
opunn, 1919, W 226
ōrsnasc, 1914, W 99
osai (Kymr.), 1914, W 81
Osbern, 1920, W 236
ossad, 1917, W 132
Ossius (Gall.), 1912, W 26
ossoc, 1912, W 33
Paternius (Gall.), 1913, W 69
patta, 1918, W 164
Pentyrch (Kymr.), 1919, W 233
Perrichius (Gall.), 1912, W 24
plangc (Kymr.), 1914, W 80
planke (Engl.), 1914, W 80
Plastus (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Porth Llaen (Kymr.), 1912, W 39
Potitus (Gall.), 1914, W 91
Prassius (Gall.), 1912, W 26
Prydain (Kymr.), 1912, W 39
Prydyn (Kymr.), 1912, W 39
racaim, 1914, W 77
rád (Engl.), 1914, W 79
Ragnailt, 1914, W 122
Ragnhildr (Altnord.), 1914, W 122
Raibne, 1914, W 122
rāt, 1914, W 79
reccaire, 1914, W 77
reccan (Engl.), 1914, W 77
reccere (Engl.), 1914, W 77
Rechtabra, 1914, W 85
Regilus (Gall.), 1912, W 24
remáin, eráin, 1912
rergagān, 1912, W 33
rētaire, 1913, W 76
rīched, 1913, W 74
ríg-dún, 1917
Rigas (Gall.), 1912, W 24
rindiuc, 1913, W 58
rith, 1895
Rithea (Gall.), 1912, W 24
rocnat, 1912, W 12
rodbo, 1917
rodias, 1914, W 129
rolamur, lāmaim, 1918, W 179
rop, 1920, W 247
ros, 1914, W 82
roschullach, 1914, W 82
rōstan, 1912, W 19
rosualt, 1914, W 82
rōt, 1914, W 79
Rūadacān, 1912, W 33
rūb, 1914, W 129
Ruibne, 1913, W 69
ruthen, 1912, W 30
Sagillius (Gall.), 1912, W 24
saindil, 1914, W 129
samit, 1919, W 215
Samminius (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Samthann, 1912, W 19
sāmugud, 1914, W 129
Sarbon (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Sarricius (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Saurinus (Gall.), 1912, W 26
scacaim, 1917, W 148
scarlat (Engl.), 1914, W 80
sceanach, 1920, W 246
scele, 1919, W 229
scolán scolach, 1919
Scelling, 1914, W 122
scolōc, 1914, W 118
seadal, 1914, W 100
-sech, 1912, W 33
sechnad, 1914, W 129
secht-, 1914, W 113
Sedulus (Gall.), 1912, W 26
Segetius (Gall.), 1914, W 91
sel, 1913, W 47
Senenus (Gall.), 1912, W 24
Senmāl, 1913, W 47
senmōir, 1914, W 100
Senomaglos (Gall.), 1914, W 97
sens (Kymr.), 1914, W 80
septais, 1914, W 101
ser-n-, 1918, W 167
Setanta, 1914, W 41
Sīadail, 1912, W 26
sicir, 1914, W 100, 1914, W 130
siep (Kymr.), 1914, W 80
sinaip, 1914, W 117
Sinchi, 1912, W 33
sine = sin, 1919, W 228
sirim, sīrim, sīraim, 1918, W 177
sīthech, 1914, W 129
slemongel, 1912, W 1
soglus, 1919, W 197
soirb, doirb, 1917, W 135
Solonitis (Gall.), 1914, W 91
ar son, 1919, W 201
Sortadbud, 1914, W 122
sperhauk (Engl.), 1914, W 79
sperōc, 1914, W 79
sprūille, 1914, W 130
srethad, 1914, W 129
su- (Gall.), 1912, W 25
su-astir, 1917
suapte (Gall.), 1912, W 25
Suathair, 1919
Subthan, 1912, W 19
Sucellos (Gall.), 1914, W 87
Succet, 1914, W 87
SUIBINE, 1914, W 90
Suibne, 1913, W 69, 1914, W 90
suilgind, 1918, W 162
suirse (Altir.), 1918
Sulpita (Gall.), 1912, W 24
svartr (Altnord.), 1914, W 122
t < thd, 1920, W 243
tadāil, 1914, W 129
taimsenann, 1914, W 100
tarthīar, 1912, W 1
tan, 1914, W 129
tarrangaire, 1914, W 90
tāthlassair, 1914, W 129
Tecca, 1912, W 33
Telli, 1912, W 33
ten, 1912, W 19
Tethba, 1912, W 23
'tī, 1914, W 112
tibre, 1895
tic = tuc, 1918
tidlocan, 1914, W 130
tinás, 1918
tincerdd (Kymr.), 1918
Tīr Īath, 1918, W 160
Tiu, 1912, W 33
to-ad-sech-, fo-ad-sech-, 1919, W 203
tochomracht, 1914, W 129
to-faisc- 1918
to-fo-ad-cī, 1914, W 120
tōiden, 1918, W 187
to-in-gair-, di-in-gair-, 1919, W 209
toirt, 1914, W 129
Tolbarb, 1914, W 122
Tolūa, 1914, W 92
Tor Echde, 1914, W 41
tortha, 1920, W 251
trebul, 1918, W 157
tremūr, 1914, W 114
tūar, tūare, tūaraim, 1918, W 178
Tultōc, 1914, W 92
turn (Engl.), 1914, W 80
twrn (Kymr.), 1914, W 80
Ūachtgorta, 1912, W 1
Ūagda, 1914, W 129
Ūamnach, 1914, W 129
Ūaraind, 1913, W 57
uartan, 1912, W 13
Uchmad, 1914, W 122
Ūe, 1914, W 124
*Uirc (Oirc), 1917, W 133
uirge, 1912, W 22
Ulaid, 1918, W 158
-ūn, 1912, W 33
urgartiugud, 1895
Uriu, 1912, W 33
Ursinus (Gall.), 1912, W 26
uss-bond-, 1919, W 211
Venobius (Gall.), 1912, W 23
Vidubia (Gall.), 1912, W 23
Vikingr-Skottar (Altnord.), 1914, W 78
Virocantus (Gall.), 1913, W 73
VLATIAMI, 1913, W 59
ward (Engl.), 1914, W 80
Yscolan yscolheic, 1919
ysgarlad (Kymr.), 1914, W 80

Source: R. I. Best, «Bibliography of the Publications of Kuno Meyer», ZCP 15, 1926, pp. 1—65 (dated: Dublin, 4th May, 1923).

Abbreviations and signs

— Text is accesible online usually at CELT or at archive.org

A. ir. D. — Über die älteste irische Dichtung

ACL — Archiv für celtische Lexikographie

AIM — Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts

CDI — Celtic Digital Initiative UCC (ucc.ie/academic/smg/CDI/index.html)

CELT — CELT project — Corpus of Electronic Texts UCC (celt.ucc.ie/index.html)

Hib. Min. — Hibernica Minora

Misc. Hib. — Miscellanea Hibernica

RC — Revue Celtique

Sel. Early Ir. Poetry — Selections from Early Irish poetry

M — Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften

W — Zur keltischen Wortkunde I—IX

ZCP — Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie

Ags. — Anglosachsisch

Altir. — Altirisch

Altnord. — Altnordisch

Engl. — Englisch

Gall. — Gallisch

Kymr. — Kymrisch

Mitt.-Kymr. — Mittel-Kymrisch

Nord. — Nordisch

Ḟ — Fh

ḟ — fh

About Kuno Meyer

CELT — Corpus of Electronic Texts (UCC): Kuno Meyer

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Kuno Meyer

Britannica Online Encyclopedia: Kuno Meyer (German scholar)

Princess Grace Irish Library (PGIL) — Eirdata (Electronic Irish Records Datase): Kuno Meyer (moved to ricorso)

Joachim Lerchenmueller: Keltischer Sprengstoff. Eine wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Studie über die deutsche Keltologie von 1900 bis 1945, Niemeyer, Tübingen 1997, XVIII + 482 pp.

Seán Ó Lúing: Kuno Meyer 1858—1919, Geography Publications, Dublin 1992, 275 pp.

Hildegard L. C. Tristram: "Einleitung: 150 Jahre deutsche Keltologie," in: Hildegard L. C. Tristram (ed.), Deutsche, Kelten und Iren (Gearóid Mac Eoin zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet), Buske Verlag, Hamburg 1990, pp. 11–53.




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Kuno Meyer

Kuno Meyer



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